Gee, what a bunch of whiny snowflakes.

Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.
You do understand the government is the only entity with the resources to inform the public on a mass scale and to be proactive in making sure enough supplies, like masks and test kits, are available before the virus starts to spread, right?
Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.'re saying the nurses are wrong to criticize the government for not being ahead of the curve in making protective gear available by anticipating the demand?
Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.
You do understand the government is the only entity with the resources to inform the public on a mass scale and to be proactive in making sure enough supplies, like masks and test kits, are available before the virus starts to spread, right?

China has government to spare. So how it working out for them?

Go ahead, trust your precious government, like those all those other dead people who trusted theirs.
Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.'re saying the nurses are wrong to criticize the government for not being ahead of the curve in making protective gear available by anticipating the demand?

How do you even know there's a shortage? Because a bunch of Trump-hating unionistas said so? Trump-haters are always saying shit, so most of the time they just get ignored around here.
Corona virus hysteria thread blaming Trump #1,427 and counting.
Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.
You do understand the government is the only entity with the resources to inform the public on a mass scale and to be proactive in making sure enough supplies, like masks and test kits, are available before the virus starts to spread, right?

You do understand it's an election year and the media will do and say anything to make Trump, or any Republican., look bad right?
Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.
You do understand the government is the only entity with the resources to inform the public on a mass scale and to be proactive in making sure enough supplies, like masks and test kits, are available before the virus starts to spread, right?

You do understand it's an election year and the media will do and say anything to make Trump, or any Republican., look bad right?

Starting with quoting them.
The liberal media stokes a panic, the masses buy up all the face masks, and the left blames Trump classic. :icon_rolleyes:

Most all of those masks and a huge part of other medical supplies are manufactured in China, and they're using them up like crazy. You can thank the Democrats for that shit, especially Bill Clinton.

Trump got alot of shit for his "America first" platform and trying to reduce our dependency on countries like China.

Perhaps it'll take a couple thousand deaths from COVID-19, before people start getting a clue.

you really took the title of the thread as a challenge and choose to one up it by being the biggest whiny snowflake of the bunch.

I have no idea what your definition of "snowflake" is, but I"m not about to melt while people are dropping like flies around me.

We're hunkered down for whatever happens: Food, water, medical supplies and PPE, communications gear, enough guns and ammo for a small army...

Bring on the apocalypse, we're ready for it.

Watch out for those black helicopters flying overhead, they are not your friend

I don't live anywhere near an airport, dumbass. :21:

don't need to dumbass ,
What's so bad about his attitude? He's not responsible for people that can't take care of themselves.
It's the cavalier attitude............not having any empathy for the unprepared I was reacting to. It's slightly sociopathic.
Bullshit. If people are unprepared it's because they made that choice. Do you drive around without a spare tire?
Well................all I can say about that is too bad you're so dependent on your precious government to save you.
You do understand the government is the only entity with the resources to inform the public on a mass scale and to be proactive in making sure enough supplies, like masks and test kits, are available before the virus starts to spread, right?

You do understand it's an election year and the media will do and say anything to make Trump, or any Republican., look bad right?

No. He doesn't understand that and that's what he fully wants them to do.
Most all of those masks and a huge part of other medical supplies are manufactured in China, and they're using them up like crazy. You can thank the Democrats for that shit, especially Bill Clinton.

Trump got alot of shit for his "America first" platform and trying to reduce our dependency on countries like China.

Perhaps it'll take a couple thousand deaths from COVID-19, before people start getting a clue.

you really took the title of the thread as a challenge and choose to one up it by being the biggest whiny snowflake of the bunch.

I have no idea what your definition of "snowflake" is, but I"m not about to melt while people are dropping like flies around me.

We're hunkered down for whatever happens: Food, water, medical supplies and PPE, communications gear, enough guns and ammo for a small army...

Bring on the apocalypse, we're ready for it.

Watch out for those black helicopters flying overhead, they are not your friend

I don't live anywhere near an airport, dumbass. :21:

don't need to dumbass ,

Ok, sure, whatever. There are no "black helicopters" that I know of. Never saw one, never looked for one.
you really took the title of the thread as a challenge and choose to one up it by being the biggest whiny snowflake of the bunch.

I have no idea what your definition of "snowflake" is, but I"m not about to melt while people are dropping like flies around me.

We're hunkered down for whatever happens: Food, water, medical supplies and PPE, communications gear, enough guns and ammo for a small army...

Bring on the apocalypse, we're ready for it.

Watch out for those black helicopters flying overhead, they are not your friend

I don't live anywhere near an airport, dumbass. :21:

don't need to dumbass ,

Ok, sure, whatever. There are no "black helicopters" that I know of. Never saw one, never looked for one.

of course you have never seen them, that is the point.
Congress just authorized about 500 billion and yet the nurses union whines that they need "protectors and resources"? What the hell does that mean?
Congress just authorized about 500 billion and yet the nurses union whines that they need "protectors and resources"? What the hell does that mean?

That's what labor unions do. That's also why the unions need to have their balls busted and the whole country go "open shop" or "right to work."
China has government to spare. So how it working out for them?
Really? Do you honestly think bullshit comments like that is in any way effective in defending the Trump admin's incompetence?
That's what labor unions do. That's also why the unions need to have their balls busted and the whole country go "open shop" or "right to work."
Just how many times are you going to try to deflect blame away from the party responsible?........the Trump admin.
Congress just authorized about 500 billion and yet the nurses union whines that they need "protectors and resources"? What the hell does that mean?

What good does that 500 billion do when it is not getting to the individual hospitals trying to contain this.

The floor nurses out there are the front line of defense and you people are attacking them because you think they insulted your god in the White House.
Congress just authorized about 500 billion and yet the nurses union whines that they need "protectors and resources"? What the hell does that mean?
First, wipe that drool off your chin. Okay, so what the nurses are correctly observing is there was a lack of preparation by the administration in making sure, proactively, the country was equipped in a myriad of ways to deal with the inevitable outbreak in the US that is now occurring.
White House sidelines Azar from coronavirus response
Four of Azar’s deputies — including Medicare chief Seema Verma and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Steve Hahn, who were both added to the task force after Pence took over the federal response — joined the vice president and other officials at the White House on Wednesday.

Azar's absence didn't go unnoticed by allies worried about his standing in the administration and the way he's catching more flak for missteps. Azar was front and center Thursday at a Capitol Hill briefing with House members, during which he took heat from some lawmakers over transparency and whether his department is adequately prepared for the stealthy disease.
White House sidelines Azar from coronavirus response
China has government to spare. So how it working out for them?
Really? Do you honestly think bullshit comments like that is in any way effective in defending the Trump admin's incompetence?

I don't need to defend President Trump and his administration's competency, as they are the most proficient and accomplished President and administration we've seen in a long time.

No imagine if you can, Joe Biden trying to run the country.


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