Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

That can change though. And based on the changing numbers I think it will. Maybe it will never be all 50 but I doubt it will remain 2 forever.

hey, at one time only a few states allowed free blacks too. Now what do we see. Im sure we'll see the same thing happen for gays despite the raving froth of a black population that wants to feel like the only whipping boy that has ever existed.
not to mention, just as we saw racial taboos become standard, everyday observations within the last 20 years The Bass's archie bunker routine WILL die off with his generation. Those who won't change their minds will die off. Archie Bunkers of the US would have shit a brick at the movie "Save the last dance" if screened in 1975. Now it's no bid deal.

My point exactly. It's like what Bob Dylan sang about. Oh the times they are a changing.

20 Years ago I bet everyone would've been shocked that 2 states would let you marry gays. It would be foolish on my part to say that that means that all 50 will eventually go but still I think society is becoming more permissive.
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hey, at one time only a few states allowed free blacks too. Now what do we see. Im sure we'll see the same thing happen for gays despite the raving froth of a black population that wants to feel like the only whipping boy that has ever existed.

I think they just got angry that people compared the black and gay movements.
I think they just got angry that people compared the black and gay movements.

oh sure.. it's like the youngest child having a fucking fit when baby brother comes home because they are no longer cute little attention whores themselves. The social dynamic is exactly the same even if blacks don't want to believe that another minority group in the US has ever been shat upon besides them. Hell, the reperations argument weakens as soon as they have to share the whipping post spotlight with anyone else. It's a good things there are hardly any native Americans left or we'd be seeing charles bass insist that natives have it so good that they get their own reservations to live on.
But the arguments used to prohibit both groups were exactly the same. I really don't care if you can only see as far as your black nose, dude. We already saw segregation for race. We saw how that worked out. Trust me, it's only a matter of time. And, just so you know, your meager 20% of the American population won't mean shit in this decision that a younger generation will make.

White cracker racists and people who opposed gy marriage on religious and moral grounds cannot be compared nor are they the same, thats what your jackass fails to realise. People who opposed gay marriage do *NOT* necessarily believe in restricting gay from jobs, housing, voting rights, nor do they believe gays are inferior.
White cracker racists and people who opposed gy marriage on religious and moral grounds cannot be compared nor are they the same, thats what your jackass fails to realise. People who opposed gay marriage do *NOT* necessarily believe in restricting gay from jobs, housing, voting rights, nor do they believe gays are inferior.

YOU may not want to accept that they are directly comparable but such is the facts of life. Hell, dogma changes. You don't hold your faith to the same standard of a christian did in 1774. So, you lose on the moral grounds. And yes, you blacks hypocrite bastards are too stupid to realize the irony of your position given the same excuses used to keep your sambo asses in the cotton fields. Which, again, doesn't matter in the long run because you WILL lose this little quest you are on eventually.
oh sure.. it's like the youngest child having a fucking fit when baby brother comes home because they are no longer cute little attention whores themselves. The social dynamic is exactly the same even if blacks don't want to believe that another minority group in the US has ever been shat upon besides them. Hell, the reperations argument weakens as soon as they have to share the whipping post spotlight with anyone else. It's a good things there are hardly any native Americans left or we'd be seeing charles bass insist that natives have it so good that they get their own reservations to live on.

I think it's more of a case of hurt pride. You dare hurt my pride by comparing it to to gays, I'll show you.

Although if they really wanted to remain persecuted whipping boy they would give them marriage so they can elevate them past whipping boy status.

That way they can also boast that it took them X years longer to move up.

Come to think of it they could've elected Mccain then the more paranoid blacks could decry persecution (again).
oh sure.. it's like the youngest child having a fucking fit when baby brother comes home because they are no longer cute little attention whores themselves. The social dynamic is exactly the same even if blacks don't want to believe that another minority group in the US has ever been shat upon besides them. Hell, the reperations argument weakens as soon as they have to share the whipping post spotlight with anyone else. It's a good things there are hardly any native Americans left or we'd be seeing charles bass insist that natives have it so good that they get their own reservations to live on.

