Geert Wilders Holds Massive Rally

This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.

Here he is in Italy going to a No Go know the Zones that don't exist. Shows the video of a woman reporter showing migrants sleeping on the concrete and then is assaulted and heard screaming as the camera falls to the ground.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
He's a journalist........Journalist don't film court rooms anymore........he goes to places like what I just showed.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
He's a journalist........Journalist don't film court rooms anymore........he goes to places like what I just showed.

Confronting defendants? Reading off false charges? Posting it all while the jury is deliberating? He isn’t a journalist.

What about the right to a fair trial?
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
He's a journalist........Journalist don't film court rooms anymore........he goes to places like what I just showed.

Confronting defendants? Reading off false charges? Posting it all while the jury is deliberating? He isn’t a journalist.

What about the right to a fair trial?
Were they not sequestered...................Our media jams microphones and cameras in front of any high profile trial.............Harass defendants going to court...........even harass the jurors..............This isn't anything new to the world..........If it's a closed court then the court has a responsibility to keep it closed and keep those involved out of the limelight..............

Face it though..........they want him for the other issues........many have been arrested for HATE CRIMES..........It's possible I misunderstood though..............and I apologize for it...............

Doesn't change my position on the situation or the laws over there.

This is the live feed that got him arrested............Enjoy.........Pakistani's charged with Mulitple Crimes.......of Raping and violence.
If he steps on the court steps......he can get arrested.......but if he's in the street.....he can film..............LOL

I heard the police agree with him...............long video.........too long to see the crime.......anyone know where it is the crime.
How did him reporting OUTSIDE the court room impede a fair trial.................

How did him live streaming the verdict..........put him in jail................

What's Amazing to me........these guys are accused of raping children..........Where is the news at the courthouse like it is here.....................Why would he be the only one covering it.....................Is it they don't care .............or are they afraid of joining him in jail.....................

So does that give him license to break the law? We should all be so lucky.
No. No such license.

But the relatively innocuous nature of his past offenses, combined with the fact that he has been adequately punished for all of them, and considering the socially beneficent nature of the cause which he presently is paying a painful price for promoting, it seems redundant for me to say he deserves some credit in place of the condemnation he's been receiving.
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If I were living in England right now and posted this Facebook............I'm going to jail for being Hateful..............

Should I go to jail Coyote...............

I don’t happen to agree with Europe’s restrictions on free speech in regards to “hate speech”, so I am not sure what your point is?

He was thrown in jail for protesting against taking in more refugees and speaking out against Muslims..........

Damn the nerve............Have you seen the threads on other countries........they are doing more than talking about doing something.........I know you've seen it...........Austria............they are causing crime there and Raping young girls....preaching Islam will Dominate the World in their Mosques...........people are getting you see it.....

In England say jail you go.

Meanwhile Myanmar is perpetrating horrific rapes on women and children of one of their minorities and rape is ongoing in the Congo where women and children are so abused they need extensive surgery to fix it.

Yet if these same things occurred in the UK you would call the person calling that out a racist.
He ignored Britain’s long history of child molestation until Muslims were involved. Strange eh?
My understanding of the situation is it was never so flagrantly vile as it's gotten since the Muslims became involved. As Tommy has repeatedly said, he, along with many others, continuously expected a crackdown by police, which never came. It was when his own young cousin was raped by the Muslims that he decided to bring a foot down and raise some hell about it.

So instead of criticizing the man why not give him credit for doing what no one else has had the balls or the righteous motivation to do. Support what he's doing.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
Sounds like something a reporter would and should do
A rally for "Free Speech"?

Free speech is the GOP nightmare. That's why Trump attacks the fourth estate.
Trump attacks the mainstream media because it well deserves to be attacked for its cowardly and self-serving betrayal of the cause it is expected to serve. The American Fourth Estate is a shameful disgrace.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.
He's a journalist........Journalist don't film court rooms anymore........he goes to places like what I just showed.

Confronting defendants? Reading off false charges? Posting it all while the jury is deliberating? He isn’t a journalist.

What about the right to a fair trial?
Tommy was conducting public business in an unrestricted public place. He was not standing on Court property, nor did he interfere in any way with the transport or arrival of any defendants. He did not organize a protest nor did he interfere in any way with the court proceedings. The jury was deliberating in a protected and private place where they had no access to or awareness of anything Tommy was doing or saying.

So what exactly are you complaining about?
Question 1: Is justice being served in the UK?
Question 2: Who is speaking the truth here?

Sharp-eyed readers will note that I referred to Robinson as an "activist" while Peter refers to him as "Alt-Right". I used this journalistic technique intentionally, partly because it highlights what the left-wing media does all the time when referring to Left Wing terrorists like Earth First! and the like. But it also cuts to the heart of this question. If we don't look at who the messenger is and whether we like him, and instead look at who is speaking the truth, things start to look grim for the UK establishment. The Government certainly did not speak the truth, and in fact covered up these crimes for decades. The media did at least publish the stories when they came out, but there is a strange soft peddling of the story. Borepatch: The collapse of governmental legitimacy in the UK
The Nazi regime in England is obscene. To jail a man with no actual trial in an effort to silence him is the most deplorable crime a totalitarian tyranny can commit.

Maybe not the singularly most deplorable, but certainly among the top several.

It's one of the reasons why we Americans kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago. It's why we have freedoms of speech and the press explicitly affirmed and protected in the First Amendment to our Constitution.
This is why Tommy Robinson being sent to prison couldn't be reported

Why was Tommy Robinson arrested?
Tommy Robinson was broadcasting on Facebook Live outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday when he was stopped by police.

He was filming people entering the court in relation to an ongoing trial.

The broadcast lasted an hour and was watched more than 250,000 times.

At the time of the incident, a jury was considering its verdicts after hearing six weeks of evidence.

Reporting restrictions are in place on that case, so details cannot be revealed.

Robinson filmed himself as he read out the defendants' names and the charges they face - some of which were wrong - and confronted them as they arrived at court.

Eventually, the 35-year-old was arrested on suspicion of a breach of the peace and was held in the court cells before being taken up to the courtroom to face the trial judge.

Here, in the United States, we call that “freedom of the press”, and it is explicitly affirmed and protected in the First Amendment.
It's funny because the jailed Nazi's name isn't even Tommy.

Being concerned about and opposed to the sexual molestation of children makes one a Nazi?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You're far from the first LIbEral on this forum to openly take a similar position.
He ignored Britain’s long history of child molestation until Muslims were involved. Strange eh?
Hey ya’ll we can chill the fuck out here. As long as you’re raped by an immigrant all is good. Please only focus your outrage at the white guys and you know... until then enjoy the sex!

What matters more....the ethnicity of the rapist or the fact that someone was raped?

Get with the programme Missy, even Pebble the Cockatoo knows WTF is happening in Cucked Britainstan with the Mooselimbs :smoke:

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