Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

did he run for President based on the fact that he went to college? Is there a req't in the Constitution that Presidents have college degrees?

NO stupid. he told the NAALCP yesterday WHY he was running fuckstick.

"I Love America..."

What PART of that don't you understand asswipe?

I was referring to the President not Romney asswipe. Get a clue boy.

In that case since YOU changed to dymanic? MY ANSWER remains the SAME...except OBAMA threatened he'd 'FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA"...NOWHERE did he state he 'Loved America'...*I* have NEVER heard him state it.

have YOU?
Mittens has yet to release more than one year of tax returns and questions are arising about that. If he has nothing to hide, if all is on the up and up, then why not release more?

By the same token, Barry has yet to release his college records and questions have been asked numerously about that. If he has nothing to hide, if all is on the up and up, then why not release them?

How does anyone not see the commonality in these two situations? Why is transparency demanded of Romney but excused of Obama?

Hackity hacks don't talk back.


Why excuse Romney but not Obama then? Why is transparency demanded on one candidate but not the other?

If Romney releases his tax returns Ill support Obama releasing his school records, but not till then. Im sick of the bullshit double standard.

Interesting that you get sick of the double standard after the black messiahs election.

By the way, has He paid your mortgage or stopped the rising of the seas yet?
NO stupid. he told the NAALCP yesterday WHY he was running fuckstick.

"I Love America..."

What PART of that don't you understand asswipe?

I was referring to the President not Romney asswipe. Get a clue boy.

In that case since YOU changed to dymanic? MY ANSWER remains the SAME...except OBAMA threatened he'd 'FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA"...NOWHERE did he state he 'Loved America'...*I* have NEVER heard him state it.

have YOU?

Obama would love America, if it were just fundamentally different.
I was referring to the President not Romney asswipe. Get a clue boy.

In that case since YOU changed to dymanic? MY ANSWER remains the SAME...except OBAMA threatened he'd 'FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA"...NOWHERE did he state he 'Loved America'...*I* have NEVER heard him state it.

have YOU?

Obama would love America, if it were just fundamentally different.

In the Eyes of Mao/Stalin? Sure he would. That's his goal.

hummmm, missed one;

Alcoholic beverages may cause you to lose control of your vehicle, plunge into 9 feet of water and leave a woman to suffocate/drown......Beware!!!

Am I the only one that finds it rather ironic you have to go back ... what - 50 years?
Oh? Well, we can go back just a few years to Democrats soliciting sex with teens. I can do that. I don't know if alcohol was involved, but that seems rather minor in comparison.

Shall we engage in that pissing contest as well?
hummmm, missed one;

Alcoholic beverages may cause you to lose control of your vehicle, plunge into 9 feet of water and leave a woman to suffocate/drown......Beware!!!

Am I the only one that finds it rather ironic you have to go back ... what - 50 years?
Oh? Well, we can go back just a few years to Democrats soliciting sex with teens. I can do that. I don't know if alcohol was involved, but that seems rather minor in comparison.

Shall we engage in that pissing contest as well?

This will be a sight...BD Barf will be stupid enough to take the challange...:badgrin:
Am I the only one that finds it rather ironic you have to go back ... what - 50 years?
Oh? Well, we can go back just a few years to Democrats soliciting sex with teens. I can do that. I don't know if alcohol was involved, but that seems rather minor in comparison.

Shall we engage in that pissing contest as well?

This will be a sight...BD Barf will be stupid enough to take the challange...:badgrin:
They just don't get it. There is complete balance in the attacks.

Maybe now, records will matter more than idiocy.
Oh? Well, we can go back just a few years to Democrats soliciting sex with teens. I can do that. I don't know if alcohol was involved, but that seems rather minor in comparison.

Shall we engage in that pissing contest as well?

This will be a sight...BD Barf will be stupid enough to take the challange...:badgrin:
They just don't get it. There is complete balance in the attacks.

Maybe now, records will matter more than idiocy.

And that's the point all along and maybe people will wake the Hell UP before they cast a vote for ANY politician and steer clear of the 'Cult Of Personality'...
Mittens has yet to release more than one year of tax returns and questions are arising about that. If he has nothing to hide, if all is on the up and up, then why not release more?

By the same token, Barry has yet to release his college records and questions have been asked numerously about that. If he has nothing to hide, if all is on the up and up, then why not release them?

How does anyone not see the commonality in these two situations? Why is transparency demanded of Romney but excused of Obama?

Hackity hacks don't talk back.


