Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

I'm outraged; if it's true. I mean, I'd like to see some evidence of that (I haven't looked at Obama's tax returns, and I wouldn't even look at Romney's; I just find it really intriguing he hasn't released them like everyone else has in the modern era). But if it's true, of course it's appalling that ANYONE who makes that kind of money would pay a lower effective tax rate than a teacher, fire fighter or police officer.

I'm consistent though. I don't just attach my code of ethics to a political ideology or party. I guess I'm saying I'm better than you, ConservativeFuckFace...yeah, I'm saying that, for sure.
What is so "intriguing" about filing for an extension? I've done it six times so far because I don't have the paperwork I need by the 4/15 deadline.

He has extensions filed on all of the past 12 years' returns and that's not a little strange? Is that what you're saying?
Yes. That is what I am saying. For the past eight years (six was wrong, now that I thought of it), some of the paperwork I need is never available to me by 4/15. Not that I haven't complained about that hassle, but that is the way it is. And, it is not so unusual for many. Because I know I am not all that unique.
What is so "intriguing" about filing for an extension? I've done it six times so far because I don't have the paperwork I need by the 4/15 deadline.

He has extensions filed on all of the past 12 years' returns and that's not a little strange? Is that what you're saying?
Yes. That is what I am saying. For the past eight years (six was wrong, now that I thought of it), some of the paperwork I need is never available to me by 4/15. Not that I haven't complained about that hassle, but that is the way it is. And, it is not so unusual for many. Because I know I am not all that unique.

You're missing the point. Are you saying that you don't have any completed tax returns for the last six years? And that Romney's aren't done for the last 12?
I do. And I have a lovely full-time job. It's amazing that you can THINK you know something, and yet you don't.

Thanks for the message on my wall, Sweetie. I'll come over later and we'll suck'n'fuck all night long if you want.

You WERE trying to tell me you wanted to be in me when you posted on my visitor page, right?

Uh no, that would been Dante's dog.'ve got a job that allows that much time at a computer to spout BS all day long ?

Must be nice.

It's fucking hella nice. And I actually work, all-told, about 65 hours a week. Guess I'm just a hard worker who can multitask and never let his bosses down while continually smacking down the bullshit of Conservative Tea Baggers on this message board.

Fuck. I AM better than you.

Bullshit. You are nothing more than a covetous loudmouth with too much time on her hands. To think you are employed requires a tremendous leap of faith, let alone to believe you put in those kind of hours, all the while simultaneously flinging shit on This board.
He has extensions filed on all of the past 12 years' returns and that's not a little strange? Is that what you're saying?
Yes. That is what I am saying. For the past eight years (six was wrong, now that I thought of it), some of the paperwork I need is never available to me by 4/15. Not that I haven't complained about that hassle, but that is the way it is. And, it is not so unusual for many. Because I know I am not all that unique.

You're missing the point. Are you saying that you don't have any completed tax returns for the last six years? And that Romney's aren't done for the last 12?

No, I am saying it's funny that you find filing an extension to be intriguing. That is the reason you haven't seen his 2011 return. You've seen his 2010 return. And, you've seen what the law requires.

If not seeing someone's tax returns makes them intriguing, you are easily intrigued.
Investment income is taxed at a lower rate to encourage investments and increase the money available for investment. If Elizabeth Warren doesn't know this she needs to keep up her native American ancestry and go to a few more parties.

Money generates revenue when it is in circulation. When money is taxed, it is taken out of circulation. It is not available for expansion or investment.
Yes. That is what I am saying. For the past eight years (six was wrong, now that I thought of it), some of the paperwork I need is never available to me by 4/15. Not that I haven't complained about that hassle, but that is the way it is. And, it is not so unusual for many. Because I know I am not all that unique.

You're missing the point. Are you saying that you don't have any completed tax returns for the last six years? And that Romney's aren't done for the last 12?

No, I am saying it's funny that you find filing an extension to be intriguing. That is the reason you haven't seen his 2011 return. You've seen his 2010 return. And, you've seen what the law requires.

If not seeing someone's tax returns makes them intriguing, you are easily intrigued.

Maybe. But I'm not alone, and I'd say this issue is going to turn into a really, really big one if he doesn't do something quick. And again, you're missing the point. I could easily overlook the last one or two, or on the outside THREE years not being released because of extensions, but all of the last 12? Sorry, that smells like fish. And you know it. Otherwise, why would every other nominee have been able to pull it off with no problems? Kerry was crazy rich and by the time he ran in '04 he'd released 20 years worth of returns.
Investment income is taxed at a lower rate to encourage investments and increase the money available for investment. If Elizabeth Warren doesn't know this she needs to keep up her native American ancestry and go to a few more parties.

Money generates revenue when it is in circulation. When money is taxed, it is taken out of circulation. It is not available for expansion or investment.

What happens to money parked in offshore, anonymous accounts?
Uh no, that would been Dante's dog.'ve got a job that allows that much time at a computer to spout BS all day long ?

Must be nice.

