Gen. Flynn case about to blow up in Dimwinger's faces.

This is the very latest on this ...

'Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.'

Sydney Powell is such an amazing lady! Bravo!:clap: you go girl!

Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

Won't do Flynn much good, he's been bankrupted and his reputation has been ruined. How do they fix that.

General Flynn was setup, and charged with a crime he did not commit.
New evidence reveals that Flynn’s 302 form was edited by Lisa Page and Peter Strzok of the FBI. The agents who interviewed Flynn were in full belief that he did not lie to them.
General Flynn should have all charges dropped against him, and be repaid the MILLIONS he had to spend defending himself.
you don’t really expect people to believe that load of crap do you?

People will believe anything. Just look at the whole Mueller investigation.
What about it?

It was based on bullshit evidence and morons believed it too. With the likes of Peter and Lisa admitting they hated Trump and they were the center of that investigation and people actually took it seriously, yea people will believe anything.
bullshit evidence? Like Flynn and Trump flat out lying about meeting with Russians in the aftermath of criminal Russian cyber attacks targeting our election? Sorry, that’s not bullshit. Add on top the fact that Trump fired Comey after he wouldn’t drop the investigation and the fact that mueller was officially assigned to the investigation by a trump appointed member of his own DOJ... seriously man, who do you think you’re fooling?!
Rats Flee Sinking Ship - Deep Staters Flip Against Obama and Hillary

This is the very latest on this ...

'Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.'

Sydney Powell is such an amazing lady! Bravo!:clap: you go girl!

Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

Won't do Flynn much good, he's been bankrupted and his reputation has been ruined. How do they fix that.


General Flynn was setup, and charged with a crime he did not commit.
New evidence reveals that Flynn’s 302 form was edited by Lisa Page and Peter Strzok of the FBI. The agents who interviewed Flynn were in full belief that he did not lie to them.
General Flynn should have all charges dropped against him, and be repaid the MILLIONS he had to spend defending himself.
you don’t really expect people to believe that load of crap do you?

People will believe anything. Just look at the whole Mueller investigation.
What about it?

It was based on bullshit evidence and morons believed it too. With the likes of Peter and Lisa admitting they hated Trump and they were the center of that investigation and people actually took it seriously, yea people will believe anything.
bullshit evidence? Like Flynn and Trump flat out lying about meeting with Russians in the aftermath of criminal Russian cyber attacks targeting our election? Sorry, that’s not bullshit. Add on top the fact that Trump fired Comey after he wouldn’t drop the investigation and the fact that mueller was officially assigned to the investigation by a trump appointed member of his own DOJ... seriously man, who do you think you’re fooling?!
Had Bush done a fraction of that to the Kenyan, you'd scream for the Death Penalty; not out of love of the Constitution, but for vengeance.
The FBI should have vetted the dossier before signing the warrant, but they wanted to spy on Trump.

Yeah, that's your opinion. They had a different one. The one where we had an election in a few months, and they had credible evidence that the Russians were trying to rig the election for Trump.

But do keep hoping that you can get a DC Jury to think that Trump is the wronged party here.
It’ll be fun to show all the evidence that people like you have been denying for 3 years.

Brennan lied to the FBI and then the FBI did not properly vet the warrant.

HIllary would have them murdered.

Again, when you engage in that level of crazy, there's no taking you seriously.
Barr and Durham are on it.

Light a few candles..........THAT should help your cause.......LOL
Joseph Mifsud, British Intel Asset, Not Russia's Boy


Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese Diplomat who reportedly told George Papadopoulos that Russia had Hillary's emails, was a British intelligence asset. But the Brits did not keep Mifsud for themselves. They offered him to the CIA and the FBI, and those two US agencies, in a coordinated effort, relied on Mifsud to entrap Papadopoulos and to manufacture a Russian collusion case against the Trump Campaign.

Mifsud's job was simple - dangle the possibility of getting Hillary's emails from the Russians, offer up meetings with Russian Government officials and introduce Papadopoulos to another Western intelligence operative who pretended to be the niece of Vladimir Putin (Putin does not have a niece). These communications were recorded and then used against Papadopoulos.

