Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Kerry's wife and Romney are now equal on taxes?

You terrorist scum will twist and turn in any direction to avoid the truth...amazing

Yes, because the motivations of the people demanding the PRIVATE information was and is in BOTH cases to play the 'class warfare' card in an effort to swing an election.

Or are you not old enough to remember back then?
Kerry's wife and Romney are now equal on taxes?

You terrorist scum will twist and turn in any direction to avoid the truth...amazing
Negged for insulting all who died in the WTC, the Pentagon, US Flight 93, and all others who have died from terrorism.

no, not at qaeda killed 3000, you guys are trying to kill millions

history will easily show you guys to be the horrific scum you are, that i am not worried about
Kerry's wife and Romney are now equal on taxes?

You terrorist scum will twist and turn in any direction to avoid the truth...amazing
Negged for insulting all who died in the WTC, the Pentagon, US Flight 93, and all others who have died from terrorism.

no, not at qaeda killed 3000, you guys are trying to kill millions

history will easily show you guys to be the horrific scum you are, that i am not worried about

"Us guys"? And who would that be DERP? And whom are we trying to kill exactly?

Are there contracts issued in your conspiracy theory?

Do you invest in aluminum foil?

This is nothing new. Mittens didn't just make the decision to lie and sneak. He has been running for prez since 2005 and yet, he STILL has not been honest about his off shore accounts and investments in foreign countries and foreign business.

As we all know, his business experience is confined to shutting down AMERICAN businesses and firing AMERICAN workers. And, that is what he has said he plans to continue to do in that he has said he will raise taxes on the working class and cut even more taxes on the ultra wealthy job creators who have not created any jobs in all the years they've had these tax cuts and loopholes.

Interestingly, the day before he declared he was running for guv in Mass, he signed some of these fishy accounts over to his wife.

Although not on the same level as his lies about his finances, he did something similar and then flubbed when he confessed to firing his illegal workers because he was running for prez.

The guy can't be honest about anything.
This is nothing new. Mittens didn't just make the decision to lie and sneak. He has been running for prez since 2005 and yet, he STILL has not been honest about his off shore accounts and investments in foreign countries and foreign business.

As we all know, his business experience is confined to shutting down AMERICAN businesses and firing AMERICAN workers. And, that is what he has said he plans to continue to do in that he has said he will raise taxes on the working class and cut even more taxes on the ultra wealthy job creators who have not created any jobs in all the years they've had these tax cuts and loopholes.

Interestingly, the day before he declared he was running for guv in Mass, he signed some of these fishy accounts over to his wife.

Although not on the same level as his lies about his finances, he did something similar and then flubbed when he confessed to firing his illegal workers because he was running for prez.

The guy can't be honest about anything.

Willard doesnt care about releasing tax info or anything else, he knows (this is NOT an exaggeration) his base will vote for him even if he appears on live, network, prime time television and shoots 25 infants one at a time with a 44 magnum...they will all still race to the polls to vote for him, they are that racist.
Seems like > a few Repubs simply implode. He had to know this stuff might come to light.

He was already hiding stuff before he ran for governor of Mass and is now trying to hide all of it.

All he has to do is come clean and so far, he's refusing to do that. If he had nothing to hide, he would release the tax returns and make some explanation about his various anti-US finances.
This is nothing new. Mittens didn't just make the decision to lie and sneak. He has been running for prez since 2005 and yet, he STILL has not been honest about his off shore accounts and investments in foreign countries and foreign business.

As we all know, his business experience is confined to shutting down AMERICAN businesses and firing AMERICAN workers. And, that is what he has said he plans to continue to do in that he has said he will raise taxes on the working class and cut even more taxes on the ultra wealthy job creators who have not created any jobs in all the years they've had these tax cuts and loopholes.

Interestingly, the day before he declared he was running for guv in Mass, he signed some of these fishy accounts over to his wife.

Although not on the same level as his lies about his finances, he did something similar and then flubbed when he confessed to firing his illegal workers because he was running for prez.

The guy can't be honest about anything.

Willard doesnt care about releasing tax info or anything else, he knows (this is NOT an exaggeration) his base will vote for him even if he appears on live, network, prime time television and shoots 25 infants one at a time with a 44 magnum...they will all still race to the polls to vote for him, they are that racist.


But, the rabid rw's can never claim they didn't know that he planned to take down our country. They can never say they were innocent victims.
True, I have a pool going how quickly these bagger punks will be crying and begging us adults for mercy when the kochs shit all over them...
True, I have a pool going how quickly these bagger punks will be crying and begging us adults for mercy when the kochs shit all over them...