Gays are *NOT* a minority group, some may belong to minority groups like some gay blacks, Latinos and Asians, but gays themselves are *NOT* a minority group. Sexual acts does *NOT* qualify a group to be considered a minority. Blacks do sympathise with Latinos, Asians and other non-whites who have faced discrimination based on race and country of national origin, but there is no way one should expect blacks to sympathise with group that is identified soley because of their sex acts. Don't even attempt to use this jackass of an argument of yours to demonise blacks because its not only blacks who oppose gay marrige, why aren't you racially attacking those whites who also oppose gay marriage? Its hard to play the racist card against your own isn't it?
yea dude.. gays sure are not a minority group. Way to put that ghetto education on display. Hey, stupid.. not all minority groups are defined by your ethnicity. Which, I guess really illustrates the core of your laughable ignorance. Clearly, you are a mater at statistics.


see, THIS is a solid half of your problem, dude.. you are too fucking stupid to really understand whats going on. You are like a 4 year old trying to offer input about horse race betting.

A minority or subordinate group is a sociological group that does not constitute a politically dominant voting majority of the total population of a given society. A sociological minority is not necessarily a numerical minority — it may include any group that is subnormal with respect to a dominant group in terms of social status, education, employment, wealth and political power. To avoid confusion, some writers prefer the terms "subordinate group" and "dominant group" rather than "minority" and "majority", respectively. In socioeconomics, the term "minority" typically refers to a socially subordination ethnic group (understood in terms of language, nationality, religion and/or culture). Other minority groups include people with disabilities, "economic minorities" (working poor or unemployed), "age minorities" (who are younger or older than a typical working age) and sexual minorities.
Minority group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YOU may not want to accept that they are directly comparable but such is the facts of life. Hell, dogma changes. You don't hold your faith to the same standard of a christian did in 1774. So, you lose on the moral grounds. And yes, you blacks hypocrite bastards are too stupid to realize the irony of your position given the same excuses used to keep your sambo asses in the cotton fields. Which, again, doesn't matter in the long run because you WILL lose this little quest you are on eventually.

No, they are *NOT* comparable, people who practice specific sex acts cannot be compared to blacks, period nor a can a white supremacist racist be compared to those of us who oppose gay marriage, it is *NOT* the same. gays are not being enslaved, sprayed with water hoses in the streets, having dogs sic on them, were never considered as 3/5 human, don't get disproportionately longer jail sentences, do not have to face nor see gay water fountains/straight water fountains, are not economically depressed,etc the list goes on, those are the things white racists did to blacks, people who oppose gay marriage do none of those things to gays, nor are gays facing those types of things, so your comparison is feces, just like the smell of your breath.
hey, go ahead and continue being wrong, dude. you don't represent my race so do what you will to the reputation of yours..
I think it's more of a case of hurt pride. You dare hurt my pride by comparing it to to gays, I'll show you.

Although if they really wanted to remain persecuted whipping boy they would give them marriage so they can elevate them past whipping boy status.

That way they can also boast that it took them X years longer to move up.

Come to think of it they could've elected Mccain then the more paranoid blacks could decry persecution (again).

its not about hurt pride, its about outright disgust at people who are trying to compare their struggle to a real authentic struggle, not to mention piggybacking off the backs of those who really struggled to promote their gay agenda of acceptance of homosexuality.
Gays are *NOT* a minority group, some may belong to minority groups like some gay blacks, Latinos and Asians, but gays themselves are *NOT* a minority group.

There are less gays than straights in the U.S. therefore they are a minority group. Even if it is something you choose that still puts you in the minority group. Do you think Jews should be considered a minority group?

Sexual acts does *NOT* qualify a group to be considered a minority.

Why not?

Blacks do sympathise with Latinos, Asians and other non-whites who have faced discrimination based on race and country of national origin, but there is no way one should expect blacks to sympathise with group that is identified soley because of their sex acts.

