Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Don't even TALK to me about NCLB, that alone makes GWB a fucking idiot.

well, see, we CAN agree. NCLB was a fools errand.

I work with school systems from coast to coast, and NCLB is more hated than anything else administrators talk about.

I'll give GWB credit for one thing, the family made a LOT of money selling testing programs and supplies. It probably helped that in today's education environment "If it sells in Texas, it sells EVERYWHERE!!"
This may have been posted before but... Romney's 2010 return.
Appears to be a legit source...

Mitt Romney's 1040 tax return for 2010 -

Which is the only one hes released...per OP.

I figgered as much. Haven't been following this thread.

Doesn't the IRS have it within their means to review all of Mitt's returns?
Do they have the resources to find improprieties regarding offshore accounts?
For all the red flags the Left is waving around, you think they'd do so.
Don't even TALK to me about NCLB, that alone makes GWB a fucking idiot.

well, see, we CAN agree. NCLB was a fools errand.

I work with school systems from coast to coast, and NCLB is more hated than anything else administrators talk about.

I'll give GWB credit for one thing, the family made a LOT of money selling testing programs and supplies. It probably helped that in today's education environment "If it sells in Texas, it sells EVERYWHERE!!"

Isnt that about shere numbers?

Texas is the only state in the U.S. that has uniform adoption standards from K-12, meaning all public schools get money to purchase specific textbooks based on the state board’s decision. (It’s not a district-by-district decision, like it is in some other states.) Because of the influence the state wields with publishers, some fear that these revisions could affect history textbooks for other parts of the country.

As Texas goes, so goes the nation? | Need to Know | PBS

The article I linked points out both sides of the argument
well, see, we CAN agree. NCLB was a fools errand.

I work with school systems from coast to coast, and NCLB is more hated than anything else administrators talk about.

I'll give GWB credit for one thing, the family made a LOT of money selling testing programs and supplies. It probably helped that in today's education environment "If it sells in Texas, it sells EVERYWHERE!!"

Isnt that about shere numbers?

Texas is the only state in the U.S. that has uniform adoption standards from K-12, meaning all public schools get money to purchase specific textbooks based on the state board’s decision. (It’s not a district-by-district decision, like it is in some other states.) Because of the influence the state wields with publishers, some fear that these revisions could affect history textbooks for other parts of the country.

As Texas goes, so goes the nation? | Need to Know | PBS

The article I linked points out both sides of the argument

It's a big controversy. Texas has the numbers, and publishers are loathe to produce a different curriculum for different states. As long as Texas curriculum is Dept of Education approved, it's what the whole country gets.

Another reason to do away with the Dept of Ed... :cool:

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!

Maybe you could get us a peek at Barry's School Transcripts, or his Loan Applications, or his Passport History. ;) Or his Green Card. :lol:

I'm not up on all the Conservative conspiracy theories. Why exactly is every right wing nutter after his school transcripts again? And this is an honest question, has any other Presidential candidate had sealed school transcripts?

Why don't we focus on THIS subject though? All I see is a lot of excuse making and deflection. I'll ask again:

What does Mitt Romney have to hide by not releasing 12 years of tax returns like EVERY OTHER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE in the last 30+ years?


:lol: At least Romney didn't claim to be a minority, specfically a Native American, when trying to get a job at Harvard.

Yeah look at her picture, its definately acceptable that she claimed to be a minority to help herself get a job.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bullshit alert! I don't make that mistake on a daily basis, because any thread I start, is like this one, that is backed up by solid facts and statistics.
what horse shit.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!
Where are your facts to back up those two statements, Derpshit?
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bullshit alert! I don't make that mistake on a daily basis, because any thread I start, is like this one, that is backed up by solid facts and statistics.
what horse shit.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!
Where are your facts to back up those two statements, Derpshit?

You'll have to wait while he pulls them out of his sycophantic ass!!
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bullshit alert! I don't make that mistake on a daily basis, because any thread I start, is like this one, that is backed up by solid facts and statistics.
what horse shit.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!
Where are your facts to back up those two statements, Derpshit?

The argument was made over and over. Romney paid an effective tax rate of less than 15% while a schoolteacher would be paying 25-30%.

Derps may be a nutjob, but he shouldn't have to quite common knowledge. And before anyone says its NOT common knowledge, we argued about Romneys tax rate REPEATEDLY on this forum, so either there's retention problems or you're trolling.

