Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Well I'm glad you've finally seen the inequity in the system. So Romney's a dick for taking advantage, isn't he.

Each and every one of us 'take advantage' of every loophole and deduction we can to limit our tax liability. You're a bald-faced liar if you claim you don't.

What's the fucking difference?

I already pay almost twice the rate that Romney does and I would willingly include myself in the expiration of the Bush tax cuts if they'd close the loopholes on these greedy fuckers.

Yup, same here.
Well I'm glad you've finally seen the inequity in the system. So Romney's a dick for taking advantage, isn't he.

Each and every one of us 'take advantage' of every loophole and deduction we can to limit our tax liability. You're a bald-faced liar if you claim you don't.

What's the fucking difference?

I already pay almost twice the rate that Romney does and I would willingly include myself in the expiration of the Bush tax cuts if they'd close the loopholes on these greedy fuckers.

Every time someone tries to close the loopholes, like a FairTax, FlatTax, etc., all the usual suspects scream and howl about not getting THEIR particular loophole, be it deductions for mortgage, children or whatever.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul, he's the only one that would reduce the size of the government far enough to eliminate the Federal Income Tax ALTOGETHER.

You act like thats an expensive boat.
Each and every one of us 'take advantage' of every loophole and deduction we can to limit our tax liability. You're a bald-faced liar if you claim you don't.

What's the fucking difference?

I already pay almost twice the rate that Romney does and I would willingly include myself in the expiration of the Bush tax cuts if they'd close the loopholes on these greedy fuckers.

Every time someone tries to close the loopholes, like a FairTax, FlatTax, etc., all the usual suspects scream and howl about not getting THEIR particular loophole, be it deductions for mortgage, children or whatever.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul, he's the only one that would reduce the size of the government far enough to eliminate the Federal Income Tax ALTOGETHER.

and send this country into a tailspin that would leave us a third world country in 25 years.

Heres the answer to your other question by the way. I realized I didnt actually answer you:

Steve Benen is obviously not a Mitt Romney fan, but I think the point he makes here is largely correct:

It doesn’t exactly help paint a picture of Romney as a “man of the people,” and it serves as a reminder of the importance of the tax returns the former governor is so eager to keep hidden. It now appears we have a Republican frontrunner who amassed a vast fortune after laying off thousands of American workers, wants to give himself another tax cut, owns multiple luxury homes, and stashes cash in the Caymans — all while pursuing an agenda that would make things tougher on American’s working class.

Mitt Romney’s Offshore Bank Accounts
Why won't Romney release his past tax returns? What's he hiding?

Why won't Obama release his college records? What's he hiding?

Obama can go first, he's had 4 years to release them.

Romneys been running for President for over four years, why doesnt he release his tax returns? Obamas been busy running the country.

Did Obutthead release his college records when he was running???? How 'bout after?? He's had oodles of time but ssssh, mums the word, eh? What's he hiding?


The president works for us, we are his employers and yes we have the right to check out our prospective employees as well as our current employees backgrounds. It applies to everyone but as I said earlier, when Obama comes clean on his shit then Mittens should come clean on his and the left whining about Mittens while being totally mum on Obutthead is hypocritical.
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Each and every one of us 'take advantage' of every loophole and deduction we can to limit our tax liability. You're a bald-faced liar if you claim you don't.

What's the fucking difference?

I already pay almost twice the rate that Romney does and I would willingly include myself in the expiration of the Bush tax cuts if they'd close the loopholes on these greedy fuckers.

Every time someone tries to close the loopholes, like a FairTax, FlatTax, etc., all the usual suspects scream and howl about not getting THEIR particular loophole, be it deductions for mortgage, children or whatever.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul, he's the only one that would reduce the size of the government far enough to eliminate the Federal Income Tax ALTOGETHER.

I like Ron Paul. I think that he's one of the few people in Washington who's not owned outright by Wall Street or the corporations but I also think that some of his ideas are unworkable in a society as complex and intertwined as ours. I suspect his vision of how a free market would work would probably decimate a supply/manufacturing chain as complex as it takes to make anything like an MRI or jet.
If the rules allow you to buy a company, take out all the assets, destroy the pension fund, why not do it?

If the rules allow you to move all American jobs to India, why not do it?

