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Originally posted by Johnney
well im not going back through several threads and dozens of posts. you can manage that one

well i haven't really found WHY being gay is wrong, just people saying how much they hate them and want them dead.
Originally posted by jimnyc
You aren't very bright.

No wait, I must admitt I'm interested too. How does gay marriage equate to raised murder and suicide rates. I would reckon that you are being sarcastic, but even I too cannot tell that with certainty. If you aren't sarcastic, I think it's a valid question.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
No wait, I must admitt I'm interested too. How does gay marriage equate to raised murder and suicide rates. I would reckon that you are being sarcastic, but even I too cannot tell that with certainty. If you aren't sarcastic, I think it's a valid question.

My answer was sarcastic. I was replying to Bully's reasoning for the outlawing of naked people.
Originally posted by deciophobic
No ;ogical reason to allow gay marriage? how about equal protection under the law, you know, that little phrase in the constitution.

Are gay men allowed to marry women? Are gay women allowed to marry men?

Are straight men allowed to marry other men? Are straight women allowed to marry other women?

"No wait, I must admitt I'm interested too. How does gay marriage equate to raised murder and suicide rates. I would reckon that you are being sarcastic, but even I too cannot tell that with certainty. If you aren't sarcastic, I think it's a valid question."

Well, i didnt make the claim, but i can see ways in which it could. Ill give several reasons. Atleast from the way im seeing things now. Considering i havent really given alot of thought to hwo it equate to raised murder and suicide rates before this exact second it may not be the best argument ever.

First, Gay marriage weakens the insitution of marriage. The main purpose of marriage is for the raising and nuturing of children. (Yes i know some people get married for other reasons, like Senator Kerry who wanted to marry into wealth. But the main reason is to start a family). By changing the definition and purpose of marriage IE the creation of life, life is cheapened and marriage is weakened. We have seen the effects of weakening the marriage institution through no fault divorce. Children are hurt, unloved, depressed. not being taught to cherish life. If we weaken marriage more, our children will be the ones who suffer for our mistakes.

Second, as i mentioned the cheapening of life. I think an argument against homosexuality itself is an abuse of our power of procreation. Rather then using these gifts they were meant to be used, (again yes i know that there are other reasons but the prime reason is for children), these gifts are used in a way that can never create life.

Life and death are closely related. If you are careless in the way life is given, eventually you will be careless in the way life is taken. If you take the process of life for granted, you will take death for granted as well.

Homosexuals may seem happy or "gay", they may even in reality by happy for a short time. But true happiness can only come through legitimate marriage, because it is the truest sense becoming one with someone. And the joy of raising your own children is something they will never feel, they will suffer depression over this. yes they may be able to adopt, but despite adoption being a very good thing, its not the same as actually creating the life.

The last, I think is more based on religious views. The idea of the Soul. In the JudeoChristian belief Adam was created from the dust of the earth and blew into him his Spirit and created a living Soul. From this we can see that the soul is not simply the spirit as some see it, but a combination of our spirit and body. Thus when we engage in unlawful we are tampering with the soul of that person and with our own soul. that is going to lead to depression and eventually death, both physical and spiritual.
Originally posted by jimnyc
My answer was sarcastic. I was replying to Bully's reasoning for the outlawing of naked people.

Fair enough! Sorry for the miscomprehension.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
Fair enough! Sorry for the miscomprehension.

No apology necessary. I guess I could have been clearer too. At least you didn't reply to me demanding proof!
Originally posted by Avatar4321
"No wait, I must admitt I'm interested too. How does gay marriage equate to raised murder and suicide rates. I would reckon that you are being sarcastic, but even I too cannot tell that with certainty. If you aren't sarcastic, I think it's a valid question."

Well, i didnt make the claim, but i can see ways in which it could. Ill give several reasons. Atleast from the way im seeing things now. Considering i havent really given alot of thought to hwo it equate to raised murder and suicide rates before this exact second it may not be the best argument ever.

First, Gay marriage weakens the insitution of marriage. The main purpose of marriage is for the raising and nuturing of children. (Yes i know some people get married for other reasons, like Senator Kerry who wanted to marry into wealth. But the main reason is to start a family). By changing the definition and purpose of marriage IE the creation of life, life is cheapened and marriage is weakened. We have seen the effects of weakening the marriage institution through no fault divorce. Children are hurt, unloved, depressed. not being taught to cherish life. If we weaken marriage more, our children will be the ones who suffer for our mistakes.

Second, as i mentioned the cheapening of life. I think an argument against homosexuality itself is an abuse of our power of procreation. Rather then using these gifts they were meant to be used, (again yes i know that there are other reasons but the prime reason is for children), these gifts are used in a way that can never create life.

Life and death are closely related. If you are careless in the way life is given, eventually you will be careless in the way life is taken. If you take the process of life for granted, you will take death for granted as well.

