Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

Darling BDBoop, start if for me and I will jump in. I'm serious.

Still wont answer that blow job question can you, dear.

Perhaps if you specified receiving a blowjob, he would feel more comfortable answering?

I did....i asked him specifically... did he enjoy blow jobs from women....or did he turn them down.

He of course refused to answer saying it was off topic.

syrenn dear, Are you gay?

Nope... not at all. Are you gay?

Nope, me neither, we are part of the 94%.

And how do you like blow jobs... from women of course. Enjoy them or turn them down?

I figure its a fair question considering you felt free enough to ask me about my sexual orientation.
My case is no more "casual" (if you mean uniformed) than is yours. The great majority were in committed lesbian relationships.

It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.
A straight one.

The one who molested my sister and I, fathered our other two sisters and went on to sleep with every nurse and single woman in the tri-county area so I'm sure you'll pardon me if I substitute my reality for your assumptions.

Was he your father or stepfather?

I am inordinately curious as to your reason for asking.

And Gary Darling? Start your own damn threads.

Gary did start this thread. Loon.
My case is no more "casual" (if you mean uniformed) than is yours. The great majority were in committed lesbian relationships.

It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

It doesn't presume that at all.
It just never made sense to me. My sister is a lesbian, I am straight. We were both molested. She's right-handed, I'm left-handed. /shrug

We are who we are, independent of our shared experiences.
Well then, you have it all figured out.

Molestation causes homosexuality and insanity. Thank you.
It just never made sense to me. My sister is a lesbian, I am straight. We were both molested. She's right-handed, I'm left-handed. /shrug

We are who we are, independent of our shared experiences.

Same for me. We were both molested by the same uncle, my sister and me, and we didn't tell each other until we were adults.

I'm lesbian, and she's straight. She's right handed, I'm left handed.
But how do you know they aren't screwed up if you refuse to educate yourself about them?

Oh, silly don't.

I am virtually positive that you think you are typing calm, rational, logical thoughts.

You're not. You should know that. You've come undone, and you don't seem to have noticed.

I am virtually positive that you think people actually care what you think about anything...I haven't come undone at all. This site has gone downhill. And it will continue to go downhill as long as it embraces perverts. The number of visitors is already declining.
virtually ? so there's still a chance that you're not rational?
"[FONT=VERDANA, MS SANS SERIF, ARIAL, HELVETICA]The report entitled Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse, shows that while homosexual men make up less than three per cent of the adult male population, they commit a disproportionate number (one third or more) of child sexual molestations. Dailey's report is being sent to parents, youth groups, school administrators, Catholic bishops, and religious organizations.
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse presents a number of controversial findings. The first is that a significant percentage of child sexual abuse victims are boys. The second finding of Dailey's report contradicts the "inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey" that homosexuals comprise at least 10 per cent of the population. Based upon a study of three large data sets, the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. Census, "a recent study in demography estimates the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 per cent, and the number of exclusive lesbians at 1.4 per cent," writes Dailey."

Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia - Interim, September 2002


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