Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Fellow Man???? :lol::lol:

They aren't really men. How could they be considered men when they engage in sick subhuman sex acts. :eek:

No, in NO way are they men!!!! :cuckoo:

Many of us hetero's do some very sick subhuman sex acts with women.

I know some old hillbillies that say giving oral to a woman is a homosexual act.

They did a study on sex in the USA and it turns out, there is no such thing as NORMAL.

So your preacher, he does shit you might think is abnormal. Butt plugs.

Your boss likes Likes wearing catholic girls outfits.

And God knows what you do.

I would not think of you as sub human if you happened to like penis in your ass or in your mouth. I would still think of you as human. I may not think you are going to heaven because of the hatred in your heart, but I would acknowledge that you were still human.
Hey Charlie! I have been waiting all weekend to tell you about the two black guys at the gym. I went to my locker, and there were two feminine black guys in their low 20's hanging around my locker. So I grabbed a towel and went to take my shower, thinking they'd be gone when I got back.

But nooooooo!!!! The one was not changing. He was already dressed and just sitting there talking to his little lover and text messaging on the phone. His face 6 inches from my fucking crotch. I had to slip on the boxers under my towel. It was so obvious he was hoping to see sausage.

So he tells his lover to go shower. His lover says, "don't tell me what to do", and he says, "you are dismissed", and his lover gives him this look of death, like you don't tell me what to do!!

Or like, "on no he didn't".

So I'm in the middle of this gay lovers quarell and the one is looking at the other as if waiting for an apology and then I yell, "HE SAID YOU ARE DISMISSED!".

They both laughed and so did I. The one guy went and took his shower and the one who was waiting to see my package went about his business.

I'm not homophobic, but they were really bugging the hell out of me. If you aren't changing, get the fuck moving! The lockers are really close together. There is no room to sit and mingle.

Anyways, 2 black fagolas. Just wanted to let you know they do exist. :lol:

Wow, two black leather daddies, yes black sodomites exists, so what? never said they were nonexistent, just an extreme rarity among blacks.
"Normal" is nothing more than a setting on the washing machine..........

Homosexual sex is *NOT* normal and homosexuals are an overall rarity in the world, even rarer among blacks. Men shoving their penises up another man's rectum and spraying urine, semen and fecal matter on each other's buttocks is not normal, you neo-libtards are always looking to redefine anything or just plain old deny things.
Bullshit've said before that "the down low brothers" were a myth.

Start chewing on your words.......

Want some salt?

The downlow brother is a myth, an imaginary black man created by a black sodomite looking to draw attention to black sodomites.
To all the sodomite sex supporters, if gay sex acts are so normal and normal only exists on a washing machine why aren't you all taking it up the anus, drinking urine and semen and spraying it on each others buttocks? If its so damn normal why aren't you all doing it, unless you've all been lying the whole time and are in reality sodomites?
Homosexual sex is *NOT* normal and homosexuals are an overall rarity in the world, even rarer among blacks. Men shoving their penises up another man's rectum and spraying urine, semen and fecal matter on each other's buttocks is not normal, you neo-libtards are always looking to redefine anything or just plain old deny things.

Never mind that you're a fucking twit CB, but, you also have a SEVERE lack of understanding on how the human body works........

Men shoving their penises up another man's rectum and spraying urine, semen and fecal matter on each other's buttocks is not normal,

The interesting thing on that one is that it is damn near impossible to "spray urine" while shoving your penis in someone's ass. Why? Because of the way that the penis is made. You CAN'T pee (at least not without a great degree of difficulty) while having an erection. can't put your penis in an anus unless you HAVE an erection.

Nope.....try again.......:ahole-1:
Wow, two black leather daddies, yes black sodomites exists, so what? never said they were nonexistent, just an extreme rarity among blacks.

Ok. As long as you didn't say they don't exist at all. I thought that was what you said a long time ago.

Even though I didn't think you really thought that, I put you in the same category as Amadenijad when he said Iran doesn't have gays. :lol:
Never mind that you're a fucking twit CB, but, you also have a SEVERE lack of understanding on how the human body works........

