Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

who advocates communism? the boogey man?

It's somehow news to you that there are actual, openly-avowed Communists in the United States, and that there are many more who advocate trends and policies that lead in that direction? Did you just fly in from another solar system?

CPUSA Online -
::sigh:: What is the point of starting over if you're just going to keep parroting the same mindless talking points without even attempting to comprehend the answers?

We are not talking about "banning" anything, first of all. Homosexual "marriage" has never BEEN legally recognized in this country, so to say that opponents of the idea are trying to "ban" it is blatantly dishonest mischaracterization and emotional propaganda.

I'm talking about anything in general, not just gay marriage. I've asked before why it should be banned no one has given me a good reason. And you're reason is that the majority wants it that way, and since it doesn't affect them that much I'm really unconvinced.

Third, I have yet to say that my objection to homosexual "marriage" is because I think it is immoral and disgusting. YOU are the only one who keeps saying that, and I have been immensely patient with your incessant and increasingly offensive attempts to jam me into the box of what you have decided all opponents of homosexual "marriage" must be and what they think and to BY GOD stuff those words down my throat because you desperately want to argue against them so that you don't EVER have to actually listen to someone else's viewpoint, let alone think about it or consider the possibility that they MIGHT have a valid reason for disagreeing with you. I am now at the point where reading the words "because you think it's immoral and disgusting" is just flat-out offensive and I will now be taking it as a direct insult.

You've made that clear but I'm talking in general, that we shouldn't ban stuff just because we find them immorral without good reason.

There's no such thing as a tyranny of the majority. Tyranny, by definition, is oppression of the people, and the people cannot oppress themselves.

51% can oppress 49%. That's tyranny of the majority.

You have three choices. You can either let the people choose their laws and their type of society for themselves, in which case most people will be happy and a small number will be disgruntled, or you can let a small group impose their "wisdom" on everyone else, which really IS a tyranny, or you can have absolutely no system or order whatsoever, in which case you will probably end up with a bunch of small tyrannies.

Or you can have our system where every citizen is guaranteed the same rights and those cannot be taken away even if the majority decide otherwise (save extreme circumstances). Hey that's what we got.

But to say, "I didn't get my way, so I'm being oppressed and tyrannized!" is just so much childish whining. If you can't convince people to agree with you, you lose. That's life. Deal with it, and wage a better fight next time.

Tyranny is not simply someone not getting their way, and I've never argued that.

You can, but you would sound stupid, because they DID have the right. Doesn't mean it was a good idea, but that's both the strength and the weakness of a free society: you have the freedom to fail and screw up royally. And you need to learn the difference between "This is a bad idea" and "You don't have the right to do it".

Our country was founded on individual liberty. God given rights and all that. Read up on it sometime.

You have the Bill of Rights for a couple of reasons. First of all, the purpose of the Bill of Rights, despite what people seem to think, is NOT to protect the minority from the majority. It's to protect EVERYONE from a government that is temporarily out of touch with the will of the people. Or to look at it another way, it's to protect all of us from the government BECOMING out of touch with the will of the people. This crazy notion people have that the Bill of Rights sets up a blanket protection for minority groups from EVER having to live with any laws or strictures they don't like is just . . . well, crazy.

Yes it gives everyone the same guarantees, and when the majority propose a law that violates one of them, it gets rules unconstitutional. That's how our damn country works. But let's make it simple.

The majority want to dictate laws to the populace.
In order to do that they need government.
The bill of rights stops government from making those laws.
Thus the bill of rights protects us from even the will of the majority.

I never argued that the bill of rights was "meant to shield minorities from EVER having to live with any laws or strictures they don't like." It never says that. We have more rights than what's there, it never said we had unlimited rights.

Although do you have a source that the founding fathers created the bill of rights and still wanted absolute rule by majority? It seems strange and illogical that they would think that every human has God given rights but would be perfectly OK with 51% taking them away.

So your interpretation is what? That absolutely everything is a right, and no laws can EVER be passed limiting ANY behavior, because everyone has a right to do everything, in which case the Founding Fathers shouldn't even have wasted their time writing the Bill of Rights, since EVERYTHING is a protected, sovereign, inviolable right?

Get a grip and read the Tenth Amendment.

Get a grip and knock off the straw men. Please. The whole concept is that people are born with rights you can't take away.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,"

So in other words they can't be taken away.

One more time. We aren't "banning" anything. THEY wanted to change the status quo, not us. THEY dragged their personal lives out into the public arena and demanded approval and sanction, and when THEY didn't get it, THEY started shouting that it's "none of our business".
Yeah you're keeping an arguably bad status quo and you want things to remain banned, same thing really. The only difference is that it is banned and if wasn't you'd be asking for one.

