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Geert Wilders Holds Massive Rally

The fact that these characters were in court should be the clue here.

And what were the sentences of the "grooming gangs," Ahmed? How is it the Imams could indict, arrest, try, convict, and sentence Robinson in 10 hours?

Oh yes, the Sharia court was a farce, Robinson was convicted long before any fraudulent court was fabricated.

England is a Muslim theocracy, and you are fucking animals.
Your ignorance makes me chuckle. Yes he was convicted over a year ago. He was given a suspended sentence which meant that when he re-offended he was straight back to chokey.
Justice was done. The rapists were found guilty and the world is a better place. I get a warm feeling knowing that yaxley is inside crying for his Mam. Its wonderful.
Dry your eyes kid, he isnt worth it.
Why does the media there water down Rapist........................GROOMING................isn't that just plain PC nonsense...........

And why wouldn't your media follow a case that was over the Rape of little teen age girls.........Why wasn't the media there...................

Over here many cases like that would have several news crews out there.
Over here we beleive that every man has the right to a fair trial . If the Judge feels that this might be compromised by press coverage he can order a black out.
This ends when the trial does.
It is usually done in trials where there are multiple defendents.
There is no conspiracy just the spirit of magna carta at work.

I have explained this before and given examples.

However you come from a country where justice is only on offer to the rich.

Where street gangs circumvent the legal process by acting as judge,juror and executioner to poor black teenagers for the crime of having curly black hair.

So please spare me your faux outrage about something thaat you know fuck all about.
So...........no reporters allowed near the court room.....................if so you can go to jail................

Your right................I have no clue because over here we have Freedom of the press..............and reporting outside a courthouse is part of that........................

Guess that's why we left your asses back in the day.
Who said reporters are banned ? Of course they are allowed in, but they cant report on the case until the jury have decided.

You see we have this quaint thing over here where juries decide on the balance of evidence presented and not the presence of nazi mobs outside the court room. This is Britain not Alabama.
After reading so many articles about child Trafficking in the UK and Europe.......when are you Europeans gonna get your heads out of your asses and put more and more of the scum in jail........................


The UK imprisons those who OPPOSE the rape gangs. The UK Theocracy openly supports and protects the Islamic rape and child molesting gangs.

The British Caliphate are fucking animals.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.

Far right called out for using LFC fans in absurd bid to show extremist support
You will appreciate this one mate. they tried to pass it off as the yaxley demo.

He didnt expose anything. It was already exposed when he jumped on the bandwagon.

So to be clear, you demand that reporters who expose rape and child molestation be thrown into prison, right? Even for a liberty hating advocate of Islamic supremacy like you, this is obscene.

To be clear, you haven't a clue.

To be clear; you seek to throw reporters in prison to stop facts that embarrass Islam from coming to light.

That's not a question that is a fact.

I don't think you're very clear, you are only repeating your own statements not mine. Try again.

I'll give you some suggestions for "clarity"....

There are no "Islam-embarressing" facts waiting to come to light. These facts all came to light long before Tommy New-comer Robinson came on the scene. They have been the topic of a lot of news coverage - hardly secretive.

So what exactly is being prevented from "coming to light" in your mind? :dunno:

What is unclear about the fact that you are a pro-Islamist who celebrates the arrest and imprisonment of reporters who dare to expose child abuse by Muslims.

The British Caliphate is complicit in the sexual exploitation of children and should be treated accordingly. The United States should impose a 100% embargo on the British Caliphate.
He didnt expose anything. It was already exposed when he jumped on the bandwagon.

So to be clear, you demand that reporters who expose rape and child molestation be thrown into prison, right? Even for a liberty hating advocate of Islamic supremacy like you, this is obscene.

To be clear, you haven't a clue.

To be clear; you seek to throw reporters in prison to stop facts that embarrass Islam from coming to light.

That's not a question that is a fact.

I don't think you're very clear, you are only repeating your own statements not mine. Try again.

I'll give you some suggestions for "clarity"....

There are no "Islam-embarressing" facts waiting to come to light. These facts all came to light long before Tommy New-comer Robinson came on the scene. They have been the topic of a lot of news coverage - hardly secretive.

So what exactly is being prevented from "coming to light" in your mind? :dunno:

What is unclear about the fact that you are a pro-Islamist who celebrates the arrest and imprisonment of reporters who dare to expose child abuse by Muslims.

The British Caliphate is complicit in the sexual exploitation of children and should be treated accordingly. The United States should impose a 100% embargo on the British Caliphate.
What has he exposed ?
Over here we beleive that every man has the right to a fair trial

The fuck you do, Ahmed.

You throw reporters in prison for exposing the crimes of Islam with virtually no trial.

. If the Judge feels that this might be compromised by press coverage he can order a black out.
This ends when the trial does.
It is usually done in trials where there are multiple defendents.
There is no conspiracy just the spirit of magna carta at work.

I have explained this before and given examples.

However you come from a country where justice is only on offer to the rich.

Where street gangs circumvent the legal process by acting as judge,juror and executioner to poor black teenagers for the crime of having curly black hair.

So please spare me your faux outrage about something thaat you know fuck all about.

It is illegal to criticize Islam in the British Caliphate. There is no free press and no protection of basic civil rights.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.

Really? That just doesn't wash....there has been ongoing reporting on this, including that which is very critical of the government's response, actions and policy, for example (this is just a random pick):

Britain's Grooming Gang Crisis - Quillette

Keep pretending he's a reporter and a "political prisoner" - and then explain the lack of any other arrests in the reporting of these grooming gangs over the past several years.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.
He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions and pleaded guilty in court. You can huff and puff as much as you want but it doesnt change that fact.

