Geert Wilders Holds Massive Rally

Who is Tommy Robinson, why did the ex-EDL leader change his name and when was he jailed?

ho is Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, 35, is a right-wing political activist from Luton, Bedfordshire.

His mother was an Irish immigrant who worked as a baker while his adoptive father worked at a local Vauxhall car plant.

He told the Telegraph in 2013: "Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants. Whether it be Irish, West Indian, Ghanaian, everyone I know.”

Despite performing well academically at school, Robinson repeatedly found himself in trouble as a teenager, citing fights with "Muslim gangs" as one of the reasons for his "problems" as a youth.

Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

After studying aircraft engineering for five years, Robinson lost his job at Luton Airport in 2003 after punching an off-duty police officer during a drunken row.

He claims that stricter security measures following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, meant he has been blacklisted from working at airports.

Robinson was captured on film repeatedly punching a man in the head at Royal Ascot.

The activist was banned from Twitter on March 28, 2018, for breaching the social media platform's "hateful conduct" policy.

This guy is no angel or martyr. If he didn’t hate Muslims y’all would be saying good riddance to bad trash.
So, you are supporting the jailing of reporters for reporting on a court trial that reflects on serious government policy.

NOt surprising.

Well, I thought you would have tried to hide it a little more.
Notice how these stains are all for suppression of the press unless it happens here? They support filthy muslims even though they are brutal to gays? It appears to me all these swine want is to hurt this country.

Hurting America does seem to be the one constant.
One only needs to look at Berkley when a conservative dares speak there............They want to burn the dang place down.......................Protesting is one thing..................going POSTAL to stop him from talking is another................

They are a DISGRACE...............and were led their by their ideological idiotic parents..............A State that claims to be the champions of the poor...............and make people making 50 k a year there HOMELESS............Driving up the cost of everything...............but hey JOSE....and Jose..........and Jose.............are replacing them.............
Berkeley is still standing, untouched, in case you had not noticed.

Your defense of mob violence as a method of shutting down Free Speech of your enemies, is noted and held against you, commie.

View attachment 197597

Your lies are noted.
Notice how these stains are all for suppression of the press unless it happens here? They support filthy muslims even though they are brutal to gays? It appears to me all these swine want is to hurt this country.

Hurting America does seem to be the one constant.
One only needs to look at Berkley when a conservative dares speak there............They want to burn the dang place down.......................Protesting is one thing..................going POSTAL to stop him from talking is another................

They are a DISGRACE...............and were led their by their ideological idiotic parents..............A State that claims to be the champions of the poor...............and make people making 50 k a year there HOMELESS............Driving up the cost of everything...............but hey JOSE....and Jose..........and Jose.............are replacing them.............
Berkeley is still standing, untouched, in case you had not noticed.
Really...........well they didn't burn their campus to the ground...........crying shame............

Why do they get so violent when someone they disagree with wants to speak much so that they high five each other after they shut it down...................with police in Riot gear trying to restore order.

Does Berkley teach FREE SPEECH.....................Do you have a problem with them attacking others opinions there................or not.

You are either for Free Speech or AGAINST............which is it..................

Believe it or not not all or even most leftists support that violence or Antifa, the group that fomented much of it. I have said multiple times that universities need to promote a variety of viewpoints in their speakers, and while protesting is valid free speech, violence is not so I think we agree on that.

I support free speech up until it interferes with the rights of another whether it is another’s free speech through violent intimidation or a person’s right to a fair trial. Even the most despicable scum bucket deserves that.

Said the man minimizing the rioting. That's a form of support.
Who is Tommy Robinson, why did the ex-EDL leader change his name and when was he jailed?

ho is Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, 35, is a right-wing political activist from Luton, Bedfordshire.

His mother was an Irish immigrant who worked as a baker while his adoptive father worked at a local Vauxhall car plant.

He told the Telegraph in 2013: "Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants. Whether it be Irish, West Indian, Ghanaian, everyone I know.”

Despite performing well academically at school, Robinson repeatedly found himself in trouble as a teenager, citing fights with "Muslim gangs" as one of the reasons for his "problems" as a youth.

Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

After studying aircraft engineering for five years, Robinson lost his job at Luton Airport in 2003 after punching an off-duty police officer during a drunken row.

He claims that stricter security measures following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, meant he has been blacklisted from working at airports.

Robinson was captured on film repeatedly punching a man in the head at Royal Ascot.

The activist was banned from Twitter on March 28, 2018, for breaching the social media platform's "hateful conduct" policy.

This guy is no angel or martyr. If he didn’t hate Muslims y’all would be saying good riddance to bad trash.

How did he change the evidence ............


