Geert Wilders Holds Massive Rally

you kinda grabbed the words right out of my typing fingers,
Correll-----it is the MOB MEMBERS who should be arrested
and jailed

Lefties are fine with their marxist thugs rioting and attacking and burning, but let an anti-immigrant reporter report on a trial that highlights the failure of a lib government policy,

and they support him being put in prison.

This man is a political prisoner. There is no way around that.

The issue is the utter failure of Lefty Immigration policy. And they are jailing reporters for reporting on it.

And the left is supporting that.
He isn’t a reporter.

I point out that your side is using street violence and political arrests to advance your agenda, and your response to to quibble over whether the political prisoner in question is really a reporter?

In the news today................the UK has had a GROOMING CASE as charged by young teens...............

you kinda grabbed the words right out of my typing fingers,
Correll-----it is the MOB MEMBERS who should be arrested
and jailed

Lefties are fine with their marxist thugs rioting and attacking and burning, but let an anti-immigrant reporter report on a trial that highlights the failure of a lib government policy,

and they support him being put in prison.

This man is a political prisoner. There is no way around that.

The issue is the utter failure of Lefty Immigration policy. And they are jailing reporters for reporting on it.

And the left is supporting that.

"This man is a political prisoner."

Of course he is a political prisoner.

These libs spend ALL DAY, working hard to avoid the most obvious truths.

So, someone has to rub their faces in it.
What about the right to a fair trial? How do you determine a reasonable balance? I believe they can observe and record but not publish until the order is lifted.

you actually BELIEVE that he could have video taped the whole proceeding and then just kept it under wraps until
the trial was OVER? I kinda doubt that------can't do that even in the USA

I am actually not sure of the laws but he could have taped what he did, then released it after the order was lifted and not broken the law. He knew that I am sure.

In the USA----one CANNOT video tape a trial. I know that law because I once CONSIDERED doing it.

Can you video about the trial from OUTSIDE the building?

yes----(as far as I know------in my city---they CONFISCATE
all cameras and recording devices at the entrance to the court but not on the STEPS)

Tommy Robinson was filming OUTSIDE the building, reporting OUTSIDE the building, so in America what he did would have been legal, but in Britain where an UNELECTED Judge issued a TOTAL Media Black Out of ALL reporting Tommy Robinson was arrested and then another UNELECTED Judge ordered a TOTAL Media Black Out that Tommy Robinson had been arrested and put in prison. Did you know this? That there was a SECOND TOTAL Media Black Out where the Cucked British Government wanted to keep it SECRET from the PUBLIC that Tommy Robinson had been put into a prison? It is that SECOND TOTAL Media Black Out they had that illustrates that Tommy Robinson is a Political Prisoner.

I posted about it in the below thread where The Usual Suspects were all in saying that NO that Judge did NOT issue a TOTAL Media Black Out on reporting that Tommy Robinson had been put in a prison, the link below to my post # 64

Report about activist Tommy Robinson's arrest are being scrubbed from the internet after the British
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.

Arrested for exposing Muslim rape gangs. So it took 6 weeks for the jury to find the rapists and child molesters innocent Allahu Akbar, but only 10 HOURS to try, Convict, and sentence Robinson in the Kangaroo Court? What was the charge, Blasphemy against the Prophet (profit)?

The British are despicable and America should place economic sanctions on them until basic human rights are restored.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
He's a journalist........Journalist don't film court rooms anymore........he goes to places like what I just showed.

Confronting defendants? Reading off false charges? Posting it all while the jury is deliberating? He isn’t a journalist.

What about the right to a fair trial?

A FAIR trial? What the FUCK, the Imams convicted him in less than 10 hours in a secret trial in the Sharia courts,

Was Robinson even afforded counsel?
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
He's a journalist........Journalist don't film court rooms anymore........he goes to places like what I just showed.

Confronting defendants? Reading off false charges? Posting it all while the jury is deliberating? He isn’t a journalist.

What about the right to a fair trial?
Were they not sequestered...................Our media jams microphones and cameras in front of any high profile trial.............Harass defendants going to court...........even harass the jurors..............This isn't anything new to the world..........If it's a closed court then the court has a responsibility to keep it closed and keep those involved out of the limelight..............

Face it though..........they want him for the other issues........many have been arrested for HATE CRIMES..........It's possible I misunderstood though..............and I apologize for it...............

Doesn't change my position on the situation or the laws over there.

The Imams persecuted Robinson for Blasphemy. He offended the State religion of Islam.
Question 1: Is justice being served in the UK?
Question 2: Who is speaking the truth here?

Sharp-eyed readers will note that I referred to Robinson as an "activist" while Peter refers to him as "Alt-Right". I used this journalistic technique intentionally, partly because it highlights what the left-wing media does all the time when referring to Left Wing terrorists like Earth First! and the like. But it also cuts to the heart of this question. If we don't look at who the messenger is and whether we like him, and instead look at who is speaking the truth, things start to look grim for the UK establishment. The Government certainly did not speak the truth, and in fact covered up these crimes for decades. The media did at least publish the stories when they came out, but there is a strange soft peddling of the story. Borepatch: The collapse of governmental legitimacy in the UK

The UK is an Islamic Theocracy. Truth is whatever the Imams say.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.