Most people who breach their bail conditions end up in jail.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.
He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions and pleaded guilty in court. You can huff and puff as much as you want but it doesnt change that fact.

Most people who breach their bail conditions end up in jail.
Yup, its sort of a justice type thing.
"They support filthy muslims even though they are brutal to gays?"

That is a part of Leftism Is A Mental Illness Syndrome, that they can hold two totally diametrically opposing views in their pea size brains at the SAME time and be FANATICAL about both. So:

Leftists are FANATICALLY Pro-LGBTQ, Leftists are FANATICALLY Pro-Islamist. Islamists are FANATICALLY Anti-LGBTQ and support the death penalty for faggots and lesbos and the Transgender weirdos. Leftism being a mental illness means that they have no problem with this fucked up logic.

George Orwell called it doublethink

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.
The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.
He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions and pleaded guilty in court. You can huff and puff as much as you want but it doesnt change that fact.

Note how there is no reference to the actual action that led to the arrest.

You prefer to talk about it as a legal matter, as though the paperwork is more important that the reality it is supposed to reflect.

He was reporting on a trial, a trial about a crime that was caused by your government's immigration policy and the power of Political Correctness to prevent proper policing of child rapists that should have never been in your nation.

THAT is what this is about. Your government wanting to avoid letting a reporter inform your people about the terrible crimes your government is actively and passively encouraging.

Which are just ONE part of the terrible outcomes causes by policies you support.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.


Tommy Robinson (activist) - Wikipedia

"On 25 May 2018, Robinson was arrested for a breach of the peace while live streaming outside Leeds Crown Court[72][73] during a trial on which reporting restrictions had been ordered by the judge.[74]

Following Robinson's arrest, Judge Geoffrey Marson QC[75] issued a further reporting restriction on Robinson's case, prohibiting any reporting of Robinson's case or the grooming trial until the latter case is complete.[76][73][77] The jailing of Robinson drew condemnation from right wing circles.[78]

The UK Independence Party leader Gerard Batten MEP expressed concern about the proceedings and the ban on reporting.[79] Robinson attracted sympathy from several right-wing politicians in Europe including the Dutch Party for Freedom leader Geert Wilders[73] and the German Bundestag member Petr Bystron.[80]

During the weekend following Robinson's arrest, hundreds of his supporters rallied outside Downing Street, calling for the government to "Free Tommy"[73][81] and an online petition for his release had more than 500,000 signatures.[82]

On 29 May, the reporting restriction was lifted with regard to Robinson, following a challenge by journalists, and the media reported that Robinson had admitted contempt of court by publishing information that could prejudice an ongoing trial, and had been sentenced to 13 months' imprisonment"
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.

Really? That just doesn't wash....there has been ongoing reporting on this, including that which is very critical of the government's response, actions and policy, for example (this is just a random pick):

Britain's Grooming Gang Crisis - Quillette

That's a nice blog. I more often watch BBC, and I've not seen the type of constant daily drumbeat that this outrage calls for.

The Press in the UK should be treating this, the way the press here treats Trump. LIke the end of the fucking world.

Keep pretending he's a reporter and a "political prisoner" - and then explain the lack of any other arrests in the reporting of these grooming gangs over the past several years.

Sure. They are more concerned when the report is more timely ie a trial, instead of a report of something that happened years ago, and B. when the report is oh so careful to point out that this is not about Islam or in any way relevant to immigration policy.
Here are some of Yaxleys mates yesterday. Definately not nazis. This was taken before they attacked the police and tried to storm Downing St.
What do you expect from extreme right wing trash ?


Your government is the one locking up reporters for reporting on government policy.

You calling other people nazis or thugs, is funny.

I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.
He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions and pleaded guilty in court. You can huff and puff as much as you want but it doesnt change that fact.

Most people who breach their bail conditions end up in jail.

Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.
And what were the sentences of the "grooming gangs," Ahmed? How is it the Imams could indict, arrest, try, convict, and sentence Robinson in 10 hours?

Oh yes, the Sharia court was a farce, Robinson was convicted long before any fraudulent court was fabricated.

England is a Muslim theocracy, and you are fucking animals.
Your ignorance makes me chuckle. Yes he was convicted over a year ago. He was given a suspended sentence which meant that when he re-offended he was straight back to chokey.
Justice was done. The rapists were found guilty and the world is a better place. I get a warm feeling knowing that yaxley is inside crying for his Mam. Its wonderful.
Dry your eyes kid, he isnt worth it.
Why does the media there water down Rapist........................GROOMING................isn't that just plain PC nonsense...........

And why wouldn't your media follow a case that was over the Rape of little teen age girls.........Why wasn't the media there...................

Over here many cases like that would have several news crews out there.
Over here we beleive that every man has the right to a fair trial . If the Judge feels that this might be compromised by press coverage he can order a black out.
This ends when the trial does.
It is usually done in trials where there are multiple defendents.
There is no conspiracy just the spirit of magna carta at work.

I have explained this before and given examples.

However you come from a country where justice is only on offer to the rich.

Where street gangs circumvent the legal process by acting as judge,juror and executioner to poor black teenagers for the crime of having curly black hair.

So please spare me your faux outrage about something thaat you know fuck all about.
So...........no reporters allowed near the court room.....................if so you can go to jail................

Your right................I have no clue because over here we have Freedom of the press..............and reporting outside a courthouse is part of that........................

Guess that's why we left your asses back in the day.
Who said reporters are banned ? Of course they are allowed in, but they cant report on the case until the jury have decided.

You see we have this quaint thing over here where juries decide on the balance of evidence presented and not the presence of nazi mobs outside the court room. This is Britain not Alabama.
There was no mob outside the court house...............only one taking a video.............A regular film crew doesn't mean a Mob either............

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