Dodge noted..............
Hurting America does seem to be the one constant.
One only needs to look at Berkley when a conservative dares speak there............They want to burn the dang place down.......................Protesting is one thing..................going POSTAL to stop him from talking is another................

They are a DISGRACE...............and were led their by their ideological idiotic parents..............A State that claims to be the champions of the poor...............and make people making 50 k a year there HOMELESS............Driving up the cost of everything...............but hey JOSE....and Jose..........and Jose.............are replacing them.............
Berkeley is still standing, untouched, in case you had not noticed.
Really...........well they didn't burn their campus to the ground...........crying shame............

Why do they get so violent when someone they disagree with wants to speak much so that they high five each other after they shut it down...................with police in Riot gear trying to restore order.

Does Berkley teach FREE SPEECH.....................Do you have a problem with them attacking others opinions there................or not.

You are either for Free Speech or AGAINST............which is it..................

Believe it or not not all or even most leftists support that violence or Antifa, the group that fomented much of it. I have said multiple times that universities need to promote a variety of viewpoints in their speakers, and while protesting is valid free speech, violence is not so I think we agree on that.

I support free speech up until it interferes with the rights of another whether it is another’s free speech through violent intimidation or a person’s right to a fair trial. Even the most despicable scum bucket deserves that.

Said the man minimizing the rioting. That's a form of support.
Oh brother.
Who is Tommy Robinson, why did the ex-EDL leader change his name and when was he jailed?

ho is Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, 35, is a right-wing political activist from Luton, Bedfordshire.

His mother was an Irish immigrant who worked as a baker while his adoptive father worked at a local Vauxhall car plant.

He told the Telegraph in 2013: "Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants. Whether it be Irish, West Indian, Ghanaian, everyone I know.”

Despite performing well academically at school, Robinson repeatedly found himself in trouble as a teenager, citing fights with "Muslim gangs" as one of the reasons for his "problems" as a youth.

Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

After studying aircraft engineering for five years, Robinson lost his job at Luton Airport in 2003 after punching an off-duty police officer during a drunken row.

He claims that stricter security measures following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, meant he has been blacklisted from working at airports.

Robinson was captured on film repeatedly punching a man in the head at Royal Ascot.

The activist was banned from Twitter on March 28, 2018, for breaching the social media platform's "hateful conduct" policy.

This guy is no angel or martyr. If he didn’t hate Muslims y’all would be saying good riddance to bad trash.

How did he change the evidence ............


Dodge noted..............
What are you talking about?
I Tell you what Coyote........................why don't we just play by the Dems rules from now on..........

To hell with it...........

You hold a rally............we are going to pay people to get in your candidates supporters faces........and cause violence........we are going to block traffic................we are going to flip police cars............

HELL CHAOS....................and give you a taste of your own sides medicine.........

Want a dose of what your side you..........

Oh a liberal speaks at a conservative college.........OH HELL NO.........we gonna chase his or her asses off.........

Throw burn shit....................get the riot police out.........and if not in jail go have a beer afterwards............

Ummm..........hmmmm....anybody got video of that.............:1peleas:
Who is Tommy Robinson, why did the ex-EDL leader change his name and when was he jailed?

ho is Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, 35, is a right-wing political activist from Luton, Bedfordshire.

His mother was an Irish immigrant who worked as a baker while his adoptive father worked at a local Vauxhall car plant.

He told the Telegraph in 2013: "Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants. Whether it be Irish, West Indian, Ghanaian, everyone I know.”

Despite performing well academically at school, Robinson repeatedly found himself in trouble as a teenager, citing fights with "Muslim gangs" as one of the reasons for his "problems" as a youth.

Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

After studying aircraft engineering for five years, Robinson lost his job at Luton Airport in 2003 after punching an off-duty police officer during a drunken row.

He claims that stricter security measures following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, meant he has been blacklisted from working at airports.

Robinson was captured on film repeatedly punching a man in the head at Royal Ascot.

The activist was banned from Twitter on March 28, 2018, for breaching the social media platform's "hateful conduct" policy.

This guy is no angel or martyr. If he didn’t hate Muslims y’all would be saying good riddance to bad trash.

sounds kinda IRISH to me-------right sassy?
what is "blanket reporting restrictions"?

It is TOTAL Media Black Out on reporting, that if journalists report on whatever the TOTAL Media Black Out is on then their reporting is illegal and they get arrested and can be put in prison.
Who is Tommy Robinson, why did the ex-EDL leader change his name and when was he jailed?

ho is Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, 35, is a right-wing political activist from Luton, Bedfordshire.

His mother was an Irish immigrant who worked as a baker while his adoptive father worked at a local Vauxhall car plant.

He told the Telegraph in 2013: "Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants. Whether it be Irish, West Indian, Ghanaian, everyone I know.”

