Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Are none of you familiar with the greater internet dickwad theory?
It's that if you give most people total anonymity and an audience they'll act like dicks. Either for kicks or because that's their true nature.

That's why I don't think he's a brainwashed racist guy.
I've been watching this circus go on for a long time. Fortunately, due to my LACK of hatred
for people who disagree with me, I would have to think that a person who deliberately calls the black man on this thread a ******, is an angry liberal brainwashed racist, completely devoid of the ability to debate and so makes up for it with heavy language in an attempt to make his "arguments" stronger. Who do you think you are fooling dude?

Do you really want to throw the gauntlet down, mormon? I see that your criticism doesn't extend to every derogatory infliction used by charles bass... I guess it's easier to feel like some PC hero than it is to be honest about the application of your criticism.

Wold I be more convincing if I had a gold plate in my hand? Maybe told a laughable tale of an angel visiting me were no one else can bear witness?
the liberals will vote for whoever is most liberal, race means little compared to their agenda. I was speaking of an individual who is both liberal and racist. A big league double whammy of a person. And yes I remember Occam's Razor.

Now comes the backlash............

wow. way to use that melon, guy! Race means nothing... until you wanna call someone a racist! Good job!


Me and moroni are proud of your savvy mental skills!
Thats what Mr Bass has been saying all along about Shogun, its apparent he is liberal racist. ABikersailor doesn't agree with Mr Bass either, the same for Gunny, but neither have racially insulted blacks, nor have they used blacks and race as a race card to promote the homosexual agenda.

you poor victim. Where should I send the check to for the horror and dehumanizing treatment of feeding you your own cracker hating racism? Clearly, it takes a mormon (who, lets be honest, probably never even looked upon a black man until being sent out on a mission) to put on your diaper and validate your hatred of white people, eh?

ahh well.. at least you and the mormon can high five each other about prop 8, eh?
you poor victim. Where should I send the check to for the horror and dehumanizing treatment of feeding you your own cracker hating racism? Clearly, it takes a mormon (who, lets be honest, probably never even looked upon a black man until being sent out on a mission) to put on your diaper and validate your hatred of white people, eh?

ahh well.. at least you and the mormon can high five each other about prop 8, eh?

You must be mentally retarded if you believe Mr Bass is crying victim, Mr Bass is continuing to make you look like an idiot with every post he makes. using racial insults doesn't do anything to boost your so-called counter argument, just imagine if the pro-homosexual crowd attacked blacks with racial insults to promote their agenda just as your retarded jackass is doing, would that tactic advance or stifle their cause?
You must be mentally retarded if you believe Mr Bass is crying victim, Mr Bass is continuing to make you look like an idiot with every post he makes. using racial insults doesn't do anything to boost your so-called counter argument, just imagine if the pro-homosexual crowd attacked blacks with racial insults to promote their agenda just as your retarded jackass is doing, would that tactic advance or stifle their cause?

of course you are crying like a victim. Hell, as soon as the mormon piped in you spared no time crawling over so he could lick your wounded fingertips. Indeed, reminding you that you sat in the same hot seat that they get to enjoy these days might do more for your street level input than your blackilicious definition of minority group does. Again, at the end of the day you and super mormon still have hating gays in common!
of course you are crying like a victim. Hell, as soon as the mormon piped in you spared no time crawling over so he could lick your wounded fingertips. Indeed, reminding you that you sat in the same hot seat that they get to enjoy these days might do more for your street level input than your blackilicious definition of minority group does. Again, at the end of the day you and super mormon still have hating gays in common!

Retard, if you have to create the image that the Bass is crying victim in order to placate and boost your wounded ego, believe whatever the hell you wish to believe. Mr Bass' point stand strong and firm, the use of racist personal attacks isn't boosting your argument, nor is it an effective counter argument, its the sign of a desperate trolling loser with no other recourse to take.
Retard, if you have to create the image that the Bass is crying victim in order to placate and boost your wounded ego, believe whatever the hell you wish to believe. Mr Bass' point stand strong and firm, the use of racist personal attacks isn't boosting your argument, nor is it an effective counter argument, its the sign of a desperate trolling loser with no other recourse to take.

