Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

No, Jews are *NOT* a minority to the Bass, they are white people, whites who enjoy privilege and higher status than non-Jewish whites. If sex acts qualifies people to be protected minority group they should all be given equal rights, using your logic, so why are *YOU* discriminating? People's sex acts are their personal biz and those sexual acts should *NOT* be given special government protection.

I just said why they shouldn't be given equal protection 3/4 of those cases are practically rape the other leads to birth defects.

And letting gay couples marry is not giving them special treatment it's giving them equal treatment.
No, Mr Bass isn't wrong, its your mind thats screwed up, but hey, Mr Bass knows for sure that you would not make these racist statements of yours in front of or in the face of blacks, you know what the outcome would be, so continue to be a cyber racist and say ****** all you like.

yea.. whatever you say, Archie. And yes, dude, i'd make whatever comments that were necessary. Remember, all that thuggish shit is just an MTV video. When push comes to shove you'd find your black ass dominated by white people again if you wanna try and act all bad to the bone. don't forget WHO has already dominated the fuck out of WHOM...

If sex acts qualifies a group to be considered as a minority group, do you consider pedophiles zoophiles, incestphiles and necrophiles to be minority groups? If you believe sex acts qualifies a group to be considered as a minority group you ust likewise consider the above to also be minorities.

I posted evidence about minority groups. Truly, you do your race no favors by conveying just how ignorant you are.
No, Jews are *NOT* a minority to the Bass, they are white people, whites who enjoy privilege and higher status than non-Jewish whites. If sex acts qualifies people to be protected minority group they should all be given equal rights, using your logic, so why are *YOU* discriminating? People's sex acts are their personal biz and those sexual acts should *NOT* be given special government protection.



yea.. whatever you say, Archie. And yes, dude, i'd make whatever comments that were necessary. Remember, all that thuggish shit is just an MTV video. When push comes to shove you'd find your black ass dominated by white people again if you wanna try and act all bad to the bone. don't forget WHO has already dominated the fuck out of WHOM...


Dude that's really unnecessary. For the love of everything good can we please not make this 'my race is better than yours' that's just stupid and well ... racist.
Dude that's really unnecessary. For the love of everything good can we please not make this 'my race is better than yours' that's just stupid and well ... racist.

Hey, I replied in kind to the tone of this post

No, Mr Bass isn't wrong, its your mind thats screwed up, but hey, Mr Bass knows for sure that you would not make these racist statements of yours in front of or in the face of blacks, you know what the outcome would be, so continue to be a cyber racist and say ****** all you like.

it's not a matter of which race is "better" so much as it is a lesson in the reality of our ethnic dynamic. 20% ain't doing shit to the white majority besides crying about reparations and, ironically, repeating the sins of racists in years gone by. I invite the bass to discover a little reality. No one is the least bit afraid of some ghetto warrior trying to act all tough on a message board.
Why is it that this has to downgrade into insults from every side?

Insults are not an argument nor have they ever convinced anyone to switch sides. All they do is anger people and make things so much more bitter.

Insults are the last desperate attempts of someone with no argument.
Why is it that this has to downgrade into insults from every side?

Insults are not an argument nor have they ever convinced anyone to switch sides. All they do is anger people and make things so much more bitter.

Insults are the last desperate attempts of someone with no argument.

I suggest you scroll up and apply that standard to more than the new white scapegoat. If you think to appeal to the bass with anything other than the rank hatred he puts forth then you are destined to be one disappointed soul.
as a matter of fact I know a few of those open communists and they have absolutely nothing in common with any liberals I know. A few have things in common with some progressives and then there is the issue of the anarchists.

So first you're confused that anyone thinks there are Communists in America, and when it's pointed out to you that they not only exist, but have an organized political party, NOW you're all aware of them and acquainted with them, and your REAL objection was that they're just nothing like leftists.

So basically, you're a liar. :eusa_liar:

what the communists I know have in common with righties and christians is their intolerance for others and the idea that they think they own the truth. also, they have no problem demonizing and hurting others over ideas.

You want to talk about "intolerance for others", call me when conservatives and Christians start assaulting old ladies at protest rallies, defending rioters and looters on national television, and running people over with their cars for having the wrong bumper sticker.

EVERYONE thinks they own the truth, lackwit. What kind of complete fool believes something WITHOUT thinking it's the truth and every contradictory belief is wrong? What the hell would even be the POINT in believing something if you didn't think it was the truth? Duhh.

did I forget to mention there are so few commies it is laughable to even consider them a threat? now the right wing christians, that's another story. burn books? bomb gay bars and health centers and abortion clinics?

It's the belief system and mindset that's a threat, dummy. And while we're on the subject of "laughably few in number", why don't you give me some proof that book burning and bombings are a major, widespread, mainstream movement among "right-wing Christians"? Hypocrite much?
You didn't find it amusing that someone who just laid low and contributed nothing whatsoever to the debate popped up after his/her champion got his ass waxed to snipe about how I can't debate? I did. Apparently, the secret to being "capable of debate" is to allow someone ELSE to do the fighting, and then hurl impotent insults at the winner. :lol:

Cecilie, I think somewhere you got confused, I was agreeing with you all along. I wasn't saying you weren't capable of debate. i was talking to skydancer. carefull nellie.
I've been watching this circus go on for a long time. Fortunately, due to my LACK of hatred
for people who disagree with me, I would have to think that a person who deliberately calls the black man on this thread a ******, is an angry liberal brainwashed racist, completely devoid of the ability to debate and so makes up for it with heavy language in an attempt to make his "arguments" stronger. Who do you think you are fooling dude?
for people who disagree with me, I would have to think that a person who deliberately calls the black man on this thread a ******, is an angry liberal brainwashed racist, completely devoid of the ability to debate and so makes up for it with heavy language in an attempt to make his "arguments" stronger.

Or he could be doing it just to get a rise out of her. I think that's more likely than being liberal brainwashed racist (which is an odd accusation considering the liberal party just got a black guy president)

Remember occam's razor.
the liberals will vote for whoever is most liberal, race means little compared to their agenda. I was speaking of an individual who is both liberal and racist. A big league double whammy of a person. And yes I remember Occam's Razor.

Now comes the backlash............
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the liberals will vote for whoever is most liberal, race means little compared to their agenda. I was speaking of an individual who is both liberal and racist. A big league double whammy of a person. And yes I remember Occam's Razor.

Now comes the backlash............

Thats what Mr Bass has been saying all along about Shogun, its apparent he is liberal racist. ABikersailor doesn't agree with Mr Bass either, the same for Gunny, but neither have racially insulted blacks, nor have they used blacks and race as a race card to promote the homosexual agenda.
Or he could be doing it just to get a rise out of her. I think that's more likely than being liberal brainwashed racist (which is an odd accusation considering the liberal party just got a black guy president)

Remember occam's razor.

after condi and powell opened the door for there..who's the racist party now mofo
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