Why shouldn't you sympathise with them? They're being treated as second class citizens and hated on for no good reason.

Don't even attempt to use this jackass of an argument of yours to demonise blacks because its not only blacks who oppose gay marrige, why aren't you racially attacking those whites who also oppose gay marriage? Its hard to play the racist card against your own isn't it?

Who says we don't? May I point you to the topic title, that you started.
hey, go ahead and continue being wrong, dude. you don't represent my race so do what you will to the reputation of yours..

No, Mr Bass isn't wrong, its your mind thats screwed up, but hey, Mr Bass knows for sure that you would not make these racist statements of yours in front of or in the face of blacks, you know what the outcome would be, so continue to be a cyber racist and say ****** all you like.
There are less gays than straights in the U.S. therefore they are a minority group. Even if it is something you choose that still puts you in the minority group. Do you think Jews should be considered a minority group?

Why not?

Why shouldn't you sympathise with them? They're being treated as second class citizens and hated on for no good reason.

Who says we don't? May I point you to the topic title, that you started.

If sex acts qualifies a group to be considered as a minority group, do you consider pedophiles zoophiles, incestphiles and necrophiles to be minority groups? If you believe sex acts qualifies a group to be considered as a minority group you ust likewise consider the above to also be minorities.
gays are not being enslaved, sprayed with water hoses in the streets, having dogs sic on them, were never considered as 3/5 human,

Technically slaves were considered 3/5 of a person and only when deciding representative count. Free people were considered a whole person. Oh and you apparently have no trouble giving yourself a feeling of superiority over gays (at least that's the impression I got).

The argument is that the reasons for oppressing the two were just as equally dumb.
If sex acts qualifies a group to be considered as a minority group, do you consider pedophiles zoophiles, incestphiles and necrophiles to be minority groups? If you believe sex acts qualifies a group to be considered as a minority group you ust likewise consider the above to also be minorities.

I do but I don't think they should be given equal rights.

Bestiality, pedophilia and necrophilia are pretty much rape and incest has been shown to cause birth defects.

Religion is clearly a choice, and yet most people consider Jews for minority status, wouldn't you?
No, Mr Bass isn't wrong, its your mind thats screwed up, but hey, Mr Bass knows for sure that you would not make these racist statements of yours in front of or in the face of blacks, you know what the outcome would be, so continue to be a cyber racist and say ****** all you like.

So if we were to have this same argument to your face you would threaten violence. How classy of you.

And calling people names is not an argument it's just childish.
I do but I don't think they should be given equal rights.

Bestiality, pedophilia and necrophilia are pretty much rape and incest has been shown to cause birth defects.

Religion is clearly a choice, and yet most people consider Jews for minority status, wouldn't you?

No, Jews are *NOT* a minority to the Bass, they are white people, whites who enjoy privilege and higher status than non-Jewish whites. If sex acts qualifies people to be protected minority group they should all be given equal rights, using your logic, so why are *YOU* discriminating? People's sex acts are their personal biz and those sexual acts should *NOT* be given special government protection.
No, they are *NOT* comparable, people who practice specific sex acts cannot be compared to blacks, period nor a can a white supremacist racist be compared to those of us who oppose gay marriage, it is *NOT* the same. gays are not being enslaved, sprayed with water hoses in the streets, having dogs sic on them, were never considered as 3/5 human, don't get disproportionately longer jail sentences, do not have to face nor see gay water fountains/straight water fountains, are not economically depressed,etc the list goes on, those are the things white racists did to blacks, people who oppose gay marriage do none of those things to gays, nor are gays facing those types of things, so your comparison is feces, just like the smell of your breath.

Hey asshole.........did YOU ever go through any of this? If so, congratulations, you've earned a reason to bitch. If not? that case, shut the fuck up.

You're just a hanger on who wants to jump up in the fight and act indignant, but only for your own selfish bullshit purposes.

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