Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

I haven't been to this forum in over a week, so I decided to check it out. This thread was one I visited often, so when I found you and Southpath together again, it brought a tear to my eye. The love you have for each other, you realize. I just had to say something.
Southpaw has somewhat redeemed himself in my eyes, and no longer occupies the low status of Irish.Perversery and Slackhustler.
I always liked Southpaw. I liked you, too. The two of you together - well, hell, that's like a utilitarian orgasm.

I'm not really sure what that means, but it sounded good for this thread.

Anyway, I wish you well with Cecile. She doesn't give up easily; trust me. Have fun!

I'm going to go drink some more.

P.S. Don't worry. If Cecile beats you up too badly tomorrow, I'll be back to save you. :razz:
Cesspoolie is a Christfag banshee.

She gives up easily in that she refuses to respond to my posts.

So she gives up.
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Cesspoolie is a Christfag banshee.

She gives up easily in that she refuses to respond to my posts.

So she gives up.

And she can't go two posts without resorting to insults.

One of the many reasons I tried to end our debate

($5 says that if she responds at all she'll respond with smugness blatant assertions that she won and more insults).
And she can't go two posts without resorting to insults.

One of the many reasons I tried to end our debate

($5 says that if she responds at all she'll respond with smugness blatant assertions that she won and more insults).

LOL "End a debate". THAT'S what you call running away like a whipped cur, and then skulking back to bitch and whine in the corner with the other whipped curs? Oh, and I like that lame-ass attempt to keep me from commenting on how pathetically impotent you look doing it. It's nearly as lame-ass as the arguments you had to run away from earlier.

Better give him that $5, because you were right to bet I'm going to laugh my ass off at how bitter you are. Keep sniveling.
LOL "End a debate". THAT'S what you call running away like a whipped cur, and then skulking back to bitch and whine in the corner with the other whipped curs? Oh, and I like that lame-ass attempt to keep me from commenting on how pathetically impotent you look doing it. It's nearly as lame-ass as the arguments you had to run away from earlier.

Better give him that $5, because you were right to bet I'm going to laugh my ass off at how bitter you are. Keep sniveling.

Insults check (and barely a single sentence without one)
Smugness check
Assertions that you're better than all of us check

You really are as predictable as the tide.
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LOL "End a debate". THAT'S what you call running away like a whipped cur, and then skulking back to bitch and whine in the corner with the other whipped curs? Oh, and I like that lame-ass attempt to keep me from commenting on how pathetically impotent you look doing it. It's nearly as lame-ass as the arguments you had to run away from earlier.

Better give him that $5, because you were right to bet I'm going to laugh my ass off at how bitter you are. Keep sniveling.

This coming from you, moron?

You, the one who scampered away from my posts in the Planned Parenthood thread like the spineless little coward that you are?

:clap2: :lol:
I have made my arguments. But no one can prevail in this argument because it's not really debate, it's two sides that have their minds made up. I know mine is.
Southpaw has somewhat redeemed himself in my eyes, and no longer occupies the low status of Irish.Perversery and Slackhustler.

Who is slackhustler? I've been away for a bit and don't catch the refererence.

Is Spanky the Whale now Fisty the Badger?
Insults check (and barely a single sentence without one)
Smugness check
Assertions that you're better than all of us check

You really are as predictable as the tide.

One of us is still in here, actually debating the issues, and one of us ran away like a castrated weasel, then came skulking back to hurl impotent insults at the people he was too chickenshit to fight. So if I have to choose between my insults and yours, I'll take mine. Not only are they more creative, they're also earned by being paired with something real to say, rather than bile and liver-eating envy that you got your ass waxed.

And don't blame ME because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to feel smug or superior. As much as I'd like to take credit for your utter lack of balls, I'd say you were a eunuch long before I wiped the floor with you.

One of us is still in here, actually debating the issues, and one of us ran away like a castrated weasel, then came skulking back to hurl impotent insults at the people he was too chickenshit to fight. So if I have to choose between my insults and yours, I'll take mine. Not only are they more creative, they're also earned by being paired with something real to say, rather than bile and liver-eating envy that you got your ass waxed.

And don't blame ME because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to feel smug or superior. As much as I'd like to take credit for your utter lack of balls, I'd say you were a eunuch long before I wiped the floor with you.

Hey look I can copy and paste my response from before and it will still be accurate

Insults check (and barely a single sentence without one)
Smugness check
Assertions that you're better than all of us check

You really are as predictable as the tide.

I've said again that all you ever do is respond with insults and instead of acting mature you respond with more insults and an inflamed sense of pride thus proving my point again.
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Gays are blaming blacks? Ugh.

First of all, the misconception that blacks voted for Prop 8 by 70% needs to go away. The same CNN exit poll that said 70% of blacks voted for Prop 8 is the same one that predicted it would lose, not win, by 52%. No one cares, though, because this is all about making gay people feel vindicated for acting whiny and annoying over rights they don't deserve and, in large part, already have.

Secondly, for years blacks have been telling gay people that it's offensive as fuck to compare their race to sexual orientation, and compare the civil rights movement to the gay rights movement. I'm white and I can see how that's offensive. The gay community seems to have largely told them to talk to the hand, so I don't know why people are so upset that the black community voted for the Proposition.

I think this is racist, but not for the reason most people might think. Because it's funny that the largest voting constituency in CA, or any other state, white people, got off the hook. Apparently they voted 51-49% against Prop 8. Yeah, right. The media just wants this to produce more BS culture war news. Country elects first Black president in the midst of the all the minorities, all at once, oppressing the GLBT community. Watch what happens!!!

The MSM can kiss my ass, and those of you who buy into this shit need to get real.
Well the hell have you been? We've gotten off topic and abandoned the original premise a long time ago.

Anyway why do you feel they don't deserve the right to marry that who they love?

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