Homosexuals may seem happy or "gay", they may even in reality by happy for a short time. But true happiness can only come through legitimate marriage, because it is the truest sense becoming one with someone. And the joy of raising your own children is something they will never feel, they will suffer depression over this. yes they may be able to adopt, but despite adoption being a very good thing, its not the same as actually creating the life.

The last, I think is more based on religious views. The idea of the Soul. In the JudeoChristian belief Adam was created from the dust of the earth and blew into him his Spirit and created a living Soul. From this we can see that the soul is not simply the spirit as some see it, but a combination of our spirit and body. Thus when we engage in unlawful we are tampering with the soul of that person and with our own soul. that is going to lead to depression and eventually death, both physical and spiritual.

Without going into theologics of which I have not the tools in which to debate, I believe that while there are valid reasons to oppose gay marriage. However, to make the link that it will have a direct correlation with an increase in murder and suicide is perhaps a step too far. I think the leaps of logic you have taken to your eventual conclusion are, with all due respect, a bit of a stretch.

Frankly I've never bought into the argument that gay marriage cheapens the institution of marriage. Frankly I would like to see monogomy in either orientation in the form of marriage or not as I believe that lasting bonds are best for society. I can't see it being the source of depression.

In addition, since marriage should be a religious ceremony, creeds that do not allow gay marriage has no requirement no accept them and hence, have no effect on current status-quo of heterosexual marriage.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock

Frankly I've never bought into the argument that gay marriage cheapens the institution of marriage. Frankly I would like to see monogomy in either orientation in the form of marriage or not as I believe that lasting bonds are best for society. I can't see it being the source of depression.

In addition, since marriage should be a religious ceremony, creeds that do not allow gay marriage has no requirement no accept them and hence, have no effect on current status-quo of heterosexual marriage.

Spot on.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Spot on.

Why have I not seen you call for government to stay out of this then? All you have done was advocate gay marriages.

I agree, make it solely a religious ceremony. What few gays that will get married then will just be considered a farce.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Action filed to remove S.F. mayor, AG

A traditional-family lobby group involved in previous attempts to stop San Francisco's unprecedented issuance of same-sex marriage licenses has filed legal action calling for the removal of Attorney General Bill Lockyer, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and City and County Clerk Nancy Alfaro.

The Sacramento-based Pro-Family Law Center charges the officials have breached their oaths of office.

Under Newsom's order, San Francisco issued the first officially sanctioned marriage licenses to same-sex couples in American history Feb. 12. More than 3,000 ceremonies have been conducted since then.

"Confidence in the rule of law is a most fundamental but fragile prerequisite of a democratic society," asserted Scott Lively of Lively and Ackerman, which is representing the Pro-Family Law Center in the action.

"By his reckless political experiment in civil rebellion, Mayor Newsom threatens the peace of the entire nation," Lively said. " He is a contemptuous scofflaw trying to cloak himself in the mantle of a civil rights crusader. Lockyer and Alfaro are nothing less than accessories before the fact."

The legal action charges Lockyer was given advanced notice of Newsom's intentions to break state law but did not intervene.

Alfaro, the complaint says, assisted Newsom by illegally altering the official state marriage license forms and pledge.

The Pro-Family Law Center contends Newsom's and Alfaro's actions, and Lockyer's complicity, "constitute contempt for the rule of law and for the constitutions they vowed to defend."

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
and the oscar goes to....

jesus, whos the drama queen now?

Sounds to me like a clear possibility. You start allowing people to flip their nose at the law and slowly others will follow suit.

The mayor broke the law as it stands today. He should be treated no differently that your or I. He should be charged and brought before the court. If he isn't, it's sending a message that certain people are above the law.
Holy Bejesus!

I just saw a bunch of pics of those getting married in SF. Why is it that EVERY ONE of them is FUGLY!!??!!??!!??

Does such ugliness lead to homosexual tendencies?
Originally posted by jimnyc
You aren't very bright.

ok let me get this straight, gay marriage will increase the suicide rate and the murder rate. is that what ur saying? if so, wow, wake up please!!
Originally posted by deciophobic
ok let me get this straight, gay marriage will increase the suicide rate and the murder rate. is that what ur saying? if so, wow, wake up please!!

Originally posted by jimnyc
Holy Bejesus!

I just saw a bunch of pics of those getting married in SF. Why is it that EVERY ONE of them is FUGLY!!??!!??!!??

Does such ugliness lead to homosexual tendencies?

you know you lose respect from people hen you stoop to name calling and cheap shots. take the advice of the o'reilly, republicans best friend, and don't be a smear merchant.
Originally posted by deciophobic
you know you lose respect from people hen you stoop to name calling and cheap shots. take the advice of the o'reilly, republicans best friend, and don't be a smear merchant.

Did you mistakenly think I gave a shit about your respect? Or did you mistakenly think I wanted respect from queers?

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