The FBI falsely claims that they learned of the Papadopoulos "meeting" with Mifsud two months after it happened from an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, who also was tied closely to British intelligence and the Clintons. But this story does not hold water. Take a look at the criminal complaint filed against Papadopoulos (see here).

The complaint recounts meetings, emails and conversations that George Papadopoulos had with Professor Mifsud and people Mifsud introduced to Papadopoulos.Where the hell did the FBI get that information? Remember, they charged George with lying to the FBI because of discrepancies between what he told Agents and what Agents claimed was actually said and written.

The meaning of this leaves only two possibilities - the FBI secured a FISA warrant against Papadopoulos sometime in March or April of 2016 or the Brits and American intelligence intercepted the communications between Papadopoulos and the Mifsud crew.

We already know that there is a recording - an exculpatory recording - of Papadopoulos rebuffing the offer to collaborate with the Russians. There was no legal reason to get a FISA warrant against Papadopoulos. And anything collected by British intelligence and passed to the CIA or NSA could not be used as evidence. There is much more to this story to unravel.

What should shock all civil libertarians and Americans of good will is that the public has been bamboozled into believing that Joseph Mifsud was a Russian intelligence operative. But there is no evidence whatsoever for that claim. Please look at the Mueller Report (I have copied key sections and inserted below, at the end of this article). Mueller only claims that, "Joseph Mifsud, a London-based professor who had connections to Russia and traveled to Moscow in April 2016." If that is the standard, then Bill Clinton is a Russian intelligence asset--Clinton has connections to Russia (he got paid a lot of money by the Russians) and he traveled to Moscow.

If you want to get the full picture of Mifsud's ties to British intelligence, the CIA and the FBI, I encourage you to read, The Death of Russiagate?, Mueller team tied to Mifsud network, a tangled web. This article provides actual evidence about the intelligence pedigree of Joseph Mifsud. Robert Mueller, by contrast, provides not one single piece of actual evidence. Mueller and his team of clown lawyers relied on innuendo and guilt by association.

If this had been a genuine counter-intelligence investigation, then the FBI should have asked one fundamental question - "Who is Joseph Mifsud working for?" They did not need to ask The FBI knew the answer. Joseph Mifsud was working for the CIA and the FBI with the permission of the British MI-6.

I hope the full dimensions of this hoax will be exposed. George Papadopoulos was nothing more than a naive, eager patsy. A young guy who wanted to be important to the Trump campaign got played.

Here are salient sections of the Mueller Report. Read them for yourself and you will see that Mifsud was never fingered as a Russian intelligence asset. You were just asked to believe this nonsense. Sadly, many seemingly smart people have bought into this lie.
Can you imagine the frothing reaction from the Stalinist democrats had Bush done that to the Kenyan?
This is the very latest on this ...

'Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.'

Sydney Powell is such an amazing lady! Bravo!:clap: you go girl!

Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

Won't do Flynn much good, he's been bankrupted and his reputation has been ruined. How do they fix that.

When they put all the pieces together of how Flynn was railroaded, they need to identify all the scum that testified against him falsely or orchestrated the perjury trap and let them repay Flynn with interest. How much interest? I'd say around 500% would be acceptable.
This is the very latest on this ...

'Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.'

Sydney Powell is such an amazing lady! Bravo!:clap: you go girl!

Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

Won't do Flynn much good, he's been bankrupted and his reputation has been ruined. How do they fix that.

Tough shit

He sold out his country

Michael Flynn sentencing postponed after judge issues blistering rebuke - CNNPolitics
I am? Quote me. You guys never seem to be able to do that. You'd rather just make it up as you go.

And you think Breitbart legitimate journalism. Cool.

Oh, so if I want to think that water is wet and fire is hot, you'll grant me permission? How magnanimous of you.

But if you expect to be taken seriously, you have to back up your slander with some facts - which we BOTH know you lack.

Yes, Breitbart at this moment is probably the most legitimate news source in the nation. It's the ONLY one that I have never caught lying - including Fox. Notice how you couldn't come up with anything.