The interesting thing on that one is that it is damn near impossible to "spray urine" while shoving your penis in someone's ass. Why? Because of the way that the penis is made. You CAN'T pee (at least not without a great degree of difficulty) while having an erection. can't put your penis in an anus unless you HAVE an erection.

Nope.....try again.......:ahole-1:

Fecal matter, urine matter and semen are all bodily fluids that sodomites share when they do the nasty, its their way of making love and having pleasure. Idiot, you must know how it works because you are a sodomite.
Ok. As long as you didn't say they don't exist at all. I thought that was what you said a long time ago.

Even though I didn't think you really thought that, I put you in the same category as Amadenijad when he said Iran doesn't have gays. :lol:

We hardly have any gays here in Mississippi, they are extremely rare herem especially black ones. Homosexuality among blacks in Mississippi is a definite no *NO*!!!!!
To all the sodomite sex supporters, if gay sex acts are so normal and normal only exists on a washing machine why aren't you all taking it up the anus, drinking urine and semen and spraying it on each others buttocks? If its so damn normal why aren't you all doing it, unless you've all been lying the whole time and are in reality sodomites?

No one is normal. Some hetero's might like their wives putting strap on's on and BF'ing them.

I don't like giving girls anal. It feels good, but it's just not my thing. Some guys love giving girls anal.

Black guys don't give oral. You may think that's gross. I don't. And if you do give oral, it's rare in the black community. (see, i can stereotype too).

Some gay men don't like getting it up the butt. They only like giving and/or receiving oral. Some don't like to give oral.

I'm not attracted to fat white women like you either Charles. I think they are gross. It's not normal for guys like you to want to fuck fat ass women.

Men do nothing for me. I'm sure they give good head, but I would throw up if a man was giving me head. That's too bad, because I could probably get head a lot more often if I wouldn't limit myself to just women. :lol:

Some hillbillies might think whites wanting to have sex with blacks is not normal. It sure is rare. So maybe that's a perversion. I date black women. Many racist whites might think there is something wrong with me. It's not normal!!! :lol:

And so what! They have to be normal in your eyes before they are treated fairly and given equal rights?

That's what you unAmerican people forget. This land is not just for your kind. If you really love what America is all about, you'll defend the gays and the athiests!!!! Not just your own!!!!
Fecal matter, urine matter and semen are all bodily fluids that sodomites share when they do the nasty, its their way of making love and having pleasure. Idiot, you must know how it works because you are a sodomite.

Fecal is a solid, therefore it's matter. Urine is a liquid, therefore it's not.

And isn't because I'm a's because (unlike you), I actually received a decent education.

You're just a fucking reservist.
No one is normal. Some hetero's might like their wives putting strap on's on and BF'ing them.

I don't like giving girls anal. It feels good, but it's just not my thing. Some guys love giving girls anal.

Black guys don't give oral. You may think that's gross. I don't. And if you do give oral, it's rare in the black community. (see, i can stereotype too).

Some gay men don't like getting it up the butt. They only like giving and/or receiving oral. Some don't like to give oral.

I'm not attracted to fat white women like you either Charles. I think they are gross. It's not normal for guys like you to want to fuck fat ass women.

Men do nothing for me. I'm sure they give good head, but I would throw up if a man was giving me head. That's too bad, because I could probably get head a lot more often if I wouldn't limit myself to just women. :lol:

Some hillbillies might think whites wanting to have sex with blacks is not normal. It sure is rare. So maybe that's a perversion. I date black women. Many racist whites might think there is something wrong with me. It's not normal!!! :lol:

And so what! They have to be normal in your eyes before they are treated fairly and given equal rights?

That's what you unAmerican people forget. This land is not just for your kind. If you really love what America is all about, you'll defend the gays and the athiests!!!! Not just your own!!!!

Black guys don't like giving oral to women???? Thats a damn lie, Mr Bass knows from experience when he used to be a sinner. Mr bass doesn't like fat white women, unless you think all white women with serious backyard are fat, but thats just typical white boy talk, any women that isn't a skinny minny is fat. Women with meat are the majority thus sex with women with meat is normal, but anyways, we're discussing specific sex acts and gay sex acts are *NOT* normal.
Fecal is a solid, therefore it's matter. Urine is a liquid, therefore it's not.