scroll up, dude. I'll quote you if you wanna see your own words.. After all, you should probably be the guy making statements about racist comments with all the cracker this and cracker that you throw around, eh?
Is gay marriage legal in Iran? I believe if gays can make marriage a reality in America, they should take their cause to the Middle East. Let's see if gays can convince their populous that gays are equal too. Obviously, they label mormons harsh. But what would Muslim do to gay people in Tehran if they demonstrate for gay marriage. Would the mullahs open their arms and allow the freedom of gays to marry. Or will stones be tossed. Let's see gays. Let's make marriage to gays available to all. Not one country. Not one state. But all countries.
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Is gay marriage legal in Iran? I believe if gays can make marriage a reality in America, they should take their cause to the Middle East. Let's see if gays can convince their populous that gays are equal too. Obviously, they label mormons harsh. But what would Muslim do to gay people in Tehran if they demonstrate for gay marriage. Would the mullahs open their arms and allow the freedom of gays to marry. Or will stones be tossed. Let's see gays. Let's make marriage to gays available to all. Not one country. Not one state. But all countries.

I'd rather see the feminists go down there myself.

If they do one of two things will probably happen.

Women won't be forced to wear those all over cover thing, whatever they're called and may be treated a little fairer.


The feminists will spend the rest of their live there wasting their time or just get killed.

It's a win-win situation really.
scroll up, dude. I'll quote you if you wanna see your own words.. After all, you should probably be the guy making statements about racist comments with all the cracker this and cracker that you throw around, eh?

Jeez this guy is a maniac who just never runs out of harmless ammo. His gun sure makes a loud sound but it's just a little pea shooter that does no damage. Please come a little stronger not a little louder:eusa_hand:. By the way, are you ready to get embarrassed:whip: if you want to use your weak little anti-mormon ammo?
And since I never met a black person before I went to South Africa and lived there for two years, why don't you tell everyone where I grew up. In Oakland if you wouldn't believe. No wonder your words are so jumbled when they come out. I'd be pissed off:evil: at the world too if I couldn't get my foot out of my mouth.:lol:
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Jeez this guy is a maniac who just never runs out of harmless ammo. His gun sure makes a loud sound but it's just a little pea shooter that does no damage. Please come a little stronger not a little louder:eusa_hand:. By the way, are you ready to get embarrassed:whip: if you want to use your weak little anti-mormon ammo?
And since I never met a black person before I went to South Africa and lived there for two years, why don't you tell everyone where I grew up. In Oakland if you wouldn't believe. No wonder your words are so jumbled when they come out. I'd be pissed off:evil: at the world too if I couldn't get my foot out of my mouth.:lol:

sure, dude.. lemme guess. you lived right off of compton, right? Just because your non-mormon friend let you borrow a copy of Dr. Dre's Chronic Album back in the early 90s doesn't mean that your farcical input is relevant outside of Utah. Hell, given the dogma you have faith it it's clear that you'd believe anything as long as someone claims to have been told by an angel.. out in the woods.. with no evidence or witness... Clearly, your masterful use of smileys is as intimidating as your one sided criticism of racist vocabulary. Then again, you are probably too naive to imagine the bass meaning anything other than saltines.

put that in your laughable little holy underoos and pray to it, bukko.
sure, dude.. lemme guess. you lived right off of compton, right? Just because your non-mormon friend let you borrow a copy of Dr. Dre's Chronic Album back in the early 90s doesn't mean that your farcical input is relevant outside of Utah. Hell, given the dogma you have faith it it's clear that you'd believe anything as long as someone claims to have been told by an angel.. out in the woods.. with no evidence or witness... Clearly, your masterful use of smileys is as intimidating as your one sided criticism of racist vocabulary. Then again, you are probably too naive to imagine the bass meaning anything other than saltines.

put that in your laughable little holy underoos and pray to it, bukko.

Shogun is jealous and hateful of blacks and Mr bass because he can't grow an Afro like the Bass and his people.
And probably wanking off to gay sex acts at that. Why is this chick o militant about defending gay sex acts? Shogun is proof that homosexuality is indeed a mental disorder.

says the ironic negro. for real, for all the anti-gay shit you spew you sure did pounce on the topic of my cock. Talk about affirmation, dude.


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