What, do you get your "news" from CNN and MSNBC? Perhaps the Antisemitic holocaust deniers of the NY Times? I already reminded you about how the Washington Post lied with malice on child detentions - using photos from Brietbart (as the ONLY news organization that would bother to investigate in 2014 as the sycophant little Goebels sucked Obamas cock) to base their blatant lies on.

You Communists are in NO position to impugn the journalistic integrity of ANYONE, None of the party controlled propaganda sources have even a hint of it.
And you do it again.

You people literally can't help yourselves.
And yet another Trumpster just makes it up. "In other words...", followed by a lie.

This is like a virus with you people. You just make shit up as you go, like your hero.

Riiiiight. The next time you condemn government/Democratic corruption will be the FIRST time that you've condemned government/Democratic corruption.
Another lie.

I just let you folks go. And watch. Trying to communicate with someone in a vacuum is pointless.

Can you point to a thread where you have ever condemned corruption by your party? I recall you blowing smoke about the Biden corruption.

Yeah, I don't think it's K9Buck doing the lying....
Not worth the effort. No examples would be good enough for you, and we both know that.

However, since my opinion is clearly so important to you, you're certainly free to offer examples, and I'll let you know if I agree.

Let me know. Or just remain in your ideological vacuum, I don't care.
And we thought the Kavanaugh exoneration/confirmation would be the ePiC spike the football moment of Trumps first term.:113:

What we have coming will be the most violent collective head explosions of all time for progressives! For a few days, I will be an avid fan of CNN.....especially Don LaMons show. It will be cant miss TV if you are on the right.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Flynn will walk...I've been saying this for two and a half years...and when he is cleared I will send him thousands of dollars to sue the pants off of the swamp....
Do you think Manafort and Cohen will be sued when they get out of the slammer or do you have no idea what the "swamp" really is?
"Take the kill shot on Flynn" Clapper to Co-Conspirator in the media regarding illegally leaked and recorded Flynn conversation

So, you are spewing rumors that were never substantiated and in fact were just fodder for Weissman (Mueller is in stage 4 Alzheimer's, he was never anything but a pawn of the DNC) to use the 14th century method of raping his wife and daughters (in this case son) until he "confessed."

Thanks for confirming what a pile of shit Weissman AND you are.

Judge Sullivan has already held Weissman in contempt for refusing the order of the court to provide the exculpatory evidence that Sally Yates and he hid from the defense.

So this revelation of yours that Weissman not only coerced a false confession, but did so by making credible threats against the family of General Flynn? Think Sidney Powell knows about this? You can bet she does, and that it's in the complaint against Weissman and his band of unethical thugs.

Sadly, Weissman is immune and can't be sent to prison for this. BUT you know who isn't immune? Sally Yates, pile of Obama shit who broke so many laws. Oh, and guess what, she is currently under investigation by John Durham.

No wonder you Stalinists started these Soviet Star Chambers in the Capitol Basement - things are turning ugly for you fascist frauds, real quick.
This is so out of hand it is in another galaxy.

A multifaceted “criminal conspiracy” to destroy former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was launched by persons across the national security state apparatus to prevent audits of intelligence agencies’ operations, said Lee Smith, author of The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History, in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.
“General Flynn’s lawyer, Sydney Powell, has done a fantastic job of unearthing a whole bunch of new information which clarifies what we’ve known — what we’ve suspected — for quite a long time, that large parts of the intelligence community targeted General Flynn,” Smith stated.

Smith added, “Sydney Powell has brought forth a whole bunch of important information … about how they tinkered with the FBI’s interviews. They also ambushed General Flynn in the White House for an interview, and we know how that went down. It was James Comey who asked his deputy director Andy McCabe to send agents down there to go after General Flynn.”
Lee Smith: Deep State Destroyed Flynn to Stop Audit of Its Operations

Yes. It is. You believe it. Say hi to Alf and Mork for us. You total and complete dupe.

What is it about the corruption that you think people have wrong?

All of it. Nobody in the DOJ or the intelligence tried to stop Trump from being elected. Asshole.

How was your coma?

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