Arrested for exposing Muslim rape gangs. So it took 6 weeks for the jury to find the rapists and child molesters innocent Allahu Akbar, but only 10 HOURS to try, Convict, and sentence Robinson in the Kangaroo Court? What was the charge, Blasphemy against the Prophet (profit)?

The British are despicable and America should place economic sanctions on them until basic human rights are restored.

"The British are despicable and America should place economic sanctions on them until basic human rights are restored."

I would support The Donald placing economic sanctions on ALL Western nations who do NOT illustrate an ACTIVE EFFORT to remove and deport ALL Economic Migrants who have infested Western nations since 2015, approx 2% are Refugees, 98% are Economic Migrants who want to do nothing, contribute nothing, sit on their buttocks, demand Gibs Me Dat etc These are issues of National Security for Western nations, the 98% Economic Migrants are a THREAT to Western nations National Security. They must be FORCED to GTFO and ANY nation that does NOT illustrate an ACTIVE EFFORT to begin removing them should have economic sanctions put on them. They have a choice between their economy being deliberately crippled and with that a Recession OR telling the Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans to GTFO.
Question 1: Is justice being served in the UK?
Question 2: Who is speaking the truth here?

Sharp-eyed readers will note that I referred to Robinson as an "activist" while Peter refers to him as "Alt-Right". I used this journalistic technique intentionally, partly because it highlights what the left-wing media does all the time when referring to Left Wing terrorists like Earth First! and the like. But it also cuts to the heart of this question. If we don't look at who the messenger is and whether we like him, and instead look at who is speaking the truth, things start to look grim for the UK establishment. The Government certainly did not speak the truth, and in fact covered up these crimes for decades. The media did at least publish the stories when they came out, but there is a strange soft peddling of the story. Borepatch: The collapse of governmental legitimacy in the UK

The UK is an Islamic Theocracy. Truth is whatever the Imams say.
That is probably the most idiotic statement I have heard yet.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.

Arrested for exposing Muslim rape gangs. So it took 6 weeks for the jury to find the rapists and child molesters innocent Allahu Akbar, but only 10 HOURS to try, Convict, and sentence Robinson in the Kangaroo Court? What was the charge, Blasphemy against the Prophet (profit)?

The British are despicable and America should place economic sanctions on them until basic human rights are restored.
He didnt expose anything. It was already exposed when he jumped on the bandwagon.
you kinda grabbed the words right out of my typing fingers,
Correll-----it is the MOB MEMBERS who should be arrested
and jailed

Lefties are fine with their marxist thugs rioting and attacking and burning, but let an anti-immigrant reporter report on a trial that highlights the failure of a lib government policy,

and they support him being put in prison.

This man is a political prisoner. There is no way around that.

The issue is the utter failure of Lefty Immigration policy. And they are jailing reporters for reporting on it.

And the left is supporting that.
He isn’t a reporter.
So.....................he has web sites.................he has people who follow him there................Why shouldn't he be allowed to video and speak his mind...........

His actions didn't change a dang thing on evidence...........and you know it............In our country high profile cases have the media hound them...................What about their right of a Fair Trial......................................

On never mind.
Actually I have complained about that in our country. Nice try though.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?

This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.

Arrested for exposing Muslim rape gangs. So it took 6 weeks for the jury to find the rapists and child molesters innocent Allahu Akbar, but only 10 HOURS to try, Convict, and sentence Robinson in the Kangaroo Court? What was the charge, Blasphemy against the Prophet (profit)?

The British are despicable and America should place economic sanctions on them until basic human rights are restored.
He didnt expose anything. It was already exposed when he jumped on the bandwagon.
The fact that these characters were in court should be the clue here.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

Geert- just bend over and take it.

Those very same Dutch forefathers who were liberated from the Nazis, were indeed some of the most malevolent of imperialists and colonialists throughout the world.

When the chickens now come home too roost and stage upheaval in your country- in the form of Islamic supremacism- just accept your Karmic prudence.

Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.
Question 1: Is justice being served in the UK?
Question 2: Who is speaking the truth here?

Sharp-eyed readers will note that I referred to Robinson as an "activist" while Peter refers to him as "Alt-Right". I used this journalistic technique intentionally, partly because it highlights what the left-wing media does all the time when referring to Left Wing terrorists like Earth First! and the like. But it also cuts to the heart of this question. If we don't look at who the messenger is and whether we like him, and instead look at who is speaking the truth, things start to look grim for the UK establishment. The Government certainly did not speak the truth, and in fact covered up these crimes for decades. The media did at least publish the stories when they came out, but there is a strange soft peddling of the story. Borepatch: The collapse of governmental legitimacy in the UK

The UK is an Islamic Theocracy. Truth is whatever the Imams say.
That is probably the most idiotic statement I have heard yet.

Try reading your own posts sometime....

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