Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Sorry I'm a little more worried about how Obama has been spending MY money than how Romney is spending HIS.

Obama's done a horrible job, Mitt has been extremely successful. I think Obama supporters are barking up the wrong tree. :eusa_boohoo:

No logic there. You should look at what Romney is doing now to see how he will comport himself then.
So...Mitt won't release his tax returns...why, again? I mean, I can see all you Right Wingers hastily defending him. But he is the only person running for President in many, many, many years that has not released twelve years of tax returns.

Ah, I love the delusion that old crusty Tea Baggers have about Mittens.

What exactly do YOU want to know about his taxes? What makes Romney's tax history important to you? Does it affect your daily life? Will it make you decide to vote for him? Or are you and your ilk just looking for something else you can latch onto to try to deflect from the miserable job that Obama has done?

I want to know if he's doing shady shit. Even if it's not criminal, it's kind of hypocritical for Mitt to say that Obama doesn't care about America's middle class if he's literally hiding money from the country to keep it from going into the coffers.

See, I know it's a buzz word for Conservatives, but for me, it actually means something: Character. I want to know if Romney's just a sleazy, scummy financier at the end of the day. Those are the people who tanked our economy, after all. It's like putting a rapist in charge of the girl's shower room.

I want to know if he's diverting funds into shady business deals. I want to know that the man we tell the world is our leader, the one who gets to make all the tough decisions, isn't a fucking slimeball business man.

In other words: I give a fuck.

Reminder: Offshore Tax Havens Cost U.S. Government $100 Billion Per Year
Obama, asking others what they are hiding

now that is RICH

It's hilarious watching them squeal about Mittens 'hiding' something while simultaneously ignoring all the unanswered questions about Obutthead. Leftists are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Is he a Christian or a Muslim?

Where was he born?

Is he a Commie?

Is he a Socialist?

How the hell did he get into Law School?

He's not black enough?

He's too black?

"What is Obama hiding"

"He caused the economic crisis of 2007-2008"

"It's Obama's economy"

What is not hilarious is watching the far Rights hysteria, a hysteria manufactured by propaganda. How can the hoi polloi on the right be so stupid, so self righteous and so full of hate?

My instincts tell me that you are about as genuinely curious and have the same politically slanted instincts as the shitstain that started this thread.:clap2:

My instincts suggest to me that your instinct stinks. I'm curious about Romney's enormous wealth, how did he obtain so much? Maybe he actually earned it, but my imagination is unable to come forth with a means.

Explain to me what foreign accounts do with the money Romney invests with them? Do they in fact loan money to American buisness, American citizens? What does a bank in Europe or in the Caribbean do with the money placed in their care? I suppose one of the 'experts' who post on this forum must know.
What do you care what he does with his money? There is not a shred of evidence that he has come by his wealth illegally, or that he uses his wealth in an illegal manner. That is in spite of what your hackish instincts tell you. So I hope Romney continues to tell the jealous twerps to fuck off. Men should not be bothered with such bullshit. If you need a pile of shit to buzz around, Try a bean burrito and some riopan. but leave to others what belongs to them.

Illegal, no. Immoral? Definitely. The man has done a veritable shit-ton of damage, and prospered from it.
You libturds are really hanging on by your fingernails, thrashing about in your final dance with the Grim Reaper of politics, knowing that you have such a short time left, and so many unfulfilled goals.

You shout "Come clean, Mittens!", "What are you hiding?" and expect to be given everything you want. Yet, when Conservatives asked the VERY SAME THING of Obama for the last 4 years, y'all have acted liked the most childish, name-calling brats in the WHOLE neighborhood.

And you expect us to take you SERIOUSLY? :lol::lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We're the ones doing a death dance? Sorry, Fucko, but our ideological camp and the party it's most associated with are pretty well united on just about every issue. It's YOUR side that has a massive group of Sycophants in power who are threatening to splinter the party.

Has Ron Paul dropped out yet? Why are the GOP in Nebraska bracing for Ron Paul fans at their convention next week? Your party is the one in real danger right now, ShitMits.

I keep telling you, but I think the shit in your ears is too thick for you to hear me. It must come from having your head shoved so far up O'Bummer's ass.

The ONLY reason I'm registered as a Republican is so I can vote for Ron Paul. Ergo diptinshit, it's NOT my party.

I've been fighting this 2 party fuckfest longer than you've been breathing, you little pissant. You're so young and stupid you don't even realize that BOTH fucking parties work for the same fucking Bosses!

You're a real fucking prize, Derp, a real fucking prize...
What exactly do YOU want to know about his taxes? What makes Romney's tax history important to you? Does it affect your daily life? Will it make you decide to vote for him? Or are you and your ilk just looking for something else you can latch onto to try to deflect from the miserable job that Obama has done?

I want to know if he's doing shady shit. Even if it's not criminal, it's kind of hypocritical for Mitt to say that Obama doesn't care about America's middle class if he's literally hiding money from the country to keep it from going into the coffers.

