Gee, what a bunch of whiny snowflakes.

It's an election year and the leftists need a crisis to get one of the rich old white guys votes. What else can they do... get elected on their ideas?
It's an election year and the leftists need a crisis to get one of the rich old white guys votes. What else can they do... get elected on their ideas?
Limited coronavirus testing in the US has meant its death rate appears alarmingly high — but it will likely drop
Limited coronavirus testing in the US has meant its death rate appears alarmingly high — but it will likely drop

The US has the highest death rate for the novel coronavirus of any country with more than a handful of cases: Based on the official totals of deaths and cases, 5.4% of patients have died. That's far higher than the global rate of 3.4% that World Health Organization cited on Tuesday — and even higher than mainland China's 3.7%.

Only the Philippines has a higher coronavirus death rate than the US, and it has had only three cases. One of them, a man from Wuhan, China, in early February became the first known fatality outside China.

It's highly unlikely that the coronavirus is more deadly in the US; rather, the number is a product of limited testing in the country.
Why has there been limited testing? Because our government screwed up.

"It's all under control." Trump

“We have contained this, I won’t say airtight but pretty close to airtight,” Kudlow told CNBC’s Kelly Evans on Tuesday afternoon.
Kudlow breaks with CDC on coronavirus: ‘We have contained this’
Hospitals ‘Nervous’ Over Knock-on Effects From COVID Medical Supply Breakdown
Hospitals ‘Nervous’ Over Knock-on Effects From COVID Medical Supply Breakdown

The expanding outbreak of COVID-19 poses a series of threats to the healthcare system’s ability to treat patients, as hospitals and state governments brace for the disease to impact their communities.

Among those threats are shortages of protective masks and sanitary gowns, along with reams of other categories of medical supplies.

The shortages stem from a combination of factors. Slowdowns in manufacturing in China have thrown a wrench in medical supply chains, while individuals and institutions have responded to the threat by hoarding. In other cases, medical providers have simply been forced to expend far more resources than expected to handle the outbreak.

Professionals in the field told TPM that the shortage creates the risk of a secondary, knock-on effect of coronavirus — that patients who come down with other illnesses may either be limited or unable to get treatment due to shortages caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

The secondary problems could end up being more serious than the direct effects from the lack of medical supplies to treat coronavirus itself, medical officials told TPM.
If the virus hits the east will spread throughout the big cities there like wildfire.

Showing people how mother nature can fuck over humans and make them pay for nothing thinking through the consequences of living in such tight quarters. The slums of each of these cities will really take a beating.

If a few million people died, do you think people might rethink this idea of living on top of each other ?

Considering we have had such events in the past yet we still have huge cities I would say that no, it will not make anyone rethink that. But then again most people do not base their lives on events that happen less than once a century.

So, then...why the concern ?
Nurses blast government and hospital responses to coronavirus
Nurses blast government and hospital responses to coronavirus

Nurses fighting the spread of coronavirus unleashed a flood of criticism on the federal government and their employers Thursday, saying they have been left poorly equipped to care for their patients and protect themselves amid the outbreak.

Members of the union National Nurses United said they have faced shifting guidelines and a shortage of supplies as the tally of known infections has increased. They called on the Centers for Disease Control to quickly increase testing for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and demanded that federal officials implement emergency standards for hospitals and clinics around the country.

“The CDC has been behind the ball at almost every step of the way,” said Jane Thomason, an industrial hygienist for the union.

Bonnie Castillo, a registered nurse and the union’s executive director, said nurses were confident they could help contain the spread of the virus, but only if “we are given the protections and resources we need to do our jobs.”
Those nurses must all be liberals with TDS, right Trumpleton's? It's obvious they have a hidden, deep state-like agenda, right Trumpleton's? Wow, talk about fake news, right Trumpleton's?

It just isn't possible that any government agency under the leader of his most excellent and infallible Dear Leader could possibly be unprepared to deal with the outbreak of the c-virus, right Trumpleton's? Those nurses should just shut up and do their jobs, right Trumpleton's?

You may begin making excuses for Donzo the Orange Clown now.

Cant you morons come up with your own derogatory names?
Nurses blast government and hospital responses to coronavirus
Nurses blast government and hospital responses to coronavirus

Nurses fighting the spread of coronavirus unleashed a flood of criticism on the federal government and their employers Thursday, saying they have been left poorly equipped to care for their patients and protect themselves amid the outbreak.

Members of the union National Nurses United said they have faced shifting guidelines and a shortage of supplies as the tally of known infections has increased. They called on the Centers for Disease Control to quickly increase testing for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and demanded that federal officials implement emergency standards for hospitals and clinics around the country.

“The CDC has been behind the ball at almost every step of the way,” said Jane Thomason, an industrial hygienist for the union.

Bonnie Castillo, a registered nurse and the union’s executive director, said nurses were confident they could help contain the spread of the virus, but only if “we are given the protections and resources we need to do our jobs.”
Those nurses must all be liberals with TDS, right Trumpleton's? It's obvious they have a hidden, deep state-like agenda, right Trumpleton's? Wow, talk about fake news, right Trumpleton's?

It just isn't possible that any government agency under the leader of his most excellent and infallible Dear Leader could possibly be unprepared to deal with the outbreak of the c-virus, right Trumpleton's? Those nurses should just shut up and do their jobs, right Trumpleton's?

You may begin making excuses for Donzo the Orange Clown now.

So their hospital isn’t equipped for a potential flu epidemic? Sounds like her hospital administrator needs to be fired. President Trump isn’t in charge of every hospital.
So their hospital isn’t equipped for a potential flu epidemic? Sounds like her hospital administrator needs to be fired. President Trump isn’t in charge of every hospital.
How is a hospital administrator supposed to procure test kits and masks if the government failed in its responsibility to plan ahead and make sure production was ramped up in anticipation of the national demand?
Who is ultimately responsible for making sure administration at the CDC is competent? Here's a hint.

So their hospital isn’t equipped for a potential flu epidemic? Sounds like her hospital administrator needs to be fired. President Trump isn’t in charge of every hospital.
How is a hospital administrator supposed to procure test kits and masks if the government failed in its responsibility to plan ahead and make sure production was ramped up in anticipation of the national demand?

How is the federal government supposed to have test kits available for a virus that didn’t exist a few months ago?

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