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Originally posted by OCA
Bully thinks the big words and the endless psychobabble will distract you from figuring out he's been whipped in the debate and doesn't have anywhere else to go.

There is no debate here. Just your own narrow, blinkered, black-and-white view of the world that you have deluded yourself into thinking is the way the world actually is.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
There is no debate here. Just your own narrow, blinkered, black-and-white view of the world that you have deluded yourself into thinking is the way the world actually is.

Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is narrow minded. You live a very sad existence. I won't pray for you though.
"There is no debate here. Just your own narrow, blinkered, black-and-white view of the world that you have deluded yourself into thinking is the way the world actually is."

Contrary to your view, many things in this life are black and white. To conclude that because all choices are not black and white and some are White or Whiter or Black or Blacker, doesnt mean that there isnt a good choice and a bad choice to choose from in almost all situtions and that the world isnt black and white.

I dont know any time rape, child abuse, murder or any other acts like these are right.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is narrow minded. You live a very sad existence. I won't pray for you though.

Nah...Just those who can't take off their blinkers and think for themselves. And I will keep prayin' for y'all.
Bully you should come to the Bush inauguration with me on Jan. 20. Maybe we can also celebrate the new amendment over beers too.:banana:
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Nah...Just those who can't take off their blinkers and think for themselves. And I will keep prayin' for y'all.

Save it for the faggots, they need it more than any of us.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is narrow minded. You live a very sad existence. I won't pray for you though.
no, whats funny is everyone that doesnt believe him only sees black and white. while it is he that sees black and white. everyone else has a full color view
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
There is no debate here. Just your own narrow, blinkered, black-and-white view of the world that you have deluded yourself into thinking is the way the world actually is.

And what has the world become?

A place where there is no sense of order!
If we continue to bend the rules to eveyone's thinking, then we are going to have to have Gay Beauty Pageants and Awards that are only given to those that are Gay in the Entertainment industry.
You don't seem to understand that the more leeway we give every sect of humanity, it opens up a can of worms that only forces everyone to be alienated even further.
I am not against Gays, I am against the thinking that they need to have the same rights as heterosexuals.
I happen to work in an industry full of gay people and have made many friends over the years, but that doesn't mean that they need to be married in the eyes of God!
Originally posted by Lizzy
And what has the world become?

A place where there is no sense of order!
If we continue to bend the rules to eveyone's thinking, then we are going to have to have Gay Beauty Pageants and Awards that are only given to those that are Gay in the Entertainment industry.
You don't seem to understand that the more leeway we give every sect of humanity, it opens up a can of worms that only forces everyone to be alienated even further.
I am not against Gays, I am against the thinking that they need to have the same rights as heterosexuals.
I happen to work in an industry full of gay people and have made many friends over the years, but that doesn't mean that they need to be married in the eyes of God!

Very well said, Lizzy. Welcome to the board. :)
Originally posted by Lizzy
And what has the world become?

A place where there is no sense of order!
If we continue to bend the rules to eveyone's thinking, then we are going to have to have Gay Beauty Pageants and Awards that are only given to those that are Gay in the Entertainment industry.
You don't seem to understand that the more leeway we give every sect of humanity, it opens up a can of worms that only forces everyone to be alienated even further.
I am not against Gays, I am against the thinking that they need to have the same rights as heterosexuals.
I happen to work in an industry full of gay people and have made many friends over the years, but that doesn't mean that they need to be married in the eyes of God!

The world has lost its sense of order because of the extreme polarizations in our society. It's time to step away from the extremes and find a middle path. It's time to go beyond the tired crap of "...The greatest good for the greatest number...". All that does is permit the sacrifice of any minority for the benefit of the majority. How's about the greates good for all?
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
The world has lost its sense of order because of the extreme polarizations in our society. It's time to step away from the extremes and find a middle path. It's time to go beyond the tired crap of "...The greatest good for the greatest number...". All that does is permit the sacrifice of any minority for the benefit of the majority. How's about the greates good for all?

Yes, preserve marriages and allow gays to have civil unions.

Majority SHOULD get their way and the freaks will still get the protection they desire.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
The world has lost its sense of order because of the extreme polarizations in our society. It's time to step away from the extremes and find a middle path. It's time to go beyond the tired crap of "...The greatest good for the greatest number...". All that does is permit the sacrifice of any minority for the benefit of the majority. How's about the greates good for all?

Must I repeat that gays are not a minority! They chose their path in life until defintive proof shows otherwise. Should heroin addicts be classified as a minority and recieve "special rights"?
Originally posted by OCA
Must I repeat that gays are not a minority! They chose their path in life until defintive proof shows otherwise. Should heroin addicts be classified as a minority and recieve "special rights"?

This is exactly what I am saying. There has to be some form of regulation or all hell is going to break loose!

i don't understand why you guys give a fuck if gays get married or not.
Two reasons:

1)The family is the building block of our nation and civlization. If we continue to further weaken the institution of marriage our civilization will deteroriate and we will be destroyed. We are thinking about our children. We want to pass onto them a world that is better than ours. Allowing them to believe that same sex sexual relations is legitimate undermines them and society.

2)The methods they are attempting to force this issue on us is outside those in the Constitution. Rather then letting the people decide, they are trying to overturn the will of the people and force them to accept their life style. The refusal of the civil authorites and the courts to uphold the law is astounding and the law is not upheld, our nation will be destroyed. And they are hurting their own cause. in there efforts to destroy the law, they dont see that by destroying the law it no longer has the power to protect them. What happens if more people decide to take the law into their own hands? Who will protect them when some psycho anti gay person decides to murder them? Without law there is nothing to stop extreme wackos from any politicla spectrum from taking advantage of it and hurting the freedom of this nation.
Gays getting married will not destroy anything, they have the right to be married just like everyone else. The american family was destroyed a long time ago, and having a happily married gay couple will not make it any worse.
and just becuase it is a law doesn't make it right.

Also, the freedom of this nation is already in seriuos jeopardy and telling one group of people that they can't do something that another group is allowed to do is a perfect example.
Originally posted by bedo420
and just becuase it is a law doesn't make it right.

Also, the freedom of this nation is already in seriuos jeopardy and telling one group of people that they can't do something that another group is allowed to do is a perfect example.

What can't a gay man or woman do that a straight man or woman can?


Why is it so hard for people to see this?
Originally posted by bedo420
and just becuase it is a law doesn't make it right.

Also, the freedom of this nation is already in seriuos jeopardy and telling one group of people that they can't do something that another group is allowed to do is a perfect example.
Freedom in this country isn't in serious jeopardy. No one is suggesting that homosexuals lose their rights to life and liberty. But freedom does not mean, and never has, the right to do anything you want. It's relegated to certain rights...life, liberty, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, etc.

The funny thing here is that morality is a legitimate concern of laws and society. Every law is based on what's right for society. If you abandon that concept, all laws go out the window.

Imagine a country with no welfare, no protection for illegal immigrants, no seatbelt laws, no suicde laws, no euthanasia laws, no drug laws, no gun restrictions, no truancy laws, no...ah, the peace of it!

If you ask me, I'd be willing to exchange the vast majority of laws which are based on morality and cause me harm for one little law on gay marriage. Because in the end, even those endorsing gay marriage will wish it were the way it is now and all those other laws to be reinstated.

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