Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

sexual perversions include: Pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the catholic church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "the mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

Here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "folsum street fair"

why is that your personal favorite?

Seriously, you know what, they've done studies that most rabid homophobes are latent homosexuals...
better latent then never! (cue rim shot!)
There is really nothing to "fear" about gays.

With their limp wrists flapping around; and their pronounced lisp when they talk. Plus, their over the top effeminate emotional behavior. They are actually quite comical and buffoonish.

But I would never let a homo be around my children. Because of their propensity for child molesting.

Nor would I ever shake hands with a homo or touch something they had recently handled. Due to the fact that most gays carry serious diseases and infections.
so tell me how many times have you watched the birdcage?
Homos are basically mentally ill and have No business being around children. Period

Do you care to offer scientific proof for your fears?
It is not a fear; but common sense. :cool:

If you let a homo baby set your child. And later on found out the he had molested your kid.

Would you say, "I don't see how this could have happened"? "Because science assured me that it would be OK for a homo to watch my child; and much safer than using a family member". :cuckoo:
so by that standard all muslim men are gay .. Islam and sexual orientation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from LGBT topics and Islam)
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LGBT topics and Islam are influenced by both the cultural-legal history of the nations with a large Muslim population, along with how specific passages in the Qur'an and statements attributed to the prophet Muhammad are interpreted. The mainstream interpretation of Qur'anic verses and hadith condemn homosexuality and cross-dressing. In this, Islam resembles socially conservative interpretations of other Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Christianity.

The Qur'an cites the story of the "people of Lot" (also known as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah), destroyed by the wrath of God because they engaged in "lustful" carnal acts between men.

Eminent scholars of Islam, such as Sheikh ul-Islam Imam Malik, and Imam Shafi amongst others, ruled that Islam disallowed homosexuality and ordained capital punishment for a person guilty of it.[1] Homosexual activity is a crime and forbidden in most Muslim-majority countries. In the Islamic regimes of Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, North Sudan and Yemen, homosexual activity is punished with the death penalty. In Nigeria and Somalia the death penalty is issued in some regions.[2] The legal punishment for sodomy has varied among juristic schools: some prescribe capital punishment; while other prescribe a milder discretionary punishment such as imprisonment. In some relatively secular Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia,[3] Jordan and Turkey this is not the case.

By contrast, homoerotic themes were present in poetry and other literature written by some Muslims from the medieval period onwards and which celebrated love between men.[4]

Islam and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I never said they weren't natural. I said they aren't normal.
A deviation from the norm then is not necessarily a perversion
So why obsess about it?
Would you trust your child alone and unsupervised around someone who has that particular deviation, whether they are a priest or not?

Why not?

If I let a strange woman watch a male child why not let a strange gay guy watch a male child.

As I said it is far more likely for a family member to molest a child than a stranger of any sexual orientation.

I'm not afraid of gay people.
It's not very likely that a woman would molest a child, though...if we're talking numbers. A guy is more likely to molest than a woman, and a gay guy even more likely.
The psychiatric profession is quite subjective. There are no blood tests, cultures, CT scans, ultrasounds or other diagnostic tests used to determine a disorder or to prescribe the proper treatment. Most diagnoses are opinions only and have no medical data to back them up. Psychiatric medications are often prescribed in a trial and error fashion. They rely on feedback from the patient to adjust dosages or change medications. The psychiatric community has changed the classification of homosexuality based on nothing more than opinion and pressure from activist groups.

The occupation with the highest suicide rate is psychology.

Gay activists claim that gay teenagers have a suicide rate four times higher than normal kids. They blame this on intolerance and bullying. The media, schools, and universities think that by normalizing homosexuality they will reduce bullying and thus reduce gay suicide rates. The truth is that all people with psychological disorders have high suicide rates. Homosexual activists have successfully lobbied mental health authorities to remove homosexuality form the list of mental disorders. However, I feel that homosexuality is a disorder, and health officials were bullied into changing its classification, just as the activists are now bullying the public to accept gay marriage.

Read about it here: Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of Disorders « Conservative Colloquium

The statistics are the statistics.

Deviations from the norm are a natural part of any system therefore homosexuality is a natural part of the human system. In fact it always has been.

Evidence of gay relationships exists as early as 2400 B.C.

Sexuality exists on a spectrum just like any other trait or occurrence. It is neither right nor wrong it just is.

Rapists, and child molesters also exist. They are also deviations from the norm. There certainly are cases of right and wrong. Just because something exists does not make it a positive trait. I am certainly not putting "garden variety" homosexuals in the same category of rapists and molesters, I am just saying that it should not be encouraged, celebrated and embraced by schools, universities, the medias and the entertainment industry.

Last time I checked the term rapist has never been used to describe one's sexuality.

Homosexuality doesn't have to be embraced or celebrated. It exists. It has always exist and it will always exist.

Recognizing that fact and teaching children to be aware of the real world is not doing any disservice to anyone.
The truth is, the percentage of gay child molesters is higher than the percentage of gay people.

You can piss and moan about it, but that's the truth. When you piss and moan and pull your hair out, you're flailing at reality, not at any bias.

Do you care to offer any scientific proof of your assertion?
My case is no more "casual" (if you mean uniformed) than is yours. The great majority were in committed lesbian relationships.

It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

I am telling you what several dozen committed lesbians told me. I generalized nothing, and neither did the women. Don't tell them what is true or not true in their experience. That is demeaning to them.
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

What any of these have to do with being "gay" is a "mystery" only solved by "right wing science".

Speaking of 6%:


6% of Scientists will admit to being Republican | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

What the results of a scientific study actually look like.

Who said schools today don't have a biased agenda.

Normal schools have a bias that leans toward facts. The OP linked to an article that starts off with:

Will You Boldly Proclaim"I am a Christian"? Sign the pledge now!

The OP is stupid, misinformed, and bigoted. The only thing that could have made him look intelligent is you popping in and throwing out a statistic about Republican scientists.
My case is no more "casual" (if you mean uniformed) than is yours. The great majority were in committed lesbian relationships.

It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

I am telling you what several dozen committed lesbians told me. I generalized nothing, and neither did the women. Don't tell them what is true or not true in their experience. That is demeaning to them.

For petes sake, you are really over reacting. 36 lesbians told you that they had been sexually molested as children and THAT's what made them ALL lesbian?

The one demeaning lesbians is YOU. You're the one saying we're all alike.
That's scientific proof in that population..

Which, incidentally, is a population where child sexual abuse is rampant. So it's a pretty good one.
My case is no more "casual" (if you mean uniformed) than is yours. The great majority were in committed lesbian relationships.

She said causal, as in expressing or indicating cause. Instead of assuming she made a typo you should look up words you don't understand. Claiming a causal relationship between abuse and sexual preferences makes that preference a symptom of the abuse that can be treated professionally. Quite a few people would find that offensive.

My guess is that the dozen's of lesbians you spoke to were pulling your leg because you are so stupid and gullible you make an easy target.

Come to think of it, that makes you a lot like garyganu, the brain dead idiot who started this thread.

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