See, I know it's a buzz word for Conservatives, but for me, it actually means something: Character. I want to know if Romney's just a sleazy, scummy financier at the end of the day. Those are the people who tanked our economy, after all. It's like putting a rapist in charge of the girl's shower room.

I want to know if he's diverting funds into shady business deals. I want to know that the man we tell the world is our leader, the one who gets to make all the tough decisions, isn't a fucking slimeball business man.

In other words: I give a fuck.

Reminder: Offshore Tax Havens Cost U.S. Government $100 Billion Per Year

When it becomes ILLEGAL? YOU be sure to let us know, will you?

You think Obama's rich pals don't have them?

What a dillusional person YOU are. :badgrin:
You libturds are really hanging on by your fingernails, thrashing about in your final dance with the Grim Reaper of politics, knowing that you have such a short time left, and so many unfulfilled goals.

You shout "Come clean, Mittens!", "What are you hiding?" and expect to be given everything you want. Yet, when Conservatives asked the VERY SAME THING of Obama for the last 4 years, y'all have acted liked the most childish, name-calling brats in the WHOLE neighborhood.

And you expect us to take you SERIOUSLY? :lol::lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We're the ones doing a death dance? Sorry, Fucko, but our ideological camp and the party it's most associated with are pretty well united on just about every issue. It's YOUR side that has a massive group of Sycophants in power who are threatening to splinter the party.

Has Ron Paul dropped out yet? Why are the GOP in Nebraska bracing for Ron Paul fans at their convention next week? Your party is the one in real danger right now, ShitMits.

I keep telling you, but I think the shit in your ears is too thick for you to hear me. It must come from having your head shoved so far up O'Bummer's ass.

The ONLY reason I'm registered as a Republican is so I can vote for Ron Paul. Ergo diptinshit, it's NOT my party.

I've been fighting this 2 party fuckfest longer than you've been breathing, you little pissant. You're so young and stupid you don't even realize that BOTH fucking parties work for the same fucking Bosses!

You're a real fucking prize, Derp, a real fucking prize...

"I'm in the party, but it's not my party." -The Guy Who Contradicts Himself
My instincts suggest to me that your instinct stinks. I'm curious about Romney's enormous wealth, how did he obtain so much? Maybe he actually earned it, but my imagination is unable to come forth with a means.

Explain to me what foreign accounts do with the money Romney invests with them? Do they in fact loan money to American buisness, American citizens? What does a bank in Europe or in the Caribbean do with the money placed in their care? I suppose one of the 'experts' who post on this forum must know.
What do you care what he does with his money? There is not a shred of evidence that he has come by his wealth illegally, or that he uses his wealth in an illegal manner. That is in spite of what your hackish instincts tell you. So I hope Romney continues to tell the jealous twerps to fuck off. Men should not be bothered with such bullshit. If you need a pile of shit to buzz around, Try a bean burrito and some riopan. but leave to others what belongs to them.

Illegal, no. Immoral? Definitely. The man has done a veritable shit-ton of damage, and prospered from it.
What damage?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We're the ones doing a death dance? Sorry, Fucko, but our ideological camp and the party it's most associated with are pretty well united on just about every issue. It's YOUR side that has a massive group of Sycophants in power who are threatening to splinter the party.

Has Ron Paul dropped out yet? Why are the GOP in Nebraska bracing for Ron Paul fans at their convention next week? Your party is the one in real danger right now, ShitMits.

I keep telling you, but I think the shit in your ears is too thick for you to hear me. It must come from having your head shoved so far up O'Bummer's ass.

The ONLY reason I'm registered as a Republican is so I can vote for Ron Paul. Ergo diptinshit, it's NOT my party.

I've been fighting this 2 party fuckfest longer than you've been breathing, you little pissant. You're so young and stupid you don't even realize that BOTH fucking parties work for the same fucking Bosses!

You're a real fucking prize, Derp, a real fucking prize...

"I'm in the party, but it's not my party." -The Guy Who Contradicts Himself

Well, if you can tell me any other way that I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary you might have a point, Derp. I mean, other than the one you keep hidden under your hat.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!

Why doesn't Obama release his college transcripts?

He must be hiding something.
As far as Federal Income taxes, yes. I do not dispute that fact.

What I am saying is that when someone reaps the benefits of our system, they should also take on responsibility for that system. I don't care if it's Romney or Gates or you or me. We MUST pay our bills. Hiding money offshore to avoid paying back into the system that rewarded us is irresponsible and unpatriotic.

No one is hiding money offshore to avoid taxes. Romney has done nothing illegal, get over it. He's rich, so is Gates, so is Soros, they can spend or save their money how they see fit. Obama can't tell them what to do with it and it pisses him off.

Yea, get over it and focus on what the guy in the white house now, today is doing. He's running this country into the ground and still spending your money like a drunken sailor.


Really, genius? Then what's the point of hiding the money offshore?

Did I already mention that HELLO! That's why they are called TAX HAVENS.

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