It affects me because it has become a public issue of what the law will be.

It sounds like you're arguing that every law or every change in the law affects you which isn't the case.

Oh, and by the way, "How does it affect you?" is another way of asking why I hold my position while simultaneously making it clear that you have no interest in really hearing the answer

Oh so I can't ask that question without being pompous and arrogant than. Please tell me how you came up with that conclusion. It seems like a bad excuse to dismiss the question. You think it affects you because you think everything the government does affects you. I find that logic really really weak sorry for assuming there must've been more to it than that.

Wrong. There are definitions by which those things should not be crimes. Those definitions belong to the people who want to commit those acts.
Everyone who does something wrong thinks it should've been legal. Everyone makes excuses. That doesn't mean they have objective reasons as to why it should be legal.

They are a minority, and they are disgruntled that the majority is "tyrannizing" them by not letting them do as they please. You start from the assumption that everyone holds the same moral views you do, and then pretend that they aren't moral views, but simply "objective reality".
As I said, try having an objective debate with NAMBLA on the good, logical reasons that child porn and sex with minors should be crimes, and you'll find out EXACTLY how "objective and widespread" your definition of reality really is.
Yeah they're fringe groups and nuts. They don't use logic and just because certain groups disagree with those laws doesn't mean they have a good reason for doing so.

Also, every single one of those cases, and the more severe ones in other countries, came about because of an attitude in the government of those areas that said that homosexuality is officially the equivalent of heterosexuality and therefore it is proper to use the power of government to impose that attitude onto others.

How the hell is allowing gay marriage forcing you to take any view? Once again you don't have to agree with anything the government does.

Although I get it using the government to impose the attitude of homosexuals are bad is bad but imposing homosexuals are second class citizens is perfectly ok then. Or in the case of prohibition the attitude that drinking was bad. Why is it ok to impose that attitude? Because the majority agrees with that attitude? Sounds a lot like ad populum doesn't it?

It is a situation that will only become worse if and when legalized homosexual "marriage" becomes widespread, precisely because the underlying purpose of the push for it IS to enable activists to use the power of government to bludgeon their opponents.
The slippery slope fallacy
Tell me how on earth does allowing gay marriage mean we must allow gay activists to bludgeon opponents with the government.

Go break it to Abraham Lincoln, pal. "Of the people, by the people, and for the people . . ." Ring any bells?

Lincoln didn't found our country or give us the bill of rights. People who thought we had God given rights did.

Yes, the government DOES serve the people, because that is the reason why we the people invest our power in it. And I see a very good reason why it shouldn't serve homosexual couples in this instance: because it is not proper for the government to serve a small group's special interests over and in opposition to the interests of the majority. Once again, that is the definition of "tyranny". Real tyranny, not the whiny spoiled child kind.

Ah but one could argue that the minority were entitled to those rights and that government never had the right to take those away in the first place.
Which is pretty much the argument in a nutshell.

The only reason flag-burning, while distasteful to many and possibly most people, remains illegal: because the people themselves do not find allowing it as distasteful as they find the idea of making it illegal.
It was overturned by the Supreme Court, citing the first amendment, not by a popular vote.

The government has to allow that because the people want them to. Once again, the people have the power to make that behavior illegal if they decide it is necessary. You confuse "has not criminalized" with "cannot criminalize". The Bill of Rights, and the rest of the US Constitution, are printed on sheepskin, not carved in stone.

Yes and they made it incredibly difficult to change for a reason.

You get the warm, fuzzy feeling of saying, "See what a good person I am, minding my own business and letting people live their lives just as they please", and you don't have to deal with the consequences of your attitudes, because YOU have taken YOUR family and moved away from those consequences. What do you care if it hurts the people who can't make that choice? It doesn't affect YOU, so you don't care.

Once again I'd LOVE to know about your psychic ability where you know about my real intentions. It's more comforting for you to assume I'm a hypocrite, so then you can dismiss me as a liberal nut, right?
I believe just like our founding fathers did that people have god-given rights that no one has the right to take away. Although hell if everyone is given free will so long as they don't harm others and they decide to turn the world upside down, was that not the will of the people? And I still don't see what I'm doing hurts others. Legalizing drugs for instance will not instantly turn neighborhoods into slums, in fact it would legitimize the drug dealers and let them settle disputes in court instead of violence. Go read up on prohibition and the wonder it did for organized crime.

Your attitude is that a small, vocal minority should be allowed to run roughshod over everyone else and force their desires, attitudes, and beliefs on people against their will, and I not only find that sickening, I find it sickening that you DON'T find that sickening, or see how incredibly contrary to the founding principles of this country it is.

