Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

1.It seems mister our sailor of the seven seas and seven curse words can't leave me alone. He has posted two personal messages to me which read:

This guy has really got something against me. Maybe it's because he can't wipe the smile off my avatar. He's not sure if I am a decent person. That's nice. Well since it seems you are infatuated with following me around, let's bring up some of these topics you just won't let slide. My stance against homosexuals has infuriated you to the explosion point. You must be gay. That's ok. You are entitled to and fit the stereotype for a true sailor in every way. Way to be. :clap2:
Since you say my religion is a cancer on society, let's get everyone vaccinated right away so they don't have to be infected with it. Knowledge is prevention right?
So what exactly is your proof that it is so false?
What makes you say Joseph Smith was a false prophet?
Why this intolerable shaking anger towards me and us?
Is it because you are gay and you feel we don't like you?
Has someone wronged you from our church and how so?
Are you incapable or unwilling to answer these questions?

I think I can hear your answer and the anger :evil:behind it right now:

"Why would I want to answer some fucking moron mormon cultist bastard. Your bitch-ass is a cock sucking shit barfing cuntface.":ahole-1:

Someone better call the ambulance cuz he's gonna have an anneurism

Hey want to know what I have against you? Cowardly cocksuckers like you who profess to know something when in reality, they don't know shit, because of the limits of their own preconceived notions, as well as being locked up in a really restrictive viewpoint.

You make fun of me for being a Sailor, but did you know that it is people like me, that allow cowardly pricks like you, who would never serve a day in the military as they are too scared of being put out of their comfort zone, as well as the fact that they could either die or be killing others. I consider you to be on of the more cowardly assholes that I've seen in a long time, and, even though I really don't like the kind of crap and nonsense you've put on these boards, as someone who actually cares about this country, I don't have to agree with everything you say, I've just got to allow you the chance to say it.

And you've said it clearly. You're full of shit FalseLiar. You don't speak truth, you spew lies.
Again, show me where I mentioned your Johnson while not responding to your post about your Johnson. If you can find one instance, I'll remove myself from this board. If you can't, then you remove yourself. :eusa_whistle:

hey truthspeaker.. just a little fair warning, yo.. it's against the rules to post PMs in the public threads. If you have problems with a particular user sending you PMs your option is to contact one of the mods. You are new around here so I doubt you'll get das boot for that post but.. again, fair warning.
Just as I suspected. You are still unable to rise to a challenge. :eusa_whistle:
Hey want to know what I have against you? Cowardly cocksuckers like you who profess to know something when in reality, they don't know shit, because of the limits of their own preconceived notions, as well as being locked up in a really restrictive viewpoint.

You make fun of me for being a Sailor, but did you know that it is people like me, that allow cowardly pricks like you, who would never serve a day in the military as they are too scared of being put out of their comfort zone, as well as the fact that they could either die or be killing others. I consider you to be on of the more cowardly assholes that I've seen in a long time, and, even though I really don't like the kind of crap and nonsense you've put on these boards, as someone who actually cares about this country, I don't have to agree with everything you say, I've just got to allow you the chance to say it.

And you've said it clearly. You're full of shit FalseLiar. You don't speak truth, you spew lies.

You and Shogun are vying for the king retard of the year award for the most insults with no substance posts in USMB.'re too fucking stupid to read the rules.

No wonder you think you're telling the're full blown retarded.

Another insult from the idiot squid who's jealous of Airdogsand frustrated at having a lack of buttbuddies on deck.
still trying to allude to hard, throbbing meat sticks, eh? For real, stop trying to flirt with me. no means no, dude.
:lol: You're chicken. :lol: All talk, no nads.
1. First you suggest a wrestling match, I accept, and you woos out.
2. Then you challenge me with a poll to vote one of us off the board; I accept, you woos out.
3. Finally I challenge you to back up your latest homosexual accusation, and you woos out.

I see an obvious pattern here... :eusa_whistle:

:lol: You're chicken. :lol: All talk, no nads.
1. First you suggest a wrestling match, I accept, and you woos out.
2. Then you challenge me with a poll to vote one of us off the board; I accept, you woos out.
3. Finally I challenge you to back up your latest homosexual accusation, and you woos out.

I see an obvious pattern here... :eusa_whistle:


is that how you lure little boys into your van, dude? I think you'll find that, again, when i say im not into men like you are that it means more than "try harder".

1. quote me. YOU suggested wrestling to which I made fun of you for suggesting something so stupid over the internet.