Why excuse Romney but not Obama then? Why is transparency demanded on one candidate but not the other?

If Romney releases his tax returns Ill support Obama releasing his school records, but not till then. Im sick of the bullshit double standard.

Um hello? I didn't. First sentence.

Bullshit. Obutthead has had more than four years to release his college records, he gets to go first. The left is the one with the double standards.
The Boston Globe reported Mitt Romney (white Obamney) lied like a rotten rat, when he claimed he left Bain Capital, in 1999. White Obamney received $100,000 in salary, until 2002, see story, which means white Obamney is liable, for felony prosecution.

The Globe refuses to retract the story.

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - Politics - The Boston Globe

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: THIS JUST IN... Boston Globe refuses Romney demand to "correct" Bain story

Boston Globe: Romney left Bain three years later than he says he did - The Washington Post
The Bain Shadow Years Loom Larger

by David S. Bernstein

Increased scrutiny of this discrepancy potentially hurts Romney in a number of ways.

First of all, there's Romney's "buck stops here" problem; the buck never seems to stop with him. Everything bad that's ever happened under him -- especially involving Bain -- he always blames on other people, and that just isn't very Presidential. The shadow years look like that in a huge way.

It also reinforces the image of Romney as part of the specially insulated corporate overlord class, who get to manipulate the rules so that they always end up the winner. (I have previously dubbed this "Romney's no-lose life"). He apparently was able to make a lot of money (or at least, what seems like a lot of money to most people) for being president, owner, and investor in a company while actually being off in Utah doing a completely different full-time job.

And, of course, he was apparently freely signing off on anything required of the president and owner, without, apparently, feeling like that meant he actually had any responsibility for anything happening at the company. It looks like legal, regulatory, and fiduciary responsibilities don't really mean anything to super-wealthy executive types -- not like when regular people sign employment documents, or mortgage documents, and so on.

The elevation of the shadow years issue will also increase pressure significantly for Romney to release additional personal financial information, including the tax returns that would indicate his income from Bain Capital sources during that time.

More: The Bain Shadow Years Loom Larger - Talking Politics
hummmm, missed one;

Alcoholic beverages may cause you to lose control of your vehicle, plunge into 9 feet of water and leave a woman to suffocate/drown......Beware!!!

Am I the only one that finds it rather ironic you have to go back ... what - 50 years?
Oh? Well, we can go back just a few years to Democrats soliciting sex with teens. I can do that. I don't know if alcohol was involved, but that seems rather minor in comparison.

Shall we engage in that pissing contest as well?

You're not seriously suggestion Republicans don't get involved in sex scandals are you? I will go and Google "Republican Sex Scandals" if you want. Or you can just walk back your bullshit. Up to you.

Also, when he was alive, Chappaquiddick was fair game. But now that he's dead, what's the point of literally kicking a corpse over it? Kind of...what's the word I'm looking for...classless and fucking stupid?
Am I the only one that finds it rather ironic you have to go back ... what - 50 years?
Oh? Well, we can go back just a few years to Democrats soliciting sex with teens. I can do that. I don't know if alcohol was involved, but that seems rather minor in comparison.

Shall we engage in that pissing contest as well?

You're not seriously suggestion Republicans don't get involved in sex scandals are you? I will go and Google "Republican Sex Scandals" if you want. Or you can just walk back your bullshit. Up to you.

Also, when he was alive, Chappaquiddick was fair game. But now that he's dead, what's the point of literally kicking a corpse over it? Kind of...what's the word I'm looking for...classless and fucking stupid?

there is a source for this somewhere, something like for every ONE Dem guilty of money crimes or sex crimes there are over 100 conz guilty of the same thing, they really are disgusting joke

Why is obama lying about romney and outsourcing while not pointing to his own outsourcing of american tax money to create jobs for other country's citizens?

You know, repeating someone else's lie and being unwilling to see and tell the truth is unpatriotic...i really wish you would stop being a rabid racist pig dog...
Why is Obama not releasing his transcripts?

Why is obama lying about romney and outsourcing while not pointing to his own outsourcing of american tax money to create jobs for other country's citizens?

You know, repeating someone else's lie and being unwilling to see and tell the truth is unpatriotic...i really wish you would stop being a rabid racist pig dog...
You're right. I'm all about accuracy. The Obama administration took the taxpayers money and used it to pay another to create many more jobs off shore than on shore.

Your tax dollars at work supporting the hard-working people of the People's Republic of China. :thup:
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