And isn't because I'm a's because (unlike you), I actually received a decent education.

You're just a fucking reservist.

Piss particles are matter just like fecal particles are. gays share these particles in abundance as well as drinking semen and engaging in fisting, rimming, and scat, sodomite sex is straight up nasty sex and its an abomination to God.
Fecal matter, urine matter and semen are all bodily fluids that sodomites share when they do the nasty, its their way of making love and having pleasure. Idiot, you must know how it works because you are a sodomite.

Fecal matter, urine and semen are all fluids that a lot of hetero's share too!!!

Notice you homophobes/anti gay people never think about the love and caring that goes on in a gay relationship. Everytime the subject comes up, your perverted little minds go right to the ass sex. How do you even know they have butt sex?

When I think about you being married, I don't think about what kind of sex you and your wife have. Does Charles do it in the butt? Does Charles give his wife oral? Does he ask her to stick objects up his butt?

So why do you do this when gay marriage comes up?

When we talk about gay sex, then you can talk about the sexual acts. But we aren't talking about gay sex, we are talking about marraige.

I think you guys are running out of arguments.
Fecal matter, urine and semen are all fluids that a lot of hetero's share too!!!

Notice you homophobes/anti gay people never think about the love and caring that goes on in a gay relationship. Everytime the subject comes up, your perverted little minds go right to the ass sex. How do you even know they have butt sex?

When I think about you being married, I don't think about what kind of sex you and your wife have. Does Charles do it in the butt? Does Charles give his wife oral? Does he ask her to stick objects up his butt?

So why do you do this when gay marriage comes up?

When we talk about gay sex, then you can talk about the sexual acts. But we aren't talking about gay sex, we are talking about marraige.

I think you guys are running out of arguments.

The sealybobo keeps forgetting that homosexuality is base don two people of the same sex having gay sex acts, its not marked by love and there is no way the sealybobo will make the Bass believe that two men doing it up the tailpipe is love, its merely fetish sex, abominable fetish sex.
Piss particles are matter just like fecal particles are. gays share these particles in abundance as well as drinking semen and engaging in fisting, rimming, and scat, sodomite sex is straight up nasty sex and its an abomination to God.

WTF are you doing Chucking Ass? Looking up every gay sex act that you can come up with?

Fisting is done by heteros also.......just ask that Kennedy chick who used to be a sportscaster. Her tape ended up on the 'net and really rocked her world.

Scat? Well, that kinda started in Germany with heteros also.

Drinking semen? Ever asked a chick to swallow?

Rimming? Might wanna watch a porno sometime.....chicks like getting their salad tossed as much as dudes.

What? Are you really that repressed?
Black guys don't like giving oral to women???? Thats a damn lie, Mr Bass knows from experience when he used to be a sinner. Mr bass doesn't like fat white women, unless you think all white women with serious backyard are fat, but thats just typical white boy talk, any women that isn't a skinny minny is fat. Women with meat are the majority thus sex with women with meat is normal, but anyways, we're discussing specific sex acts and gay sex acts are *NOT* normal.

No, we are discussing gay marriage. YOu can't stop talking about gay sex. LOL.

PS. Good reply on the fat white women. But seriously, a lot of us white guys laugh our asses off when we see a good looking brother walking around with a white whale on his arm and he thinks she's hot for some reason.

We wonder if he is just so proud to have a white woman that he doesn't care that she's fat or does he really love obese women and so her being fat and white is a double bonus. :lol:

I actually work with a guy like this. Great guy. I would never tell him his wife isn't hot at all. And it isn't that she's just double his size. She isn't even pretty. Why do decent looking black guys like to date ugly white women? Do you not realize they are ugly? Is it like an accomplishment to score a white chick, even if she's ugly/fat? Because we laugh and secretly say, "you can have her".

And it isn't rare. It's absolutely NORMAL to see this in the D. :lol:
The sealybobo keeps forgetting that homosexuality is base don two people of the same sex having gay sex acts, its not marked by love and there is no way the sealybobo will make the Bass believe that two men doing it up the tailpipe is love, its merely fetish sex, abominable fetish sex.

Is that what your relationship is all about? Putting your penis in your wifes vajajay? :lol:

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