2. Go ask Gunny about that.

3. All it takes is reading your latest post to get to the gay core of your lust for my cock, dude. Again, if you can't see the irony of your above post then so be it. Clearly, your nursing home meds are working for you.

now, for real.. stop being a creepy old lecherous dude on the internet.
Hey want to know what I have against you? Cowardly cocksuckers like you who profess to know something when in reality, they don't know shit, because of the limits of their own preconceived notions, as well as being locked up in a really restrictive viewpoint.

You make fun of me for being a Sailor, but did you know that it is people like me, that allow cowardly pricks like you, who would never serve a day in the military as they are too scared of being put out of their comfort zone, as well as the fact that they could either die or be killing others. I consider you to be on of the more cowardly assholes that I've seen in a long time, and, even though I really don't like the kind of crap and nonsense you've put on these boards, as someone who actually cares about this country, I don't have to agree with everything you say, I've just got to allow you the chance to say it.

And you've said it clearly. You're full of shit FalseLiar. You don't speak truth, you spew lies.

Ok so I was a few words off on my prediction of what he would say back. You speak of cowards. And how I am one. Do you think this message board is "There's a boxing match for everyone out there, it's ok to look." Or did you come on here to have a discussion. Why are you trying to set up a physical confrontation with me? Even if I choked you out it wouldn't teach you anything.
As for the military and my appreciation of it. Nobody appreciates it more than I do. You disgrace yourself by living up to every stereotype people have about the Navy. My brother is currently in the Army, my Uncle just got back from Iraq and is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and mormons themselves have always had a respect for officers of every kind.
You didn't answer any of my questions. You have called me a liar, but haven't said how I lied. Your statements have thus far been worthless. What is wrong with you dude? Why don't you state your objections like a normal human being? Why can't you speak civilly? Are you afraid of being wrong? It's ok, we are all wrong from time to time, we just need people to tell us how, where,why and what we are wrong about? Give me some specifics!
Ok so I was a few words off on my prediction of what he would say back. You speak of cowards. And how I am one. Do you think this message board is "There's a boxing match for everyone out there, it's ok to look." Or did you come on here to have a discussion. Why are you trying to set up a physical confrontation with me? Even if I choked you out it wouldn't teach you anything.
As for the military and my appreciation of it. Nobody appreciates it more than I do. You disgrace yourself by living up to every stereotype people have about the Navy. My brother is currently in the Army, my Uncle just got back from Iraq and is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and mormons themselves have always had a respect for officers of every kind.
You didn't answer any of my questions. You have called me a liar, but haven't said how I lied. Your statements have thus far been worthless. What is wrong with you dude? Why don't you state your objections like a normal human being? Why can't you speak civilly? Are you afraid of being wrong? It's ok, we are all wrong from time to time, we just need people to tell us how, where,why and what we are wrong about? Give me some specifics!

Your fucked up religion is based on the ramblings of some crazy dude who says that God spoke to him and told him all sorts of crap, when in reality, all he was doing was manipulating the people to keep himself on easy street.

As far as you respecting the military? Your posts on here would beg to differ. And...if you think that some pussy assed motherchucker like you is going to be able to beat my ass, bring it on asshole, chances are you'd get your ass handed to you in less than 5 minutes. Besides, aren't you mormon pricks pacifists anyway?'re a pussy and a coward dude.
Your fucked up religion is based on the ramblings of some crazy dude who says that God spoke to him and told him all sorts of crap, when in reality, all he was doing was manipulating the people to keep himself on easy street.

As far as you respecting the military? Your posts on here would beg to differ. And...if you think that some pussy assed motherchucker like you is going to be able to beat my ass, bring it on asshole, chances are you'd get your ass handed to you in less than 5 minutes. Besides, aren't you mormon pricks pacifists anyway?'re a pussy and a coward dude.

I think you just spit on me while you were yelling all the way from wherever you are.. gross... Can you give some specifics about who this crazy dude is and how he manipulated us and how he lived on easy street while being tarred and feathered by people like you?
So, you're telling me, that some dude found some golden scrolls, yet nobody could ever see them, as well as the fact that he couldn't remember what he'd just said the night before, and you want to believe that crap?

Your brain is softer than cream cheese if that's what you believe dude.
So, you're telling me, that some dude found some golden scrolls, yet nobody could ever see them, as well as the fact that he couldn't remember what he'd just said the night before, and you want to believe that crap?

Your brain is softer than cream cheese if that's what you believe dude.

Two straight posts!!! Wonderful.
Do you think that if Joseph Smith showed a 15 pound chunk of pure gold to everyone in 1825 that he would have lived to tell the tale. Apparently the mobsters believed he had them, otherwise they wouldn't have ransacked his home numerous times trying to find them! there were 15 people besides Joseph who never retracted their statements that they saw the angel give Joseph the plates and felt them with their own hands.
It would have been not only disobedient to show them to anyone else, but very dangerous and stupid of him to do so.

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