Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

My point exactly. It's like what Bob Dylan sang about. Oh the times they are a changing.

20 Years ago I bet everyone would've been shocked that 2 states would let you marry gays. It would be foolish on my part to say that that means that all 50 will eventually go but still I think society is becoming more permissive.

Twenty years ago, people still expected the courts to respect the law, rather than trying to write it to suit themselves. We have yet to be shocked by any states LEGALLY allowing homosexuals to "marry".

And I'll bet if that ever DOES get passed by a vote, THEN you'll be screeching and hollering about the "will of the people", and how important it is to respect ballot initiatives.
If you believe that nonsense, you shouldn't have any problem living in an place where there are no laws and crime is free to run amok.

Did you see the Daily Show last night? They'll play it again at 8pm tonight. Dude, you were on! Jon was talking to his Senior Black Correspondent about how blacks cost gays the right to marry in California, and the black guy was saying the same things you say. He was so funny!!!!

First he said that there were no gay black men, and then Jon said, "you're saying that never have two black men had sex with each other, and the guy said, "yea, their called cellmates".

Dude, please watch it tonight. LOL. :lol:
Is the show on the internet?

Yes, go to daily show dot com.

I can't watch at work unless the forcefield is down. Sometimes it is down.

But yes, you can definately see last nights episode right on the front page.

Just the entire segment was funny. Jon Stewart was asking the black guy why/how black people can turn their backs on gays. Jon said, "is it because the black community is homophobic", and without hesitation the black guy said, "yes".
Being a homosexual doesn't get you sent to Hell.

Not accepting Christ as your savior gets you sent to Hell. Too many Christians forget that, in my opinion.

Christ said He came to seek and save the lost. He stated that it was not the healthy who needed a doctor, but the sick. It's sad to me that many 'Christians' in America are more concerned over whether or not Bob can marry John versus if Bob or John knows that God loves them and cares about them.

Dying in a state of sin and disobedience to God gets you sent to Hell. And I would like some evidence, please, of your claim that "many Christians in America are more concerned over" homosexual "marriage" than they are over telling people that God loves them. Please don't assume that a focus on one excludes a focus on the other. Many of us are capable of multitasking.
I don't think that's why he's not on Friday. Neither he nor Colbert is on Fridays. But he did a Rosh Hashanna show, I think.

He's still awesome.

Colbert says, "so I'll be at home basking in the love of my family over the holidays and you'll be....."

And Stewart says, "eating at a chinese restaurant and going to see a movie."

They are funny together.
Was the fate of David and Bathsheba's first child evidence of God's high regard for innocent life?

Everyone dies eventually. Is your point supposed to be that because God takes innocent children to Heaven, that means it's okay for humans to kill innocent children? Are we equal to God now? Exactly what are you getting at?
Sure there is. Non-theists don't have this problem. No God; no sin, no act to hate or God to love the person.

No, they just have the problem of trying to come up with a coherent reason for why they hate certain actions without having an objective moral standard to fall back on.

On the bright side, it's unfailingly entertaining for the rest of us to watch them thrashing around.
No, they just have the problem of trying to come up with a coherent reason for why they hate certain actions without having an objective moral standard to fall back on.

On the bright side, it's unfailingly entertaining for the rest of us to watch them thrashing around.

That's remarkably absurd, and as a result, is something I'd expect to hear from you.

I won't identify myself as a theist or non-theist because of the ease in which both sides stereotype the other, but secular non-theists derive moral and ethical standards primarily from observations of sociobiological practices, and the nature of human cooperation and formation of ethical standards over the period of evolution.

From this, they can derive fundamental meta-ethical truths about the maximization of happiness and the minimization of suffering, (which is a basic meta-ethical truth that few will contest), simply on the grounds that happiness is "good" and suffering is "bad." Happiness and suffering thus function as broader forms of the two sovereign masters of pain and pleasure that Bentham identified as ruling over us.

From this, they can acquire certain truths about applied ethics, including the nature of applied ethical theories such as consequentialism and utilitarianism, which is why so many secularists flock to those ethical schools.
Agna and Southpaw, back at it again. Two folks I know well from Political Forum...

However radical Agna may be, this is an issue he and I agree on.
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You'd better not be who I think you are.

EDIT: Damn it. You are. There are few people with degrees in comparative literature, and far fewer who would regard it as something to brag about.
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