Despite performing well academically at school, Robinson repeatedly found himself in trouble as a teenager, citing fights with "Muslim gangs" as one of the reasons for his "problems" as a youth.

Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

After studying aircraft engineering for five years, Robinson lost his job at Luton Airport in 2003 after punching an off-duty police officer during a drunken row.

He claims that stricter security measures following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, meant he has been blacklisted from working at airports.

Robinson was captured on film repeatedly punching a man in the head at Royal Ascot.

The activist was banned from Twitter on March 28, 2018, for breaching the social media platform's "hateful conduct" policy.

This guy is no angel or martyr. If he didn’t hate Muslims y’all would be saying good riddance to bad trash.

How did he change the evidence ............


Dodge noted..............
What are you talking about?
I asked didn't answer please give me your usual I have stated it in other threads............or I don't have any need to answer your questions....and blah blah blah.............

Did his filming a bunch of steps at a brick wall while talking change the evidence............did it change the testimony of the girls accusing them............did it change the DNA.

How did his video change ANYTHING............
I Tell you what Coyote........................why don't we just play by the Dems rules from now on..........

To hell with it...........

You hold a rally............we are going to pay people to get in your candidates supporters faces........and cause violence........we are going to block traffic................we are going to flip police cars............

HELL CHAOS....................and give you a taste of your own sides medicine.........

Want a dose of what your side you..........

Oh a liberal speaks at a conservative college.........OH HELL NO.........we gonna chase his or her asses off.........

Throw burn shit....................get the riot police out.........and if not in jail go have a beer afterwards............

Ummm..........hmmmm....anybody got video of that.............:1peleas:
Talk about going off on a tangent. Do what you wish.
you kinda grabbed the words right out of my typing fingers,
Correll-----it is the MOB MEMBERS who should be arrested
and jailed

Lefties are fine with their marxist thugs rioting and attacking and burning, but let an anti-immigrant reporter report on a trial that highlights the failure of a lib government policy,

and they support him being put in prison.

This man is a political prisoner. There is no way around that.

The issue is the utter failure of Lefty Immigration policy. And they are jailing reporters for reporting on it.

And the left is supporting that.
Who is Tommy Robinson, why did the ex-EDL leader change his name and when was he jailed?

ho is Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson, 35, is a right-wing political activist from Luton, Bedfordshire.

His mother was an Irish immigrant who worked as a baker while his adoptive father worked at a local Vauxhall car plant.

He told the Telegraph in 2013: "Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants. Whether it be Irish, West Indian, Ghanaian, everyone I know.”

Despite performing well academically at school, Robinson repeatedly found himself in trouble as a teenager, citing fights with "Muslim gangs" as one of the reasons for his "problems" as a youth.

Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

After studying aircraft engineering for five years, Robinson lost his job at Luton Airport in 2003 after punching an off-duty police officer during a drunken row.

He claims that stricter security measures following the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, meant he has been blacklisted from working at airports.

Robinson was captured on film repeatedly punching a man in the head at Royal Ascot.

The activist was banned from Twitter on March 28, 2018, for breaching the social media platform's "hateful conduct" policy.

This guy is no angel or martyr. If he didn’t hate Muslims y’all would be saying good riddance to bad trash.

How did he change the evidence ............


Dodge noted..............
What are you talking about?
I asked didn't answer please give me your usual I have stated it in other threads............or I don't have any need to answer your questions....and blah blah blah.............

Did his filming a bunch of steps at a brick wall while talking change the evidence............did it change the testimony of the girls accusing them............did it change the DNA.

How did his video change ANYTHING............
You don’t order me around dude demanding answers to all your questions, most of which involve information that neither you nor I are party to.
what is "blanket reporting restrictions"?

It is TOTAL Media Black Out on reporting, that if journalists report on whatever the TOTAL Media Black Out is on then their reporting is illegal and they get arrested and can be put in prison.

What about the right to a fair trial? How do you determine a reasonable balance? I believe they can observe and record but not publish until the order is lifted.
you kinda grabbed the words right out of my typing fingers,
Correll-----it is the MOB MEMBERS who should be arrested
and jailed

Lefties are fine with their marxist thugs rioting and attacking and burning, but let an anti-immigrant reporter report on a trial that highlights the failure of a lib government policy,

and they support him being put in prison.

This man is a political prisoner. There is no way around that.

The issue is the utter failure of Lefty Immigration policy. And they are jailing reporters for reporting on it.

And the left is supporting that.
He isn’t a reporter.
what is "blanket reporting restrictions"?

It is TOTAL Media Black Out on reporting, that if journalists report on whatever the TOTAL Media Black Out is on then their reporting is illegal and they get arrested and can be put in prison.


That used to happen in the old Britain for Centuries, then Britain turned into Britainstan The Muslims Must Be Protected Police State.

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