Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Just because sex ed SHOULD be taught properly at home, doesn't mean it always does. People will find out about sex anyway on their own when they want to. I just don't think we should force it on them when they don't even bring it up.

Really? Then you're an idiot. If you don't teach your children about what could happen, then, they will not know, and possibly get taken advantage of.

Same with those child molesters in Warren Jeffs' cult.

Yes....people will learn about sex anyway. However, a little knowledge about the subject, as well as what could happen, as well as a talk on abstinence is always appropriate.
Really? Then you're an idiot. If you don't teach your children about what could happen, then, they will not know, and possibly get taken advantage of.

Same with those child molesters in Warren Jeffs' cult.

Yes....people will learn about sex anyway. However, a little knowledge about the subject, as well as what could happen, as well as a talk on abstinence is always appropriate.

Your words don't make sense
Here in California, kids have been taught how to put condoms on cucumbers as early as 1st grade. That's truly important for our kids to know at that age don't you think?

I never got that whole cucumber thing. I mean, geez, talk about setting girls up for a BIG disappointment later in life. Cucumber? Really? You guys wish. :eusa_whistle:
Your words don't make sense

They don't make sense only because you're such a close minded idiot that you can't see the logic in them.

Abstinence only education NEVER works, people only think it does.

And.....if you're unwilling to prepare your child for the real world, good luck with that......if you have a daughter, she'd end up pregnant prior to marriage by only being taught abstinence only.

I never got that whole cucumber thing. I mean, geez, talk about setting girls up for a BIG disappointment later in life. Cucumber? Really? You guys wish. :eusa_whistle:

Only in the porn world where they take dick steroids
They don't make sense only because you're such a close minded idiot that you can't see the logic in them.

Abstinence only education NEVER works, people only think it does.

And.....if you're unwilling to prepare your child for the real world, good luck with that......if you have a daughter, she'd end up pregnant prior to marriage by only being taught abstinence only.


Well there's definitely no arguing with you:doubt:
Considering that you're such an idiot (non)TruthSpeaker, it's no wonder that you can't debate this.

You ain't got either the brains, OR the balls.

You're a fucking eunich. Just out of curiosity, do they cut off your testicles before or after you convert to Moronism?
Considering that you're such an idiot (non)TruthSpeaker, it's no wonder that you can't debate this.

You ain't got either the brains, OR the balls.

You're a fucking eunich. Just out of curiosity, do they cut off your testicles before or after you convert to Moronism?
That's amazing, I didn't think you could repeat the same post on this site but skooter has proven that if you are inept enough, it's possible.:lol::lol::lol:
My children were taught good touch/bad touch in preschool without a sex ed curriculum.

The whole smokescreen is just a way to sexualize our children legally though the schools, and the "anti-predator" chant is simply a way to make it palatable.

And it isn't the job of the schools to decide to "re-educate" our children if they don't like the way parents are teaching things at home. The function of a public school is to teach our children to read, to write, to expose them to classical education and mathematics, and to prepare them for college.

The purpose of school is NOT to teach them to rebel against the religious and secular teachings of their parents, or to create a "new order" in step with what the left thinks is appropriate.

Anything outside of teaching the basics is bullshit and has no place in the school. This includes those idiotic "streetwise" programs which first label at-risk youth, then pull them out of regular classes to further isolate and stigmatize them, and give them pizza while taking them around to all the free health clinics for their pelvics, and showing them where all the abortion clinics, and holding their hands and telling them that despite the fact they're experimenting with drugs and risky sex, they'll always be okay in the eyes of the school counselors.
My children were taught good touch/bad touch in preschool without a sex ed curriculum.

The whole smokescreen is just a way to sexualize our children legally though the schools, and the "anti-predator" chant is simply a way to make it palatable.

And it isn't the job of the schools to decide to "re-educate" our children if they don't like the way parents are teaching things at home. The function of a public school is to teach our children to read, to write, to expose them to classical education and mathematics, and to prepare them for college.

