Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Hey look I can copy and paste my response from before and it will still be accurate

Insults check (and barely a single sentence without one)
Smugness check
Assertions that you're better than all of us check

You really are as predictable as the tide.

I've said again that all you ever do is respond with insults and instead of acting mature you respond with more insults and an inflamed sense of pride thus proving my point again.

I've said again that you lost your right to expect any OTHER response when you ran away like a scalded bitch, and then came back to snipe and whine. Try to understand: you're not a valid chatter any more. You're a thoroughly, utterly defeated man-bitch who's stalking me. And the more you keep yarking around my heels like a hyper poodle, the more you prove it.

So keep talking, Sparky. I'll just keep flicking that fleshy patch where your balls used to be, and laughing at your impotence.
Gays are blaming blacks? Ugh.

First of all, the misconception that blacks voted for Prop 8 by 70% needs to go away. The same CNN exit poll that said 70% of blacks voted for Prop 8 is the same one that predicted it would lose, not win, by 52%. No one cares, though, because this is all about making gay people feel vindicated for acting whiny and annoying over rights they don't deserve and, in large part, already have.

Secondly, for years blacks have been telling gay people that it's offensive as fuck to compare their race to sexual orientation, and compare the civil rights movement to the gay rights movement. I'm white and I can see how that's offensive. The gay community seems to have largely told them to talk to the hand, so I don't know why people are so upset that the black community voted for the Proposition.

I think this is racist, but not for the reason most people might think. Because it's funny that the largest voting constituency in CA, or any other state, white people, got off the hook. Apparently they voted 51-49% against Prop 8. Yeah, right. The media just wants this to produce more BS culture war news. Country elects first Black president in the midst of the all the minorities, all at once, oppressing the GLBT community. Watch what happens!!!

The MSM can kiss my ass, and those of you who buy into this shit need to get real.

You know.......instead of calling you "chrismac", I'm gonna start calling you Shit Sack.

You DO realize that the CA Supreme court has figured out that Prop 8 is unconstitutional, right?
...and instead of calling you, "ABikerSailor", I'll start calling you "A Bitch-ass Sissy".

I know they found it unconstitutional. I also know the three dissenting Justices said that was pretty much bullshit based on political belief and not Constitutional merit. I also know the CA Supreme Court allowed Prop 8 to pass the smell test that had the same exact wording as the original proposition, which begs the obvious question: why in the fuck would you allow a ballot initiative to go to a public vote that has the same wording of a law you just deemed unconstitutional. If it was unconstitutional as a statute, how the fuck was it permissible as a constitutional amendment? I'll you how: the son of a bitch wasn't unconstitutional in the first place, and the Justices overturned it because of their personal beliefs.
I've said again that you lost your right to expect any OTHER response when you ran away like a scalded bitch, and then came back to snipe and whine. Try to understand: you're not a valid chatter any more. You're a thoroughly, utterly defeated man-bitch who's stalking me. And the more you keep yarking around my heels like a hyper poodle, the more you prove it.

Yeah great theory except you responded with countless unprovoked insults while we were debating and because I've given you a phony reason to fill yourself up with arrogance you feel entitled to spread more insults.

But I guess you're right I shouldn't expect you to act mature or post anything more than smears and predictable insults. I guess that would be too much for you. Try to understand that I don't give a damn what pathetic insults you're coming up with but seeing as how you take the time to make them it must be a pride issue.

I said before that you can't go a couple posts without insults and instead of trying to prove me wrong you desperately try to make this about me instead.

It's pretty telling.
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...and instead of calling you, "ABikerSailor", I'll start calling you "A Bitch-ass Sissy".

I know they found it unconstitutional. I also know the three dissenting Justices said that was pretty much bullshit based on political belief and not Constitutional merit. I also know the CA Supreme Court allowed Prop 8 to pass the smell test that had the same exact wording as the original proposition, which begs the obvious question: why in the fuck would you allow a ballot initiative to go to a public vote that has the same wording of a law you just deemed unconstitutional. If it was unconstitutional as a statute, how the fuck was it permissible as a constitutional amendment? I'll you how: the son of a bitch wasn't unconstitutional in the first place, and the Justices overturned it because of their personal beliefs.

You would be right if there wasn't any difference between a statute and a constitutional amendment but alas there is.
But if a statute violates their equal protection clause, why allow an amendment that allegedly does the same thing?
By the way Shit Sac, what does a cocksucker like you do for cash?

Stand on the strip down by the waterfront, blowing johns for candy bars and spare change?

You've got more in common with Muslims and Mormons than you do with anyone else.

Racist and prejudice much?
I understand the NAACP has a new motto. "The NAACP: Protecting Americans from teh Gay since 2008."

