Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Spoken like a true sailor:clap2: I am done trying to convince an angry and uninformed person like you of things that I know through study and prayer. You are not on my plane. You haven't seen or read the old testament yourself because you don't know anything about history or context of scripture. I have studied the scriptures from cover to cover for my whole life. All you can do is get angry and spew rectal matter from your mouth. :lol:


how many years is that oh wise one?

The pro-homosexual movement is going to peter out soon, they're losing battle after battle in their mission to make homosexuality more acceptable and just as normal as heterosexuality and Mr. Bass is very confident that this fad of supporting homosexuality will die out.
The pro-homosexual movement is going to peter out soon, they're losing battle after battle in their mission to make homosexuality more acceptable and just as normal as heterosexuality and Mr. Bass is very confident that this fad of supporting homosexuality will die out.

Just look at the poll numbers and how much closer they were than last time it was voted on. I sincerely doubt it's going to go away any time soon.

But yeah if you look at Canada and most of Europe you will clearly see that the movement is failing. Oh wait that's backwards. Hell even Nepal's legalized gay marriage.

Gay marriage gets court nod in Nepal- Hindustan Times
The pro-homosexual movement is going to peter out soon, they're losing battle after battle in their mission to make homosexuality more acceptable and just as normal as heterosexuality and Mr. Bass is very confident that this fad of supporting homosexuality will die out.

and here I thought homosexuality was acceptable to most as long as the word marriage was kept sacred.

exactly where do you live, exactly?
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Just look at the poll numbers and how much closer they were than last time it was voted on. I sincerely doubt it's going to go away any time soon.

But yeah if you look at Canada and most of Europe you will clearly see that the movement is failing. Oh wait that's backwards. Hell even Nepal's legalized gay marriage.

Gay marriage gets court nod in Nepal- Hindustan Times

What you fail to realise is that the resistance will forever remain stiff and the voices of the faithful in Christ will never be stymied nor silenced. PC governments are making the calls, not the people because when the power is in the hands of the people to chose its almost always against homosexual marriage and homosexuality in general.
funny... thats exactly what was said about the people voting to keep ******* from using white only toilets at one time in America too. I guess all THAT took was a little government interaction.
What you fail to realise is that the resistance will forever remain stiff and the voices of the faithful in Christ will never be stymied nor silenced. PC governments are making the calls, not the people because when the power is in the hands of the people to chose its almost always against homosexual marriage and homosexuality in general.

52 -48 is almost always against gay marriage? Really? I think it's delusional thinking to assume everyone will always be on your side, the numbers will never change etc. etc.

Yes some people will never change their minds, but not everyone is that dead set.
52 -48 is almost always against gay marriage? Really? I think it's delusional thinking to assume everyone will always be on your side, the numbers will never change etc. etc.

Yes some people will never change their minds, but not everyone is that dead set.

Look at the entire country and not just California, only two states allow gay marriage, 48 do not, the people have spoken now gays wish to make everyone who doesn't support gay marriage some kind of hatemongers, what trash and sore losership.
Look at the entire country and not just California, only two states allow gay marriage, 48 do not, the people have spoken now gays wish to make everyone who doesn't support gay marriage some kind of hatemongers, what trash and sore losership.
ahhh, the damn blacks said the same thing about the jim crow laws. now we'll have to put up with the courts having their say.

funny... thats exactly what was said about the people voting to keep ******* from using white only toilets at one time in America too. I guess all THAT took was a little government interaction.

being a sodomite is based on sexual behaviour, being black isn't, there is no way one can have don't ask, don't tell for blacks, nor can a person be a closeted black, don't compare nor place on the same level Mr Bass' people to sodomites because there is no comparison.
ahhh, the damn blacks said the same thing about the jim crow laws. now we'll have to put up with the courts having their say.


Are you comparing Jim Crow[which keep blacks economically, socially and financially as second class citizens] to resistance to gay marriage? Seriously, you don't want to go there and you wonder why so many blacks voted against gay marriage, its because of nonsense like this, a bunch of sexually deviant immoral idiots making their so called "plight" seem similar to the plight of a people who really had oppression.
52 -48 is almost always against gay marriage? Really? I think it's delusional thinking to assume everyone will always be on your side, the numbers will never change etc. etc.

Yes some people will never change their minds, but not everyone is that dead set.

not to mention, just as we saw racial taboos become standard, everyday observations within the last 20 years The Bass's archie bunker routine WILL die off with his generation. Those who won't change their minds will die off. Archie Bunkers of the US would have shit a brick at the movie "Save the last dance" if screened in 1975. Now it's no bid deal.
Look at the entire country and not just California, only two states allow gay marriage, 48 do not

That can change though. And based on the changing numbers I think it will. Maybe it will never be all 50 but I doubt it will remain 2 forever.
being a sodomite is based on sexual behaviour, being black isn't, there is no way one can have don't ask, don't tell for blacks, nor can a person be a closeted black, don't compare nor place on the same level Mr Bass' people to sodomites because there is no comparison.

But the arguments used to prohibit both groups were exactly the same. I really don't care if you can only see as far as your black nose, dude. We already saw segregation for race. We saw how that worked out. Trust me, it's only a matter of time. And, just so you know, your meager 20% of the American population won't mean shit in this decision that a younger generation will make.

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