You either love straw man or just can't seem to grasp my points. No one has the right to force opinions onto others whether they be majority or not. I don't know how you came to the conclusion I think people should go roughshod over everyone else, when I specifically said people should have rights if they don't harm another non-consenting party. Once they break that rule then we get to prosecute and ban. (Murder bestiality pedophilia etc. all fall under those categories). I'm not an anarchist despite your attempts to paint me as one.

ALL liberty is limited. It's limited by the boundaries of the guy next to you and HIS liberties.

Hence the doesn't affected a nonconsenting party clause.

No one is stopping homosexuals from pursuing what will make them happy, but the pursuit in this case takes the form of convincing people to vote in the laws they want. Don't blame me if MY pursuit of happiness has been more successful than theirs.

You don't think marrying someone you love makes people happy.

I also find it laughably hypocritical that you're solemnly preaching the virtues of untrammeled liberty and the pursuit of happiness as an argument for limiting the liberties of most of the country, and flat-out denying them the right to pursue THEIR happiness at all.
What liberties am I denying, your right to have the world be personally fine tuned for your desires? And once again I'm not arguing unlimited liberties.

Yes, and yes. Opposing someone else's legal attempt to do something in no way invalidates the fact that it IS legal for them to attempt to do it. Unlike some people, I don't find it necessary to dismantle the entire system of a free society and impose a dictatorship merely because I don't always get my own way.
When all else fails insult your opponent with baseless accusations. I don't want to dismantle anything. I'm only arguing that everyone has rights the majority can't take away. They're called inalienable rights.

Once again, you might be better served by actually shutting your flapping gob long enough to FIND OUT what my answer is, rather than asking with the assumption already in your head that you KNOW. Why are you so afraid to let people express their own opinions instead of trying to be both sides of the debate at once?

Baseless accusations all around. I said IF you answered that, it was a complex argument, I made no assumptions about your answer.

Well, obviously, YOU decide that the freedom of the masses should be limited at the point that you don't get your own way.
Jesus I think this is the 5th time you set up a straw man to make me look like an anarchist. Is that all you have? I never said that every time I don't get my way it's time to limit the masses. Never. And if you really think you can tell that those are my true desires without ever actually meeting me you're nuts.
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I think it's guys like Father time, that if they could, would take away your vote, and switch the country to communism if it meant their political agenda would be met.
Because to them, our arguments are worthless and therefore shouldn't count.

I'm actually the polar opposite of a communist, (a libertarian).
I'm afraid I can't disagree. That last line of his - "At what point do you decide that the freedom of the people should be limited?" - just makes my blood run cold. How in God's name do you live in the United States and develop that sort of attitude?

Our founders father thought we had God given rights. I don't see how you come to the conclusion that bill of rights wasn't intended to be near absolute and that the founding fathers would agree with the philosophy of 51% dictating every last right and acceptable behavior to 49%.Here's the constitution on changing the err constitution.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths thereof, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress...,Provided...that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

You'll see nowhere in there are the words slight majority or 51%. It's a really difficult process and it was intended to be that way.

If the Bill of Rights were really intended for the majority to take away at every whim then it would be essentially worthless. In a democracy you don't need a piece of paper guaranteeing rights the majority agrees we should have anyway.
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Our founders father thought we had God given rights. I don't see how you come to the conclusion that bill of rights wasn't intended to be near absolute and that the founding fathers would agree with the philosophy of 51% dictating every last right and acceptable behavior to 49%.Here's the constitution on changing the err constitution.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths thereof, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress...,Provided...that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

You'll see nowhere in there are the words slight majority or 51%. It's a really difficult process and it was intended to be that way.

If the Bill of Rights were really intended for the majority to take away at every whim then it would be essentially worthless. In a democracy you don't need a piece of paper guaranteeing rights the majority agrees we should have anyway.

Father time, you are allowed your weird opinion because of God given rights. But don't try to pretend you believe in God and say he would approve of homosexual "marriage":cuckoo: or acts. God has been clear on this issue.
Father time, you are allowed your weird opinion because of God given rights. But don't try to pretend you believe in God and say he would approve of homosexual "marriage":cuckoo: or acts. God has been clear on this issue.

You know REALLY ought to expand your horizons. Matter of fact, here's a link........

LGBT Texts

Now, if you're not the close minded moron that you appear to be, maybe you ought to look at that.

BTW........if you're a fucking Mormon, maybe you really ought to re-read the Old Testament again. I wanna know what some idiot like YOU is doing quoting Leviticus, which is a manual written specifically for JEWISH priests.

