Gays got punked

Just give in to it already. We all know you want to suck some dick
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.
Nice you know you have their best interests at heart.
Yes I support Trump, the one who wants to temporarily stop muslim immigration. Till there can be away to actually find out who is coming over. Obama and Hillary want as many muslims over here they can get. They vote democrat 80 to 90% of the time. So more gay killings, doesn't affect them whatsoever as long as they get the votes. Gays were needed in 2012, but now they aren't. Goodbye gays, this is the liberal way.

And the conservative way for gays would be ... ? Do go on. I know you want to look after their interests.
Like I said Trump wants to temporarily stop the muslims that want to kill them. Till he can find away to make sure they aren't terrorist. Obama doesn't care, get any muslim over here for a vote, also Hillary supports Obama's policies.

Continued dodge duly noted.
Obama wants an open border, in which will get us more tragedies as Orlando.

You started with gays and how "one" side used them. And you cannot address the "other" side's tack on this issue. We all saw that. Obama's been deporting like crazy, you should go seek out some real information. Everyone knows when you merely repeat what your TV or radio tells you.
Just give in to it already. We all know you want to suck some dick
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

You have yet to meet the truth.
Is there anyone or any group (except muslims) Obama has NOT thrown under the bus?

I think dwarfs, I've not heard of the dwarf group being thrown under any buses, so Obama must, for now, still be cool with them.

The Oompa Loompa's are of course very happy :smoke: :thup:


I bet they wouldn't if they knew he would use this tragedy for nothing but gun control. Issis had nothing to do with it. Obama, terrorist light.

Trump's anti-Muslim immigration policy would have done fuck all to prevent to this massacre. Same with gun control. I love watching people using this tragedy while simultaneously pretending they are not using this tragedy.

The reason why gay people vote for the Democrats in en mass is b/c the GOP has far too more to gain from courting the evangelical voters.

You're fooling yourself if you think ANY of these people actually give a fuck about any of us. They don't.
Just give in to it already. We all know you want to suck some dick
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.

Careful, you do not want to be responsible for pushing a mentally disturbed individual with latent homosexual tendencies into mass murder.
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Shouldn't you be in summer school?
Instead of using it as a moment to ostracize ISIS over their sick views, and deadly treatment toward homosexuals.
There is no telling whom gays would have voted for en mass if Obama didn't support marriage equality during the previous election. :lol:
I bet they wouldn't if they knew he would use this tragedy for nothing but gun control. Issis had nothing to do with it. Obama, terrorist light.
Last edited:
Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Shouldn't you be in summer school?

Went through every response and this was the best you had? ....fuck....
LGBT community will not vote for Trump and to be really honest they would go Green before voting GOP... ( My opinion )

Also MDK is correct and that is all i have to say in this thread.
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Shouldn't you be in summer school?

Went through every response and this was the best you had? ....fuck....
Says the kid who thinks "butt sniffer" is clever.
Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Shouldn't you be in summer school?

Went through every response and this was the best you had? ....fuck....
Says the kid who thinks "butt sniffer" is clever.

Who said it was clever?

Oh, right....You did.
Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.

Careful, you do not want to be responsible for pushing a mentally disturbed individual with latent homosexual tendencies into mass murder.
Another liberal degrading homosexuals, keep up the good work.
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Obama is throwing gays under the bus for a fellow Muslim.
Obama was against gay marriage, until right before the election. He got your vote, so now he is done with you. He is going out of his way to hide the reason for the massacre in Orlando. He doesn't want any reference to issis. Obama has switched this tragedy to gun control. He has gotten about one million muslim voters migrated here, gays are only about 3% of the population. So he isn't worried about you anymore, even though about 50 of you just got slaughtered. Hillary doesn't care for you either. Thanks for playing their game.

that's funny since it was trump who tried to say that gays should join him in hating muslims after the tragedy.

as usual, you're butt backwards.
Thanks for proving my point. Using homosexuality to insult someone, the honeymoon didn't last long with them.

Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Obama is throwing gays under the bus for a fellow Muslim.
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.

Careful, you do not want to be responsible for pushing a mentally disturbed individual with latent homosexual tendencies into mass murder.
Another liberal degrading homosexuals, keep up the good work.

try reading with comprehension. :cuckoo:
Put away that PC badge Capt Gay Rights. We know you're super upset when someone calls another a fag because its unfair to the group you love so dearly :rolleyes:
I've never done anything bad to a gay person, and I also didn't use them for a vote and then threw them away, like Obama has.

Geez, you're really bad at this. Try harder at trolling and you'll make it one day
Telling the truth is not trolling. Try again.

Accusations arent the truth, butt sniffer. Now you're a butt sniffer because I just said so. You hate the truth.
Obama is throwing gays under the bus for a fellow Muslim.

Ok BS'er.....Bullshitter and Butt Sniffer....yanno, because saying so means everything
Obama was against gay marriage, until right before the election. He got your vote, so now he is done with you. He is going out of his way to hide the reason for the massacre in Orlando. He doesn't want any reference to issis. Obama has switched this tragedy to gun control. He has gotten about one million muslim voters migrated here, gays are only about 3% of the population. So he isn't worried about you anymore, even though about 50 of you just got slaughtered. Hillary doesn't care for you either. Thanks for playing their game.

that's funny since it was trump who tried to say that gays should join him in hating muslims after the tragedy.

as usual, you're butt backwards.
Oh but according to obama issis had nothing to do with it. If you cannot face the enemy. You can't fight them. His Muslim brothers are more important than those gays he once supported and used.

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