As to mitt being able to pay tuition for every kid in the country, well, that's just bullshit isn't it?
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Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bullshit alert! I don't make that mistake on a daily basis, because any thread I start, is like this one, that is backed up by solid facts and statistics.
what horse shit.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!
Where are your facts to back up those two statements, Derpshit?

The argument was made over and over. Romney paid an effective tax rate of less than 15% while a schoolteacher would be paying 25-30%.

Derps may be a nutjob, but he shouldn't have to quite common knowledge. And before anyone says its NOT common knowledge, we argued about Romneys tax rate REPEATEDLY on this forum, so either there's retention problems or you're trolling.

As to mitt being able to pay tuition for every kid in the country, well, that's just bullshit isn't it?
Then Obama paid a lower rate than school teachers, too.

what horse shit.

Where are your facts to back up those two statements, Derpshit?

The argument was made over and over. Romney paid an effective tax rate of less than 15% while a schoolteacher would be paying 25-30%.

Derps may be a nutjob, but he shouldn't have to quite common knowledge. And before anyone says its NOT common knowledge, we argued about Romneys tax rate REPEATEDLY on this forum, so either there's retention problems or you're trolling.

As to mitt being able to pay tuition for every kid in the country, well, that's just bullshit isn't it?
Then Obama paid a lower rate than school teachers, too.


(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bullshit alert! I don't make that mistake on a daily basis, because any thread I start, is like this one, that is backed up by solid facts and statistics.
what horse shit.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!
Where are your facts to back up those two statements, Derpshit?

The argument was made over and over. Romney paid an effective tax rate of less than 15% while a schoolteacher would be paying 25-30%.

Derps may be a nutjob, but he shouldn't have to quite common knowledge. And before anyone says its NOT common knowledge, we argued about Romneys tax rate REPEATEDLY on this forum, so either there's retention problems or you're trolling.

As to mitt being able to pay tuition for every kid in the country, well, that's just bullshit isn't it?

I prefer "whackadoo" to "nutjob," thank you very much. Or "PussyFart." Your choice.

Of course the put every kid through college line was hyperbole. But here's the thing: we have no goddamned clue how much money Mittens has stashed in those accounts; that's kind of the point. Probably can't put every kid in the country through college, but I'd bet he could pick a state or two and do it, seriously.
The argument was made over and over. Romney paid an effective tax rate of less than 15% while a schoolteacher would be paying 25-30%.

Derps may be a nutjob, but he shouldn't have to quite common knowledge. And before anyone says its NOT common knowledge, we argued about Romneys tax rate REPEATEDLY on this forum, so either there's retention problems or you're trolling.

As to mitt being able to pay tuition for every kid in the country, well, that's just bullshit isn't it?
Then Obama paid a lower rate than school teachers, too.


(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)

Meh, it's only outrageous when the other team does it.

Somehow it's different. An answer on that is currently "evolving". ;)
The argument was made over and over. Romney paid an effective tax rate of less than 15% while a schoolteacher would be paying 25-30%.

Derps may be a nutjob, but he shouldn't have to quite common knowledge. And before anyone says its NOT common knowledge, we argued about Romneys tax rate REPEATEDLY on this forum, so either there's retention problems or you're trolling.

As to mitt being able to pay tuition for every kid in the country, well, that's just bullshit isn't it?
Then Obama paid a lower rate than school teachers, too.


(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)


I'm outraged; if it's true. I mean, I'd like to see some evidence of that (I haven't looked at Obama's tax returns, and I wouldn't even look at Romney's; I just find it really intriguing he hasn't released them like everyone else has in the modern era). But if it's true, of course it's appalling that ANYONE who makes that kind of money would pay a lower effective tax rate than a teacher, fire fighter or police officer.

I'm consistent though. I don't just attach my code of ethics to a political ideology or party. I guess I'm saying I'm better than you, ConservativeFuckFace...yeah, I'm saying that, for sure.
Then Obama paid a lower rate than school teachers, too.


(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)


I'm outraged; if it's true. I mean, I'd like to see some evidence of that (I haven't looked at Obama's tax returns, and I wouldn't even look at Romney's; I just find it really intriguing he hasn't released them like everyone else has in the modern era). But if it's true, of course it's appalling that ANYONE who makes that kind of money would pay a lower effective tax rate than a teacher, fire fighter or police officer.