Yep, I knew you guys hated America...knew it all along

Only thing YOU knew is what you KNOW when YOU look directly in a mirror...YOU are a self-Loathing Communist piece of garbage.
I already pay almost twice the rate that Romney does and I would willingly include myself in the expiration of the Bush tax cuts if they'd close the loopholes on these greedy fuckers.

Every time someone tries to close the loopholes, like a FairTax, FlatTax, etc., all the usual suspects scream and howl about not getting THEIR particular loophole, be it deductions for mortgage, children or whatever.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul, he's the only one that would reduce the size of the government far enough to eliminate the Federal Income Tax ALTOGETHER.

I like Ron Paul. I think that he's one of the few people in Washington who's not owned outright by Wall Street or the corporations but I also think that some of his ideas are unworkable in a society as complex and intertwined as ours. I suspect his vision of how a free market would work would probably decimate a supply/manufacturing chain as complex as it takes to make anything like an MRI or jet.

Agreed on paper, in theory, Paul seems like the best choice, but when you start really thinking about everything he wants to eliminate, his policies would be devastating for Americas future.
If the rules allow you to buy a company, take out all the assets, destroy the pension fund, why not do it?

If the rules allow you to move all American jobs to India, why not do it?

Yep, I knew you guys hated America...knew it all along

Only thing YOU knew is what you KNOW when YOU look directly in a mirror...YOU are a self-Loathing Communist piece of garbage.

He has a point.

If the rules allow you to take out an entire town but make a profit. If you do it, youre a capitalist, but are you a loyal American?

At what point, does patriotism matter?
I already pay almost twice the rate that Romney does and I would willingly include myself in the expiration of the Bush tax cuts if they'd close the loopholes on these greedy fuckers.

Every time someone tries to close the loopholes, like a FairTax, FlatTax, etc., all the usual suspects scream and howl about not getting THEIR particular loophole, be it deductions for mortgage, children or whatever.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul, he's the only one that would reduce the size of the government far enough to eliminate the Federal Income Tax ALTOGETHER.

and send this country into a tailspin that would leave us a third world country in 25 years.

Heres the answer to your other question by the way. I realized I didnt actually answer you:

Steve Benen is obviously not a Mitt Romney fan, but I think the point he makes here is largely correct:

It doesn’t exactly help paint a picture of Romney as a “man of the people,” and it serves as a reminder of the importance of the tax returns the former governor is so eager to keep hidden. It now appears we have a Republican frontrunner who amassed a vast fortune after laying off thousands of American workers, wants to give himself another tax cut, owns multiple luxury homes, and stashes cash in the Caymans — all while pursuing an agenda that would make things tougher on American’s working class.

Mitt Romney’s Offshore Bank Accounts

Lots to deal with here...

and send this country into a tailspin that would leave us a third world country in 25 years.
Really?? Can you be a little less dramatic and a little more specific? Homeland Security is the new Gestapo, the Dept. of Education is a JOKE, and has the Dept of Energy succeeded in getting us off foreign oil in the last 40 years? There's 3 Cabinet level entities that could go by the wayside TOMORROW without hurting the American public in the least.

The whole mantra of Romney laying off thousands of workers just doesn't wash with me. He invested in businesses that were ALREADY failing and had an 80% success rate in turning them around, some of them spectacularly. Anyone that got laid off was going to get laid off when the business failed, with or without Willard.

If I was worth $250 million, I'd own multiple luxury homes, too. Envy much?

And I don't believe his 'agenda' "would make things tougher on American’s working class." That's nothing more than an opinion, so I won't argue it.
If the rules allow you to buy a company, take out all the assets, destroy the pension fund, why not do it?

If the rules allow you to move all American jobs to India, why not do it?

Yep, I knew you guys hated America...knew it all along

Only thing YOU knew is what you KNOW when YOU look directly in a mirror...YOU are a self-Loathing Communist piece of garbage.

He has a point.

If the rules allow you to take out an entire town but make a profit. If you do it, youre a capitalist, but are you a loyal American?

At what point, does patriotism matter?

yea T. What say you?
Every time someone tries to close the loopholes, like a FairTax, FlatTax, etc., all the usual suspects scream and howl about not getting THEIR particular loophole, be it deductions for mortgage, children or whatever.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul, he's the only one that would reduce the size of the government far enough to eliminate the Federal Income Tax ALTOGETHER.

and send this country into a tailspin that would leave us a third world country in 25 years.