You ain't a Jew, and you're pretty f-ing deluded.
You know REALLY ought to expand your horizons. Matter of fact, here's a link........

LGBT Texts

Now, if you're not the close minded moron that you appear to be, maybe you ought to look at that.

BTW........if you're a fucking Mormon, maybe you really ought to re-read the Old Testament again. I wanna know what some idiot like YOU is doing quoting Leviticus, which is a manual written specifically for JEWISH priests.

You ain't a Jew, and you're pretty f-ing deluded.

Spoken like a true sailor:clap2: I am done trying to convince an angry and uninformed person like you of things that I know through study and prayer. You are not on my plane. You haven't seen or read the old testament yourself because you don't know anything about history or context of scripture. I have studied the scriptures from cover to cover for my whole life. All you can do is get angry and spew rectal matter from your mouth. :lol:
Spoken like a true sailor:clap2: I am done trying to convince an angry and uninformed person like you of things that I know through study and prayer. You are not on my plane. You haven't seen or read the old testament yourself because you don't know anything about history or context of scripture. I have studied the scriptures from cover to cover for my whole life. All you can do is get angry and spew rectal matter from your mouth. :lol:

Listen 'tard.....I'd be willing to bet that I'm quite more well informed than you, because, unlike you, I've got an open mind.

You should also realize that the OT was WRITTEN BY HEBREWS! Therefore, it's THEIR book, and, you should realize as well, that things get lost in the translation from Hebrew to English. Don't believe me? Watch God's Learning Channel sometime, and catch a show by Uri Harrell called "Hidden in the Hebrew". All you've got to go on is what some nutcase said that God had given to him, and hate to tell ya also, remember in the 10 Commandments when they said "Thou shalt have no gods before Me"? I've got news for you asshole, Moroni is an idol that the Mormon church has used to replace God. Kind of what a lot of Christians do with Yeshua.

And.....reading the scriptures cover to cover all your life doesn't prove shit if you can't interpret it properly. Muslims (which I hold in the same contempt as Mormons), do the same thing in their madrassas. The only thing that they read is the Q'uaran, and their thought processes are pretty fucked up also.'re an idolator, get thee behind me SaTan.
Listen 'tard.....I'd be willing to bet that I'm quite more well informed than you, because, unlike you, I've got an open mind.

You should also realize that the OT was WRITTEN BY HEBREWS! Therefore, it's THEIR book, and, you should realize as well, that things get lost in the translation from Hebrew to English. Don't believe me? Watch God's Learning Channel sometime, and catch a show by Uri Harrell called "Hidden in the Hebrew". All you've got to go on is what some nutcase said that God had given to him, and hate to tell ya also, remember in the 10 Commandments when they said "Thou shalt have no gods before Me"? I've got news for you asshole, Moroni is an idol that the Mormon church has used to replace God. Kind of what a lot of Christians do with Yeshua.

And.....reading the scriptures cover to cover all your life doesn't prove shit if you can't interpret it properly. Muslims (which I hold in the same contempt as Mormons), do the same thing in their madrassas. The only thing that they read is the Q'uaran, and their thought processes are pretty fucked up also.'re an idolator, get thee behind me SaTan.

:lol: I guess when you opened your mind, your brain fell out. Your words are so illogical and wrong that we can't have an intelligent conversation.:eusa_wall:
So I am not going to catfight :meow:with you. I guess now that I am SaTan as you describe I am behind you all the way supporting everything you say.:evil:
:lol: I guess when you opened your mind, your brain fell out. Your words are so illogical and wrong that we can't have an intelligent conversation.:eusa_wall:
So I am not going to catfight :meow:with you. I guess now that I am SaTan as you describe I am behind you all the way supporting everything you say.:evil:

Ya know, for someone who is supposedly a good Mormon moron, you sure as hell talk a lot of shit.

Tell ya what......check out this link (unless you're scared), and then get back to me.......if ya don't, then I'll know for a fact that you're a close-minded coward.

Universal Torah Network

Go ahead.......I'll wait........


Chances are're a coward.
Ok quickly browsed the site. I don't know what your point is. I and everyone knows that the Bible was written by the Jews. I already know the old testament contained the law of moses which was a specific set of rules for the children of Israel to follow leading up to the atonement of Christ. I know there are many things lost in translation, which is why christianity has splintered into a million churches with different interpretations.
The Book of Mormon helps clarify those misinterpretations which to me would make logical sense. but you are not about discussion, you are about insults and getting your way. so we are not going to get anywhere.
Ok quickly browsed the site. I don't know what your point is. I and everyone knows that the Bible was written by the Jews. I already know the old testament contained the law of moses which was a specific set of rules for the children of Israel to follow leading up to the atonement of Christ. I know there are many things lost in translation, which is why christianity has splintered into a million churches with different interpretations.
The Book of Mormon helps clarify those misinterpretations which to me would make logical sense. but you are not about discussion, you are about insults and getting your way. so we are not going to get anywhere.