It's fucking hella nice. And I actually work, all-told, about 65 hours a week. Guess I'm just a hard worker who can multitask and never let his bosses down while continually smacking down the bullshit of Conservative Tea Baggers on this message board.

Fuck. I AM better than you.

Bullshit. You are nothing more than a covetous loudmouth with too much time on her hands. To think you are employed requires a tremendous leap of faith, let alone to believe you put in those kind of hours, all the while simultaneously flinging shit on This board.

Fuck. I AM better than you.
President Obama’s Secretary Paid Higher Tax Rate Than He Did - ABC News
President Obama today released his 2011 federal income tax, with he and his wife reporting an adjusted gross income of $789,674. The Obamas paid $162,074 in total tax – an effective federal income tax rate of 20.5%.

President Obama’s secretary, Anita Decker Breckenridge, makes $95,000 a year. White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage tells ABC News that Breckenridge “pays a slightly higher rate this year on her substantially lower income, which is exactly why we need to reform our tax code and ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share. ”

Yeah. Okay. That does suck. I'm not saying it's Obama's fault, nor is it Romney's fault if he only pays 15%. I blame the system that allowed that to happen.

Aww, look at you trying to score a hit on me, and I just turned it around. Mmm. Boy, you really are a dumb fucking fuck, DumbFuck.

you're a legend in your own mind. congrats.
I do. And I have a lovely full-time job. It's amazing that you can THINK you know something, and yet you don't.

Thanks for the message on my wall, Sweetie. I'll come over later and we'll suck'n'fuck all night long if you want.

You WERE trying to tell me you wanted to be in me when you posted on my visitor page, right?

Uh no, that would been Dante's dog.'ve got a job that allows that much time at a computer to spout BS all day long ?

Must be nice.

It's fucking hella nice. And I actually work, all-told, about 65 hours a week. Guess I'm just a hard worker who can multitask and never let his bosses down while continually smacking down the bullshit of Conservative Tea Baggers on this message board.

Fuck. I AM better than you.

you are the textbook definition of a narcissistic personality.
You're missing the point. Are you saying that you don't have any completed tax returns for the last six years? And that Romney's aren't done for the last 12?

No, I am saying it's funny that you find filing an extension to be intriguing. That is the reason you haven't seen his 2011 return. You've seen his 2010 return. And, you've seen what the law requires.

If not seeing someone's tax returns makes them intriguing, you are easily intrigued.

Maybe. But I'm not alone, and I'd say this issue is going to turn into a really, really big one if he doesn't do something quick. And again, you're missing the point. I could easily overlook the last one or two, or on the outside THREE years not being released because of extensions, but all of the last 12? Sorry, that smells like fish. And you know it. Otherwise, why would every other nominee have been able to pull it off with no problems? Kerry was crazy rich and by the time he ran in '04 he'd released 20 years worth of returns.
Oh, you got that right. It's going to be as big a point as not seeing the 'scholarly' records of man who was sold only on alleged intellect.

M-16 v AK-47. Which is going to win? Hmmmmmmm.
What's this guy hiding?

Too right, Paulie. WTF is black Obamney hiding?

He hides IN PLAIN SIGHT, how he copies Republicans, including Nixon and white Obamney. He hides FF and Manning defense docs, for years at a time. He promises to prioritize climate change. And where in fuck did that creep off to, GITMO?

He doesn't hide all but his 2010 tax return or his relationship with Bain Capital or his offshore money.

So when does white Obamney whip out his other tax returns? C'mon MEAT. Whip 'em out.
Uh no, that would been Dante's dog.'ve got a job that allows that much time at a computer to spout BS all day long ?

Must be nice.

It's fucking hella nice. And I actually work, all-told, about 65 hours a week. Guess I'm just a hard worker who can multitask and never let his bosses down while continually smacking down the bullshit of Conservative Tea Baggers on this message board.

Fuck. I AM better than you.

you are the textbook definition of a narcissistic personality.

You're missing the point. Are you saying that you don't have any completed tax returns for the last six years? And that Romney's aren't done for the last 12?

No, I am saying it's funny that you find filing an extension to be intriguing. That is the reason you haven't seen his 2011 return. You've seen his 2010 return. And, you've seen what the law requires.

If not seeing someone's tax returns makes them intriguing, you are easily intrigued.

Maybe. But I'm not alone, and I'd say this issue is going to turn into a really, really big one if he doesn't do something quick. And again, you're missing the point. I could easily overlook the last one or two, or on the outside THREE years not being released because of extensions, but all of the last 12? Sorry, that smells like fish. And you know it. Otherwise, why would every other nominee have been able to pull it off with no problems? Kerry was crazy rich and by the time he ran in '04 he'd released 20 years worth of returns.

Kerry's WIFE was crazy rich, and she released 2 pages of 1 year, then said "Fuck you! No more!"

Just like Romney should do...
Kerry's wife and Romney are now equal on taxes?

You terrorist scum will twist and turn in any direction to avoid the truth...amazing

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