I'm consistent though. I don't just attach my code of ethics to a political ideology or party. I guess I'm saying I'm better than you, ConservativeFuckFace...yeah, I'm saying that, for sure.
What is so "intriguing" about filing for an extension? I've done it six times so far because I don't have the paperwork I need by the 4/15 deadline.
Then Obama paid a lower rate than school teachers, too.


(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)


I'm outraged; if it's true. I mean, I'd like to see some evidence of that (I haven't looked at Obama's tax returns, and I wouldn't even look at Romney's; I just find it really intriguing he hasn't released them like everyone else has in the modern era). But if it's true, of course it's appalling that ANYONE who makes that kind of money would pay a lower effective tax rate than a teacher, fire fighter or police officer.

I'm consistent though. I don't just attach my code of ethics to a political ideology or party. I guess I'm saying I'm better than you, ConservativeFuckFace...yeah, I'm saying that, for sure.

So, for Obama, you need evidence, but for Romney. someone's word is good enough for you... partisan hack hypocrite.
(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)


I'm outraged; if it's true. I mean, I'd like to see some evidence of that (I haven't looked at Obama's tax returns, and I wouldn't even look at Romney's; I just find it really intriguing he hasn't released them like everyone else has in the modern era). But if it's true, of course it's appalling that ANYONE who makes that kind of money would pay a lower effective tax rate than a teacher, fire fighter or police officer.

I'm consistent though. I don't just attach my code of ethics to a political ideology or party. I guess I'm saying I'm better than you, ConservativeFuckFace...yeah, I'm saying that, for sure.
What is so "intriguing" about filing for an extension? I've done it six times so far because I don't have the paperwork I need by the 4/15 deadline.

He has extensions filed on all of the past 12 years' returns and that's not a little strange? Is that what you're saying?
President Obama’s Secretary Paid Higher Tax Rate Than He Did - ABC News
President Obama today released his 2011 federal income tax, with he and his wife reporting an adjusted gross income of $789,674. The Obamas paid $162,074 in total tax – an effective federal income tax rate of 20.5%.

President Obama’s secretary, Anita Decker Breckenridge, makes $95,000 a year. White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage tells ABC News that Breckenridge “pays a slightly higher rate this year on her substantially lower income, which is exactly why we need to reform our tax code and ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share. ”
(looks around for the libtard outrage at Obama)


I'm outraged; if it's true. I mean, I'd like to see some evidence of that (I haven't looked at Obama's tax returns, and I wouldn't even look at Romney's; I just find it really intriguing he hasn't released them like everyone else has in the modern era). But if it's true, of course it's appalling that ANYONE who makes that kind of money would pay a lower effective tax rate than a teacher, fire fighter or police officer.

I'm consistent though. I don't just attach my code of ethics to a political ideology or party. I guess I'm saying I'm better than you, ConservativeFuckFace...yeah, I'm saying that, for sure.

So, for Obama, you need evidence, but for Romney. someone's word is good enough for you... partisan hack hypocrite.

Hey DumbFuck, you really are pretty fucking dumb. Did you not understand anything I said? I'm not interested in looking at either's tax returns unless someone gives me a reason to. I care about the Mittens thing because it's really, really odd in this day and age to not release 12 years of returns. The reason he's doing it most certainly political, but why? That's the big question, innit? If he'd released them, I wouldn't even give a fuck enough to read them.

Man, you really do suck at this. And the sad part for you is that you have no idea how bad you suck at it. Do all your friends tell you how amazingly brilliant and witty you are?

They're lying.
President Obama’s Secretary Paid Higher Tax Rate Than He Did - ABC News
President Obama today released his 2011 federal income tax, with he and his wife reporting an adjusted gross income of $789,674. The Obamas paid $162,074 in total tax – an effective federal income tax rate of 20.5%.

President Obama’s secretary, Anita Decker Breckenridge, makes $95,000 a year. White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage tells ABC News that Breckenridge “pays a slightly higher rate this year on her substantially lower income, which is exactly why we need to reform our tax code and ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share. ”

Yeah. Okay. That does suck. I'm not saying it's Obama's fault, nor is it Romney's fault if he only pays 15%. I blame the system that allowed that to happen.

Aww, look at you trying to score a hit on me, and I just turned it around. Mmm. Boy, you really are a dumb fucking fuck, DumbFuck.

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