Just like the pool you have going when George Soros gets done using YOU as a tool?



oh god, another good one, thanks, needed that

remember, this is about YOU :lol::lol:

The T's comment should be an education to some, this idiot is so brainwashed he doesnt realize that Soros has no AGENDA that makes MONEY Off of me the way his owners, T's owners agenda makes money off of him

if he had half a brain he would go "shit, i am being used"

but that will never happen primarily because his racism is stronger than his brain
You libturds are really hanging on by your fingernails, thrashing about in your final dance with the Grim Reaper of politics, knowing that you have such a short time left, and so many unfulfilled goals.

You shout "Come clean, Mittens!", "What are you hiding?" and expect to be given everything you want. Yet, when Conservatives asked the VERY SAME THING of Obama for the last 4 years, y'all have acted liked the most childish, name-calling brats in the WHOLE neighborhood.

And you expect us to take you SERIOUSLY? :lol::lol:
You libturds are really hanging on by your fingernails, thrashing about in your final dance with the Grim Reaper of politics, knowing that you have such a short time left, and so many unfulfilled goals.

You shout "Come clean, Mittens!", "What are you hiding?" and expect to be given everything you want. Yet, when Conservatives asked the VERY SAME THING of Obama for the last 4 years, y'all have acted liked the most childish, name-calling brats in the WHOLE neighborhood.

And you expect us to take you SERIOUSLY? :lol::lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We're the ones doing a death dance? Sorry, Fucko, but our ideological camp and the party it's most associated with are pretty well united on just about every issue. It's YOUR side that has a massive group of Sycophants in power who are threatening to splinter the party.

Has Ron Paul dropped out yet? Why are the GOP in Nebraska bracing for Ron Paul fans at their convention next week? Your party is the one in real danger right now, ShitMits.
This is nothing new. Mittens didn't just make the decision to lie and sneak. He has been running for prez since 2005 and yet, he STILL has not been honest about his off shore accounts and investments in foreign countries and foreign business.

As we all know, his business experience is confined to shutting down AMERICAN businesses and firing AMERICAN workers. And, that is what he has said he plans to continue to do in that he has said he will raise taxes on the working class and cut even more taxes on the ultra wealthy job creators who have not created any jobs in all the years they've had these tax cuts and loopholes.

Interestingly, the day before he declared he was running for guv in Mass, he signed some of these fishy accounts over to his wife.

Although not on the same level as his lies about his finances, he did something similar and then flubbed when he confessed to firing his illegal workers because he was running for prez.

The guy can't be honest about anything.

Willard doesnt care about releasing tax info or anything else, he knows (this is NOT an exaggeration) his base will vote for him even if he appears on live, network, prime time television and shoots 25 infants one at a time with a 44 magnum...they will all still race to the polls to vote for him, they are that racist.

I think if you use the color red and make your words a bit bigger you'll look smarter.
You libturds are really hanging on by your fingernails, thrashing about in your final dance with the Grim Reaper of politics, knowing that you have such a short time left, and so many unfulfilled goals.

You shout "Come clean, Mittens!", "What are you hiding?" and expect to be given everything you want. Yet, when Conservatives asked the VERY SAME THING of Obama for the last 4 years, y'all have acted liked the most childish, name-calling brats in the WHOLE neighborhood.

And you expect us to take you SERIOUSLY? :lol::lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! We're the ones doing a death dance? Sorry, Fucko, but our ideological camp and the party it's most associated with are pretty well united on just about every issue. It's YOUR side that has a massive group of Sycophants in power who are threatening to splinter the party.

Has Ron Paul dropped out yet? Why are the GOP in Nebraska bracing for Ron Paul fans at their convention next week? Your party is the one in real danger right now, ShitMits.

Hey dipshit, in regards to your picture of a Tea Party person and what it says.......when did Jesus ever use tax money to feed and heal people?
You libturds are really hanging on by your fingernails, thrashing about in your final dance with the Grim Reaper of politics, knowing that you have such a short time left, and so many unfulfilled goals.

You shout "Come clean, Mittens!", "What are you hiding?" and expect to be given everything you want. Yet, when Conservatives asked the VERY SAME THING of Obama for the last 4 years, y'all have acted liked the most childish, name-calling brats in the WHOLE neighborhood.

And you expect us to take you SERIOUSLY? :lol::lol:

And ANYONE that asked it...was racist forgetting Obama has a WHITE HALF...

That notwithstanding is inmaterial, and I'll leave that to the DOPES that wish to persue the racist angle to thier own detriment.

What Obama IS is an Idealogue that hates America, it's's very foundation.

*Colonialism Past*

That has to be brought down. HE is here, (and elected) to finish what Woodrow Wilson and that pack of Progressives started 100 years ago.
So...Mitt won't release his tax returns...why, again? I mean, I can see all you Right Wingers hastily defending him. But he is the only person running for President in many, many, many years that has not released twelve years of tax returns.

Ah, I love the delusion that old crusty Tea Baggers have about Mittens.

Since his father was the first, you would think he would follow in the old man's footsteps.

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