Heres the answer to your other question by the way. I realized I didnt actually answer you:

Lots to deal with here...

and send this country into a tailspin that would leave us a third world country in 25 years.
Really?? Can you be a little less dramatic and a little more specific? Homeland Security is the new Gestapo, the Dept. of Education is a JOKE, and has the Dept of Energy succeeded in getting us off foreign oil in the last 40 years? There's 3 Cabinet level entities that could go by the wayside TOMORROW without hurting the American public in the least.

The whole mantra of Romney laying off thousands of workers just doesn't wash with me. He invested in businesses that were ALREADY failing and had an 80% success rate in turning them around, some of them spectacularly. Anyone that got laid off was going to get laid off when the business failed, with or without Willard.

If I was worth $250 million, I'd own multiple luxury homes, too. Envy much?

And I don't believe his 'agenda' "would make things tougher on American’s working class." That's nothing more than an opinion, so I won't argue it.

Speaking of tailspins...where the hell did I say anything about owning multiple homes? Did I say he laid off a bunch of people? Im sure I have in the past but not in the post youre responding to.

As far as the Cabinet level entities. Homeland Security needs to stay but be minimized to only gathering information from the various intelligence communities and then presenting it to the President.

OOOOOOrrrr we could just eliminate all of those different entities and eliminate the need for the differentintelligence agancies to actually speak to one another as they would all be the same agency.

Education. If you dont understand why we need the department of education, nothing I say will convince you. Its in fact the ONLY one of the three I disagree with you on completely.

Energy - This country has no national energy policy. Thats as much Obamas fault as every president to come before him since Nixon. But saying that, its also about corporate control of our government. If you want to eliminate or change the dept of energy into soemthing that actually works, youll need to put an end to corporate money in politics.

As far as Willard, he wants to go right back to the exact same policies that got us into this fraking mess in the first place. ( Obama is barely better on that btw. Very little discernable difference except during the election cycle ) That alone tells me he is not going to do anything to bolster the consumer class and therefore strengthen our economic future. 70% of our economy is based on consumers. Either we get them the disposable income they need to consume, or the economy stagnates and tailspins.

Started with Paul eneded on Romney, weird change in the middle there. lets agree to only discuss one guy at a time. My head hurts today.
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The Romney stuff was in response to your Beden quote at the end of your post, but I'm good with one discussion at a time. Yesterday was my birthday and I'm still a bit hung over... :redface:

I'm not sure why you support the Dept of Education, it was created in 1979, has a budget of $71 Billion and is a shining example of abject failure. From it's inception, American education has fallen in relation to the rest of the world.

The Dept of energy is another Carter creation dating from 1977. It's current budget is $27 Billion, and it too, is an abject failure. We have yet to attain our 'energy independence' which was so highly touted at it's formation.

Homeland Security is a $100 Billion monstrosity that accomplishes little. Much of it's stated goals could and should have been handled by existing apparatus in the Federal government. But, we needed a holster for the Patriot Act, so whaddayagonnado?
The Romney stuff was in response to your Beden quote at the end of your post, but I'm good with one discussion at a time. Yesterday was my birthday and I'm still a bit hung over... :redface:

I'm not sure why you support the Dept of Education, it was created in 1979, has a budget of $71 Billion and is a shining example of abject failure. From it's inception, American education has fallen in relation to the rest of the world.

The Dept of energy is another Carter creation dating from 1977. It's current budget is $27 Billion, and it too, is an abject failure. We have yet to attain our 'energy independence' which was so highly touted at it's formation.

Homeland Security is a $100 Billion monstrosity that accomplishes little. Much of it's stated goals could and should have been handled by existing apparatus in the Federal government. But, we needed a holster for the Patriot Act, so whaddayagonnado?

Ahh the BENEN quote...gotcha...a little confusing there sorry about that. Ive got a bit of a migraine today myself. Not 100% either.

As far as the Dept of Education goes, I think that it DOES need serious reform, that it like the Dept of Energy has never really had a clear national agenda ( excempt the abject failure of No Child Left Behind ) and that getting rid of those depts completely is not as desirable as transforming them into agencies that actually do the work we would expect them to do.

Short version: I see a need for both agencies though neither is actually fulfilling that need currently.
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