Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

please, give us another lecture on how dumb it is to talk shit while, in fact, talking some shit, dude. It's probably not as ironic as calling someone a racist after using every epitaph in the book from cracker to honky.


in⋅sig⋅nif⋅i⋅cant :unimportant, trifling, or petty

in⋅co⋅her⋅ent: without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling

retard: a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way

don't spend your whole welfare check in one liquor store, dude!

I must be significant enough to reply to, eh Toby?

don't spend your whole welfare check in one liquor store, dude!

I must be significant enough to reply to, eh Toby?

in⋅sig⋅nif⋅i⋅cant :unimportant, trifling, or petty

in⋅co⋅her⋅ent: without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling

retard: a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way
come on, genius.. keep hopping through my hoops...

in⋅sig⋅nif⋅i⋅cant :unimportant, trifling, or petty

in⋅co⋅her⋅ent: without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling

retard: a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way
please, don't compare the awesomeness that is my vocabulary mastery with lame as hell, repeated definitions.
and yet HERE YOU WERE talking about my cock!

seriously, dude. I think it's about time for you to stop dwelling on my CHICKpleaser. Did you read that? CHICK pleaser. CHICK being the key word, ya creepy fucker.

and please, PLEASE tell Gunny that you want to see the poll happen, dude. I already asked and am still willing to abide by the results. He knows MY willingness so, again PLEASE, express to himi yours and let's get this little game played.

1. Please link to where I ever mentioned your cock. Seriously, I didn't think you had one.

2. Chick pleaser in your cream dreams, maybe. Needle dick bug fucker more likely.

3. Gunny knows my position. I've never backed away from a challenge. Just ask him. Then post the poll and stop whining about it. :lol:
1. Please link to where I ever mentioned your cock. Seriously, I didn't think you had one.

2. Chick pleaser in your cream dreams, maybe. Needle dick bug fucker more likely.

3. Gunny knows my position. I've never backed away from a challenge. Just ask him. Then post the poll and stop whining about it. :lol:

Aren't you the same dude who sent me a PM trying to recruit me to a different board where "personal insults won't be tolerated"?
1. Please link to where I ever mentioned your cock. Seriously, I didn't think you had one.

2. Chick pleaser in your cream dreams, maybe. Needle dick bug fucker more likely.

3. Gunny knows my position. I've never backed away from a challenge. Just ask him. Then post the poll and stop whining about it. :lol:

1. Ironic comment in 3.. 2..

2. 1.

3. Yea right, dude. It's probably easier to claim that this side of "oh g-g-gunny, please don't let Shogun send me packing... I'm already banned at!"

You ain't got to lie, Craig, you ain't got to lie.
Aren't you the same dude who sent me a PM trying to recruit me to a different board where "personal insults won't be tolerated"?

sounds like he was trying to lure you into his moth ball smellin' Stabbin' Cabin. I suggest you bring a large can of mace.
Over 14,000 posts on one message board, some retards truly have no life outside of this board except for pro-homosexual activism and hurling insults on message boards at people who don't agree with the fag movement.
1. Ironic comment in 3.. 2......
Again, show me where I mentioned your Johnson while not responding to your post about your Johnson. If you can find one instance, I'll remove myself from this board. If you can't, then you remove yourself. :eusa_whistle:
Over 14,000 posts on one message board, some retards truly have no life outside of this board except for pro-homosexual activism and hurling insults on message boards at people who don't agree with the fag movement.

says the guy whose SOLE usmb participation boils down to trying to convince everyone that he's not gay by posting homophobe threads..

Truthspeaker, you've probably created the most useless thread on USMB. Besides your religion being a cult of stupidity as evidenced by your angel Moroni the Moron, you also have to be one of the sneakier bastards I've seen in a while.

Brilliant though, evangelizing on a messageboard, looking for weak minded people to call faithful.

Your religion sucks, and your beliefs are flawed.

1.It seems mister our sailor of the seven seas and seven curse words can't leave me alone. He has posted two personal messages to me which read:
Don't post the content of Private Messages. They are private.
~Abelian Sea

This guy has really got something against me. Maybe it's because he can't wipe the smile off my avatar. He's not sure if I am a decent person. That's nice. Well since it seems you are infatuated with following me around, let's bring up some of these topics you just won't let slide. My stance against homosexuals has infuriated you to the explosion point. You must be gay. That's ok. You are entitled to and fit the stereotype for a true sailor in every way. Way to be. :clap2:
Since you say my religion is a cancer on society, let's get everyone vaccinated right away so they don't have to be infected with it. Knowledge is prevention right?
So what exactly is your proof that it is so false?
What makes you say Joseph Smith was a false prophet?
Why this intolerable shaking anger towards me and us?
Is it because you are gay and you feel we don't like you?
Has someone wronged you from our church and how so?
Are you incapable or unwilling to answer these questions?

I think I can hear your answer and the anger :evil:behind it right now:

"Why would I want to answer some fucking moron mormon cultist bastard. Your bitch-ass is a cock sucking shit barfing cuntface.":ahole-1:

Someone better call the ambulance cuz he's gonna have an anneurism
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1.It seems mister our sailor of the seven seas and seven curse words can't leave me alone. He has posted two personal messages to me which read:

This guy has really got something against me. Maybe it's because he can't wipe the smile off my avatar. He's not sure if I am a decent person. That's nice. Well since it seems you are infatuated with following me around, let's bring up some of these topics you just won't let slide. My stance against homosexuals has infuriated you to the explosion point. You must be gay. That's ok. You are entitled to and fit the stereotype for a true sailor in every way. Way to be. :clap2:
Since you say my religion is a cancer on society, let's get everyone vaccinated right away so they don't have to be infected with it. Knowledge is prevention right?
So what exactly is your proof that it is so false?
What makes you say Joseph Smith was a false prophet?
Why this intolerable shaking anger towards me and us?
Is it because you are gay and you feel we don't like you?
Has someone wronged you from our church and how so?
Are you incapable or unwilling to answer these questions?

I think I can hear your answer and the anger :evil:behind it right now:

"Why would I want to answer some fucking moron mormon cultist bastard. Your bitch-ass is a cock sucking shit barfing cuntface.":ahole-1:

Someone better call the ambulance cuz he's gonna have an anneurism

Hey Shogun, can you repost that video in this thread?
hey truthspeaker.. just a little fair warning, yo.. it's against the rules to post PMs in the public threads. If you have problems with a particular user sending you PMs your option is to contact one of the mods. You are new around here so I doubt you'll get das boot for that post but.. again, fair warning.

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