Bullshit........the Book of Mormon is nothing more than a bunch of lies told by one man to enrich his own sense of power.

If you really want to understand what is there, you've gotta learn from the Rabbis and Torah's THEIR book! I said, there is a lot of stuff that gets lost in translation. Ever been outside of the US? I've been overseas for 10 years during my career in the Navy, and I can assure you.........unless you have someone that can help you translate from a foreign language into English, and make you aware of all the nuances, you're gonna get lost.

You may have perused it, and read a thing or two, but did you actually watch any of the programs? do I know? Most of the programs are 30 min each, and you've not been gone long enough to check.

And.......very fucking few Mormons that I've known (and I grew up in Montana where there was a large population of them), speak Hebrew.

Try again dirtbag.
Ok quickly browsed the site. I don't know what your point is. I and everyone knows that the Bible was written by the Jews. I already know the old testament contained the law of moses which was a specific set of rules for the children of Israel to follow leading up to the atonement of Christ. I know there are many things lost in translation, which is why christianity has splintered into a million churches with different interpretations.
The Book of Mormon helps clarify those misinterpretations which to me would make logical sense. but you are not about discussion, you are about insults and getting your way. so we are not going to get anywhere.
ABikerSailor thinks everyone's world veiw should be centered around whether or not you support the right for two sodomites to pack each others fudge!!! :lol:
ABikerSailor thinks everyone's world veiw should be centered around whether or not you support the right for two sodomites to pack each others fudge!!! :lol:

No asshole.....yet another example of how you pick one thing to center on.

You DO realize that you look like an idiot every time you do that, right?

My world view is based on looking at everything with an open mind to see the truth in it, not be closed off like a fucking moron as you do.

Sunnidiot, try again.
Bullshit........the Book of Mormon is nothing more than a bunch of lies told by one man to enrich his own sense of power.

If you really want to understand what is there, you've gotta learn from the Rabbis and Torah's THEIR book! I said, there is a lot of stuff that gets lost in translation. Ever been outside of the US? I've been overseas for 10 years during my career in the Navy, and I can assure you.........unless you have someone that can help you translate from a foreign language into English, and make you aware of all the nuances, you're gonna get lost.

You may have perused it, and read a thing or two, but did you actually watch any of the programs? do I know? Most of the programs are 30 min each, and you've not been gone long enough to check.

And.......very fucking few Mormons that I've known (and I grew up in Montana where there was a large population of them), speak Hebrew.

Try again dirtbag.

You seem to know so much about me with your crystal ball. I lived in South africa for two years surrounded by muslims in some of the communities I lived in. I know about idioms and nuances in translation. You don't know very many mormons like me who have done their research. It doesn't matter what I say. You are just going to insult me and claim you are God and know everything. You can't be taught. because you don't want to listen. As soon as you take a civil tone with me I could begin to educate you on the scriptures and history. Good luck with your little anger management problem
I am going to see a client so I won't be able to respond till later
You seem to know so much about me with your crystal ball. I lived in South africa for two years surrounded by muslims in some of the communities I lived in. I know about idioms and nuances in translation. You don't know very many mormons like me who have done their research. It doesn't matter what I say. You are just going to insult me and claim you are God and know everything. You can't be taught. because you don't want to listen. As soon as you take a civil tone with me I could begin to educate you on the scriptures and history. Good luck with your little anger management problem

Wait a minute o Blasphemous One.......I've never compared myself to, or claimed I was, God. I've not done it with Yeshua either, as I know where my place in the Universe is. But......I should have expected it, what with you belonging to an idol worshipping cult.

2 years? Maybe you do understand what I'm talking about. Do YOU speak Hebrew? I do a little bit.

And.....for someone that claims that I can't be taught, my career in the Navy would strongly disagree with you, as well as the fact that I've got many different awards.

Civil tone with a fuckwad like you? Do something to earn it prick.
ABikerSailor thinks everyone's world veiw should be centered around whether or not you support the right for two sodomites to pack each others fudge!!! :lol:

hey they can have at it all they like for all I care...but I wont call it a marriage..and I don't want to pay for their treatment..I don't want it paraded down main street in celebration..or have my child taught that it is normal behavior...

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