Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

By the way I am a fan of staying on Topic so I think we should take all mormon questions to my mormon thread. Gays are blaming blacks about the passing of prop 8 but they don't attack them because they would definitely lose their lefty credentials as mentioned before.
:lol: You're chicken. :lol: All talk, no nads.
1. First you suggest a wrestling match, I accept, and you woos out.
2. Then you challenge me with a poll to vote one of us off the board; I accept, you woos out.
3. Finally I challenge you to back up your latest homosexual accusation, and you woos out.

I see an obvious pattern here... :eusa_whistle:

Typical Shogun huh Glock
So very true friend so very true. oh and boycott the homosexual prop8 boycott its a farce...

The queer lovers know full well that men sexing men and women sexing women is wrong, immoral and sexually deviant, yet to try to make the world seem more "harmonious" they will vigorously defend this sinful lifestyle. Too bad its creating more war than peace.
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The queer lovers know full well that men sexing men and women sexing women is wrong, immoral and sexually deviant, yet to try to make the world seem more "harmonious" they will vigorously defend this sinful lifestyle. Too bad its creating more war than peace.

By your definiton, maybe. However....I think it is YOU who are the deviant Chucking Ass.

BTW......what the fuck makes you think you're qualified to comment about sin? You're so worried about the sins of commission, that you totally miss your own sins of omission.
By your definiton, maybe. However....I think it is YOU who are the deviant Chucking Ass.

The more sodomites and their supporters try to force acceptance of homosexuality, the more war against it shall happen. Blaming blacks and trying to make the gay "struggle" the same as what the black struggle was and or connecting it to the struggles of others is only going to alienate more people. Your personal attacks isn't winning more converts either you jackass squid, you're obiously not the sharpest tool in the shed

BTW......what the fuck makes you think you're qualified to comment about sin? You're so worried about the sins of commission, that you totally miss your own sins of omission.

The Bass goes by what the Bible says, not by his own qualifications you jackass, you sodomite lovers like to dance around this and continually attack the messenger because there is no refuting and attacking the Word of God.
The more sodomites and their supporters try to force acceptance of homosexuality, the more war against it shall happen. Blaming blacks and trying to make the gay "struggle" the same as what the black struggle was and or connecting it to the struggles of others is only going to alienate more people. Your personal attacks isn't winning more converts either you jackass squid, you're obiously not the sharpest tool in the shed

The Bass goes by what the Bible says, not by his own qualifications you jackass, you sodomite lovers like to dance around this and continually attack the messenger because there is no refuting and attacking the Word of God.

No douchebag, you don't go by what the Bible says, you go by your own fucked up interpretation of what you THINK the Bible says.

As far as the sharpest tool? You're not even in the shed dude. Matter of fact, you're about as sharp as a dull crayon that is tan.

As far as no attacking or refuting the Word? Might wanna be careful there Ass Chucker........your blasphemous interpretations of what you want it to say may end up getting you more trouble than you want to deal with.
No douchebag, you don't go by what the Bible says, you go by your own fucked up interpretation of what you THINK the Bible says.

As far as the sharpest tool? You're not even in the shed dude. Matter of fact, you're about as sharp as a dull crayon that is tan.

As far as no attacking or refuting the Word? Might wanna be careful there Ass Chucker........your blasphemous interpretations of what you want it to say may end up getting you more trouble than you want to deal with.

Jackass, the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, no misinterpretations about that, OTOH, the Bible makes it clear that it is sinful and an abomination to chose and support sin over righteousness, which is what you're doing for political reasons, not for the Word of God's sake.
Jackass, the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, no misinterpretations about that, OTOH, the Bible makes it clear that it is sinful and an abomination to chose and support sin over righteousness, which is what you're doing for political reasons, not for the Word of God's sake.

No idiot, it says that SODOMY is a sin, which is defined as anal sex. It also states that the priest class of Israel is forbidden from homosexual relations.

Nothing else.

You're just bastardizing the Word to reinforce your own screwed up viewpoint.
No idiot, it says that SODOMY is a sin, which is defined as anal sex. It also states that the priest class of Israel is forbidden from homosexual relations.

Nothing else.

You're just bastardizing the Word to reinforce your own screwed up viewpoint.

The Bible says that men having sex with men and likewise for women, is an abomination, period, it says nothing about homosexuality being ok, provided no examples of homosexual relationships, sex acts and marriages being supported and sanctioned by God, nothing of the sort period, you can dance around this all day if you like, the Bible clearly states its position.
The Bible says that men having sex with men and likewise for women, is an abomination, period, it says nothing about homosexuality being ok, provided no examples of homosexual relationships, sex acts and marriages being supported and sanctioned by God, nothing of the sort period, you can dance around this all day if you like, the Bible clearly states its position.

Wrong again Ass Chucker........there is NOTHING in the Bible that says lesbian relations are a sin. Find me ONE reference. You can't.

And no......the Bible does NOT clearly state it's position. It is written in metaphor and parables, as the original writers were Jewish (as was Jesus), and if you don't understand the Hebrew interpretation that goes along with it, you end up deluded as you now are.
I want to know sailor, why do you have a horse in this race? Are you gay or do you sympathize with gays?
btw, the scripture in question is Leviticus 18:22. Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is abomination.
Wrong again Ass Chucker........there is NOTHING in the Bible that says lesbian relations are a sin. Find me ONE reference. You can't.

And no......the Bible does NOT clearly state it's position. It is written in metaphor and parables, as the original writers were Jewish (as was Jesus), and if you don't understand the Hebrew interpretation that goes along with it, you end up deluded as you now are.

The bible states that men having sex with men is wrong period, no getting around that and that wasn't written in any parable you jackass, just as "Thou shalt not kill" was written in metaphorical form. The Bible does not support gay marrige and gay relationships, there are no examples of such in the Bible, the burden of proof is on *YOU* to prove otherwise, political activism and political correctness does *NOT* subject the Bible to change its message.
I want to know sailor, why do you have a horse in this race? Are you gay or do you sympathize with gays?

Actually, no, I'm not gay. I've been married before and have 3 boys. Do I support gays? Yep. Why? Simple.....I worked with a lot of them during the 20 years I spent in the Navy, and to tell you the truth, they were better workers, lots sharper, and a lot better in military bearing than their straight counterparts.

I also lived with a lesbian couple while stationed in Norfolk. Cindy and Connie were 2 women that I thought a lot of and loved very much. I rented a room from then while I was on sea duty. One of the main reasons they wanted to have a male in the house, was because both were in the Navy, and they needed a cover.

As far as sympathizing with them, well........suffice it to say that quite a few of them were some of my better friends, as they always had inside info on what was going down, so yeah....I do. Besides, it's not so much what you look like, or what your lifestyle or sexuality is, as how you treat others.

I mean.....would YOU like to be singled out for being Mormon or straight and have to deal with the shit that you keep throwing their way?
btw, the scripture in question is Leviticus 18:22. Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is abomination.

Actually, what that means is a man shall not lie with a man in the same manner as what they lie with women.

By the way, what is a good Mormon doing using a book written specifically for, and by, the High Priests of Israel? Are you Jewish or Mormon?

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