Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

My case is no more "casual" (if you mean uniformed) than is yours. The great majority were in committed lesbian relationships.

It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

You are talking to a guy who doesn't know what causal means. You really need to talk to him like you would a child so he will understand what you are saying.
"Over half the sample had had thoughts about suicide at some time, and 18% had attempted suicide. 37% had been physically abused as a child or adult, 32% had been raped or sexually attacked, and 19% had been involved in incestuous relationships while growing up."
That's scientific proof in that population..

Which, incidentally, is a population where child sexual abuse is rampant. So it's a pretty good one.

There are many problems with that study so it can hardly be presented as proof.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

This article details the many problems with your assertion.

Oh, thank you. From "Dr. Herek's blog"....lolololol...those are FAR less biased than the study I provided.
It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

I am telling you what several dozen committed lesbians told me. I generalized nothing, and neither did the women. Don't tell them what is true or not true in their experience. That is demeaning to them.

For petes sake, you are really over reacting. 36 lesbians told you that they had been sexually molested as children and THAT's what made them ALL lesbian?

The one demeaning lesbians is YOU. You're the one saying we're all alike.

I am saying nothing of the sort, and now you are being defensive because I am disagreeing with you. You are better than that.

I am telling you what they said and what they concluded.

What I wrote was personally that I thought Nature and Nurture are both involved. My brother who is gay agrees witht that, although he believes in his case genetic wiring was more important.

Now, please, don't miscast what I have written here.
AllieBaba's documentation is heavily baised and poorly evidenced. The documents are biased, period, and they do not worry about science whatsoever.
Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas, JS, what a monumental mistake you made when you decided Sky has any character at all...she will miscast, and she will also lie. Have fun.
Some of the best sex I ever had was with a lady who said she was a "former lesbian", she had a girlfriend in Denver and was married to a rich Jewish guy in LA who wanted 2 wives, she was his second. She also had 2 DUI's but was AWESOME in bed, just great. :thup:
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Do you have a source for the 6%/25% figures?

Here is an article about the topic. It if full of links to source material: Report: Pedophilia more common among ‘gays’

WND....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
AllieBaba's documentation is heavily baised and poorly evidenced. The documents are biased, period, and they do not worry about science whatsoever.

Lol..yeah, cuz we all know that the National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for mental health care. Bradford, Judith; Ryan, Caitlin; Rothblum, Esther D.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 62(2), Apr 1994, 228-242. doi:

Is biased.

LOLOL! Moron.
It's not very likely that a woman would molest a child, though...if we're talking numbers. A guy is more likely to molest than a woman, and a gay guy even more likely.

There is a local case where a mother tracked down her underage son and engaged in a sexual relationship with him.

Mom tracks down son, has sex with him -

My personal belief, totally unsupported any evidence, is that women are no less likely to engage in perversion, molestation, and pedophilia than men, they are just less likely to get reported and prosecuted. After all, a teenage boy hooking up with an older woman is perfectly normal, there is even a song about it. Men doing the exact same thing is considered obscene.

[ame=]Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson - YouTube[/ame]
I've worked with child predators.

Every one of them identified as "gay". In fact, a couple of them claimed they turned to pedophilia because they were ashamed of being homosexual.

I'm sure somehow the anti-heteros will claim that means that pedophilia (whoops we aren't supposed to use that word) is caused by heterosexuals...

What a load of dingos' kidneys.
And again:

"Over half the sample had had thoughts about suicide at some time, and 18% had attempted suicide. 37% had been physically abused as a child or adult, 32% had been raped or sexually attacked, and 19% had been involved in incestuous relationships while growing up."


National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for mental health care.
Bradford, Judith; Ryan, Caitlin; Rothblum, Esther D.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 62(2), Apr 1994, 228-242. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.62.2.228
Special Section: Mental Health of Lesbians and Gay Men.

©2012 American Psychological Association

The damned APA is at it again! Making lesbians look all dysfunctional and shit! Those homophobes!
I said heavily biased and poorly evidenced. In this journal you reference, AllieBaba, the conclusions do not support your position. You just blew up your position. Snap! goes the trap, and AllieRat is trapped!
It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

I am telling you what several dozen committed lesbians told me. I generalized nothing, and neither did the women. Don't tell them what is true or not true in their experience. That is demeaning to them.

For petes sake, you are really over reacting. 36 lesbians told you that they had been sexually molested as children and THAT's what made them ALL lesbian?

The one demeaning lesbians is YOU. You're the one saying we're all alike.

They were joking, and he is an idiot.
It's not very likely that a woman would molest a child, though...if we're talking numbers. A guy is more likely to molest than a woman, and a gay guy even more likely.

There is a local case where a mother tracked down her underage son and engaged in a sexual relationship with him.

Mom tracks down son, has sex with him -

My personal belief, totally unsupported any evidence, is that women are no less likely to engage in perversion, molestation, and pedophilia than men, they are just less likely to get reported and prosecuted. After all, a teenage boy hooking up with an older woman is perfectly normal, there is even a song about it. Men doing the exact same thing is considered obscene.

[ame=""]Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson - YouTube[/ame]

You're right, it's unsupported by any evidence.
I am telling you what several dozen committed lesbians told me. I generalized nothing, and neither did the women. Don't tell them what is true or not true in their experience. That is demeaning to them.

For petes sake, you are really over reacting. 36 lesbians told you that they had been sexually molested as children and THAT's what made them ALL lesbian?

The one demeaning lesbians is YOU. You're the one saying we're all alike.

They were joking, and he is an idiot.

They were telling me what they believed, and the fact that QWB discounts it is proof positive that it is true.
Thus, homosexual practitioners were proportionately more apt to abuse foster or adoptive children sexually.


That's the Catholic Church Study?

No, it's from Ammons Scientific.

"AmSci is an international academic publisher with over fifty years of experience and over 48,000 articles. Currently, AmSci offers four main journals:


AmSci (Ammons Scientific) - Academic Publisher of Social Sciences

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