The purpose of school is NOT to teach them to rebel against the religious and secular teachings of their parents, or to create a "new order" in step with what the left thinks is appropriate.

Anything outside of teaching the basics is bullshit and has no place in the school. This includes those idiotic "streetwise" programs which first label at-risk youth, then pull them out of regular classes to further isolate and stigmatize them, and give them pizza while taking them around to all the free health clinics for their pelvics, and showing them where all the abortion clinics, and holding their hands and telling them that despite the fact they're experimenting with drugs and risky sex, they'll always be okay in the eyes of the school counselors.

AllieBaba For Superintendant!!!!!!!!!:clap2:
AllieBaba For Superintendant!!!!!!!!!:clap2:

I've never actually seen a public school that teaches kids to rebel against religious anything.

Putting that aside what possible benefit would they have to sexualize children? Can't think of anything really. Teaching them to avoid predators mean they can pull a 'I'm thinking about the children' card (rightfully or not is up for debate).

If they really were trying to sexualize them and then some of the parents found out, got proof and it was put out on the media (and trust me the media would be all over it, probably even if were still at 'baseless rumor' stage) then that politician's career would go down at record speed.
So.....lemmie get this right......

Most of you think that providing sex education in school is wrong? Well......considering that most parents today don't take the time to educate their children, or, if they do, generally the parents aren't as well informed as their kids. Most families have both parents working, with the children in after school programs or latch key kids (of which I was one).

Don't you think that providing good solid information about pregnancy prevention, as well as birth control belongs WITH abstinence education instead of nothing but telling them "just say no"?
I am not against sex education, but in my opinion kids shouldn't be talking about sex until 9th grade. We don't teach them calculus until high school because they aren't ready for it. Just like a lot of other subjects. They just aren't ready for it. If you want to talk age appropriate then let's talk about what is going to benefit kids.
Certainly if they get the permission to teach that straight sex is ok, then they will get the permission to teach that gay sex is ok because it's "just another variation or expression of sex."
The education system is full of liberal lobbyists who can find no better arena to push their agenda than on accepting young minds.
That is the big secret.
And the media already is all over it, but because they are in bed with the schools, they paint young sex ed as "progressive" when it is really devious.
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I am not against sex education, but in my opinion kids shouldn't be talking about sex until 9th grade. We don't teach them calculus until high school because they aren't ready for it. Just like a lot of other subjects. They just aren't ready for it. If you want to talk age appropriate then let's talk about what is going to benefit kids.
Certainly if they get the permission to teach that straight sex is ok, then they will get the permission to teach that gay sex is ok because it's "just another variation or expression of sex."
The education system is full of liberal lobbyists who can find no better arena to push their agenda than on accepting young minds.
That is the big secret.
And the media already is all over it, but because they are in bed with the schools, they paint young sex ed as "progressive" when it is really devious.

You're right. I don't want 3rd graders learning about the G spot, nor do I really think it's important to show pre-pubescent kids about how a penis and a vagina fit together. But......I do want them told it is inappropriate until after they gain some maturity.....say, 'round high school level.

And......instead of teaching about "gay" or "straight" sex, how about leaving all that out of it, and just calling it "reproduction"? Let the parents sort that out, because hey.......they're supposed to teach their children, right? And, it's not so much the "libs" are pushing a gay agenda, they're just asking for equal rights, and here is one place where I would say no.

Condoms will provide protection against HIV, which is all the kids really need to know about that subject.

And, as far as I've been able to determine, it's impossible for gay sex to lead to reproduction (at least, right now). So, instead of "gay" or "straight" sex, just tell the kids this is the series of events that lead to pregnancy, and then, tell them what to do to prevent it if they decide to try it before they are adults.

Dunno if it's devious or not, depends on your perspective and how strong your conspiracy theory muscles are.

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