A dark chapter in black American history.
Ravi, ravi, ravi. Wow, I'm having a an epiphany or an middle age crisis, not sure which. A "dark note". Blacks don't equate their struggle with such a trivial issue , a sexual one. Albeit "preference". I don't know if that is valid, either way, sweetheart. Ich bin ein Berliner! We all have to struggle with what others impose on us. Yes? How we deal with it, that is another matter...
By the way Shit Sac, what does a cocksucker like you do for cash?

Stand on the strip down by the waterfront, blowing johns for candy bars and spare change?

You've got more in common with Muslims and Mormons than you do with anyone else.

Racist and prejudice much?

At ease sailor, no need for flaming right now. Save it for someone like Sunni Man.
By the way Shit Sac, what does a cocksucker like you do for cash?

Stand on the strip down by the waterfront, blowing johns for candy bars and spare change?

You've got more in common with Muslims and Mormons than you do with anyone else.

Racist and prejudice much?

No, that would be your mother. She gives me all the money she makes, and I give her 10%, or ten cent. She's not in demand these days, what with the economy being in dire straits and all.

Nothing I said was even remotely racist or prejudice, but I see you can only accuse me of being such. I'm not surprised.
I've said again that you lost your right to expect any OTHER response when you ran away like a scalded bitch, and then came back to snipe and whine. Try to understand: you're not a valid chatter any more. You're a thoroughly, utterly defeated man-bitch who's stalking me. And the more you keep yarking around my heels like a hyper poodle, the more you prove it.

It's amusing to see you carrying on like this when this is precisely what you did in the Planned Parenthood thread. :lol:
Gays are blaming blacks? Ugh.

First of all, the misconception that blacks voted for Prop 8 by 70% needs to go away. The same CNN exit poll that said 70% of blacks voted for Prop 8 is the same one that predicted it would lose, not win, by 52%. No one cares, though, because this is all about making gay people feel vindicated for acting whiny and annoying over rights they don't deserve and, in large part, already have.

Secondly, for years blacks have been telling gay people that it's offensive as fuck to compare their race to sexual orientation, and compare the civil rights movement to the gay rights movement. I'm white and I can see how that's offensive. The gay community seems to have largely told them to talk to the hand, so I don't know why people are so upset that the black community voted for the Proposition.

I think this is racist, but not for the reason most people might think. Because it's funny that the largest voting constituency in CA, or any other state, white people, got off the hook. Apparently they voted 51-49% against Prop 8. Yeah, right. The media just wants this to produce more BS culture war news. Country elects first Black president in the midst of the all the minorities, all at once, oppressing the GLBT community. Watch what happens!!!

The MSM can kiss my ass, and those of you who buy into this shit need to get real.

As I've mentioned before, it actually seems as though those who were pushing for homosexual "marriage" in California are going out of their way NOT to blame blacks for it, and to blame any and every other group they can find. Lord, look at all the vitriol being heaped on Mormons over the subject, even just right here on the boards. And, of course, generic "religious people" are always a handy target. But it's WHITE churches that are getting the protests and disruptions, not black ones.
As I've mentioned before, it actually seems as though those who were pushing for homosexual "marriage" in California are going out of their way NOT to blame blacks for it, and to blame any and every other group they can find. Lord, look at all the vitriol being heaped on Mormons over the subject, even just right here on the boards. And, of course, generic "religious people" are always a handy target. But it's WHITE churches that are getting the protests and disruptions, not black ones.

The Mormon Church did themselves no favors by putting so much money into the prop 8 campaign.

The criticism they get is their own doing.
The Mormon Church did themselves no favors by putting so much money into the prop 8 campaign.

The criticism they get is their own doing.

I think that's crap, to be honest. The Mormon Church gave around 5K or so, and half, if not most of that, were in-kind donations. Mormons gave to the cause, though I don't think they deserve vitriol either.

The No on 8 campaign had a) more money, b) more institutional support (from AG Jerry Brown, Schwarzenegger, Feinstein, Pelosi, and their personal cheerleader, Mayor Gavin Newsom), c) more external support (meaning they received money and support from not only the state of CA, but all fifty states, and several other countries, too), and d) they had most of the media in their back pocket. The Yes on 8 only had their donations and public support, so they had to put in more legwork than the No on 8 campaign.

Besides, I don't think too many people would've changed their views on the issue anyway. They voted for Prop 22 by 61% in 2000. No on 8 should've at least expected the vote to be theirs to win.
I'll say that Gavin Newsom served far more effectively for the Yes on Prop. 8 crowd than the "No" crowd. This ad grew so atrociously irritating by November 4th that I voted "No" on 8 just out of spite.

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