Gen. Flynn case about to blow up in Dimwinger's faces.

I know the Deep State seems to lean left and is serving liberal interests at this time
But it can turn on you too

Liberals don't have a problem with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.
Flynn will walk...I've been saying this for two and a half years...and when he is cleared I will send him thousands of dollars to sue the pants off of the swamp....
Do you think Manafort and Cohen will be sued when they get out of the slammer or do you have no idea what the "swamp" really is?
The swamp is you...people like you that bend over for the federal governmental establishment...the pro war all the time establishment...the tax us to death establishment...the sorry we can't do anything to really help you establishment....the no outsiders welcome establishment...the we will serve for life and get rich by screwing you establishment....See? are the problem....
I protested the Vietnam war everywhere from NYC to Pittsburgh to D.C. and I returned to Washington to protest the criminal invasion of Iraq. Did I see you at any of those protests? The rest of your babbling is incoherent. It`s not too early to drink but you really shouldn`t be hammered at 2:00.
That's my have changed...and what has brought about such a change but the election of a guy you don't what that tells me is you were not a sincere war must of been there like so many other guys...for the chicks and good drugs....
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.
Haha, what a steamimg pile of horseshit. You have only reserved your idiotic standard for your cult heroes. You fool exactly nobody.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.
Haha, what a steamimg pile of horseshit. You have only reserved your idiotic standard for your cult heroes. You fool exactly nobody.

Poor baby. Forgets that this was widely reported. An idiot like you of course continues to spout blatant lies and then runs away refusing to even back up his own bullshit. Now eat that pile of shit like a good little liberal sheep.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?

Let’s spell this out for morons like you and flaming fart. Mueller’s and his band of goons were going to falsify charges. As they have been proven to have done before. Us real men protect our kids. Unlike you, flaming fart and every other liberal here who would gladly throw their kid under the bus. Morons, all of you.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.
Haha, what a steamimg pile of horseshit. You have only reserved your idiotic standard for your cult heroes. You fool exactly nobody.

Poor baby. Forgets that this was widely reported. An idiot like you of course continues to spout blatant lies and then runs away refusing to even back up his own bullshit. Now eat that pile of shit like a good little liberal sheep.

Widely reported by people like Alex Jones, Hannity, or fox, and we know they NEVER exaggerate or lie, right?
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?

Let’s spell this out for morons like you and flaming fart. Mueller’s and his band of goons were going to falsify charges. As they have been proven to have done before. Us real men protect our kids. Unlike you, flaming fart and every other liberal here who would gladly throw their kid under the bus. Morons, all of you.

You bet NO CONSPIRACY THEORY LEFT BEHIND is your motto, after all.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.

I understand that is your silly claim.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.

I understand that is your silly claim.
Toldya libnuts wouldn't understand.
The dude pleaded guilty.
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.
Nobility is an offspring of white privledge so libs try to avoid
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.

I understand that is your silly claim.
Toldya libnuts wouldn't understand.

Right. You've gotta be steeped in Alex Jones and Hannity before you fall for that crap.
Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.

I understand that is your silly claim.
Toldya libnuts wouldn't understand.

Right. You've gotta be steeped in Alex Jones and Hannity before you fall for that crap.
I don't pay attention to either one of those guys.

Wanna try again?
They bankrupted him, then told him they were about to go after his son if he didn’t confess to something he didn’t do.

I would have done the same thing even if innocent.
Oh really? You'd plead guilty if you knew you were innocent? Says a lot.

Just keep showing your stupidity you fat cow. Okay, we’re going to bankrupt you, and push a bunch of bullshit charges against your kid if you don’t plead guilty. So, per your own words, you would throw your children under the bus. We decent people protect our children. Unlike vermin like you obviously.

If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?

Let’s spell this out for morons like you and flaming fart. Mueller’s and his band of goons were going to falsify charges. As they have been proven to have done before. Us real men protect our kids. Unlike you, flaming fart and every other liberal here who would gladly throw their kid under the bus. Morons, all of you.

You bet NO CONSPIRACY THEORY LEFT BEHIND is your motto, after all.

Says an uneducated proven liar who can only parrot “orange man bad”. Not my fault you’re not intelligent enough to actually read. Then again this idiot thinks Pisslosi has the same power as Trump.
If the kid wasn't guilty, why was he worried?
Flynn was innocent, but he witnessed how Comey and the FBI framed him, and bankrupted him. He fell on the sword to keep his son from the same fate.

Libnuts wouldn't understand this.

I understand that is your silly claim.
Toldya libnuts wouldn't understand.

Right. You've gotta be steeped in Alex Jones and Hannity before you fall for that crap.
I don't pay attention to either one of those guys.

Wanna try again?

Yet you repeat their rhetoric daily.

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