Gen. Flynn case about to blow up in Dimwinger's faces.

I am? Quote me. You guys never seem to be able to do that. You'd rather just make it up as you go.

And you think Breitbart legitimate journalism. Cool.

Oh, so if I want to think that water is wet and fire is hot, you'll grant me permission? How magnanimous of you.

But if you expect to be taken seriously, you have to back up your slander with some facts - which we BOTH know you lack.

Yes, Breitbart at this moment is probably the most legitimate news source in the nation. It's the ONLY one that I have never caught lying - including Fox. Notice how you couldn't come up with anything.

What, do you get your "news" from CNN and MSNBC? Perhaps the Antisemitic holocaust deniers of the NY Times? I already reminded you about how the Washington Post lied with malice on child detentions - using photos from Brietbart (as the ONLY news organization that would bother to investigate in 2014 as the sycophant little Goebels sucked Obamas cock) to base their blatant lies on.

You Communists are in NO position to impugn the journalistic integrity of ANYONE, None of the party controlled propaganda sources have even a hint of it.
And you do it again.

You people literally can't help yourselves.

STILL nothing but your bigotry to back up your slander...

You democrats are utterly devoid of integrity.
And yet another Trumpster just makes it up. "In other words...", followed by a lie.

This is like a virus with you people. You just make shit up as you go, like your hero.

Riiiiight. The next time you condemn government/Democratic corruption will be the FIRST time that you've condemned government/Democratic corruption.
Another lie.

I just let you folks go. And watch. Trying to communicate with someone in a vacuum is pointless.

Can you point to a thread where you have ever condemned corruption by your party? I recall you blowing smoke about the Biden corruption.

Yeah, I don't think it's K9Buck doing the lying....
Not worth the effort. No examples would be good enough for you, and we both know that.

However, since my opinion is clearly so important to you, you're certainly free to offer examples, and I'll let you know if I agree.

Let me know. Or just remain in your ideological vacuum, I don't care.

We all know you can't.

You are really no different than RDean - you pretend to be "moderate" but are in fact a leftist hack.

You slander Breitbart, but can't back it up, but you demand NBC is TOTALLY LEGITIMATE despite thousands of examples of them distorting news and outright lying.

Sorry, can't take you seriously. You're a troll.
you don’t really expect people to believe that load of crap do you?

People will believe anything. Just look at the whole Mueller investigation.
What about it?

It was based on bullshit evidence and morons believed it too. With the likes of Peter and Lisa admitting they hated Trump and they were the center of that investigation and people actually took it seriously, yea people will believe anything.
bullshit evidence? Like Flynn and Trump flat out lying about meeting with Russians in the aftermath of criminal Russian cyber attacks targeting our election? Sorry, that’s not bullshit. Add on top the fact that Trump fired Comey after he wouldn’t drop the investigation and the fact that mueller was officially assigned to the investigation by a trump appointed member of his own DOJ... seriously man, who do you think you’re fooling?!
Had Bush done a fraction of that to the Kenyan, you'd scream for the Death Penalty; not out of love of the Constitution, but for vengeance.
haha, ok buddy. Way to avoid the topic all together. Solid point... NOT!
And yet another Trumpster just makes it up. "In other words...", followed by a lie.

This is like a virus with you people. You just make shit up as you go, like your hero.

Riiiiight. The next time you condemn government/Democratic corruption will be the FIRST time that you've condemned government/Democratic corruption.
Another lie.

I just let you folks go. And watch. Trying to communicate with someone in a vacuum is pointless.

Can you point to a thread where you have ever condemned corruption by your party? I recall you blowing smoke about the Biden corruption.

Yeah, I don't think it's K9Buck doing the lying....
Not worth the effort. No examples would be good enough for you, and we both know that.

However, since my opinion is clearly so important to you, you're certainly free to offer examples, and I'll let you know if I agree.

Let me know. Or just remain in your ideological vacuum, I don't care.

We all know you can't.

You are really no different than RDean - you pretend to be "moderate" but are in fact a leftist hack.

You slander Breitbart, but can't back it up, but you demand NBC is TOTALLY LEGITIMATE despite thousands of examples of them distorting news and outright lying.

Sorry, can't take you seriously. You're a troll.
Okie dokie!
Riiiiight. The next time you condemn government/Democratic corruption will be the FIRST time that you've condemned government/Democratic corruption.
Another lie.

I just let you folks go. And watch. Trying to communicate with someone in a vacuum is pointless.

Can you point to a thread where you have ever condemned corruption by your party? I recall you blowing smoke about the Biden corruption.

Yeah, I don't think it's K9Buck doing the lying....
Not worth the effort. No examples would be good enough for you, and we both know that.

However, since my opinion is clearly so important to you, you're certainly free to offer examples, and I'll let you know if I agree.

Let me know. Or just remain in your ideological vacuum, I don't care.

We all know you can't.

You are really no different than RDean - you pretend to be "moderate" but are in fact a leftist hack.

You slander Breitbart, but can't back it up, but you demand NBC is TOTALLY LEGITIMATE despite thousands of examples of them distorting news and outright lying.

Sorry, can't take you seriously. You're a troll.
Okie dokie!

What's sad is that really is the best you can do.
Flynn is going to become a millionaire after he settles with all the DEM assholes and the 'Matt Lauer Network' he is going to sue. Then there's the book deal and the movie rights.
This is the very latest on this ...

'Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.'

Sydney Powell is such an amazing lady! Bravo!:clap: you go girl!

Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

Won't do Flynn much good, he's been bankrupted and his reputation has been ruined. How do they fix that.



All this smells like Weisman's MO, he should go after him personally.

I read the entire 33 page filing by Powell- it is devastating to the Deep State. All Americans regardless of political persuasion should be appalled at the abuse of power and absolute corruption of the FBI.

I would not be surprised to see the entire plea bargain vacated and his life and reputation restored.
"Defendants lawyer says defendant is totally innocent you guys!"

from Right Wing Dishrag Publications Inc.

If you believe in the "deep state" please contact me for an urgent business proposition, have your credit card number ready
I know the Deep State seems to lean left and is serving liberal interests at this time

But it can turn on you too
I am? Quote me. You guys never seem to be able to do that. You'd rather just make it up as you go.

And you think Breitbart legitimate journalism. Cool.

Oh, so if I want to think that water is wet and fire is hot, you'll grant me permission? How magnanimous of you.

But if you expect to be taken seriously, you have to back up your slander with some facts - which we BOTH know you lack.

Yes, Breitbart at this moment is probably the most legitimate news source in the nation. It's the ONLY one that I have never caught lying - including Fox. Notice how you couldn't come up with anything.

What, do you get your "news" from CNN and MSNBC? Perhaps the Antisemitic holocaust deniers of the NY Times? I already reminded you about how the Washington Post lied with malice on child detentions - using photos from Brietbart (as the ONLY news organization that would bother to investigate in 2014 as the sycophant little Goebels sucked Obamas cock) to base their blatant lies on.

You Communists are in NO position to impugn the journalistic integrity of ANYONE, None of the party controlled propaganda sources have even a hint of it.
And you do it again.

You people literally can't help yourselves.

STILL nothing but your bigotry to back up your slander...

You democrats are utterly devoid of integrity.
There are Poe posters...and then there are posters whose every post is nothing but Irony or Projection. :71:
Flynn will walk...I've been saying this for two and a half years...and when he is cleared I will send him thousands of dollars to sue the pants off of the swamp....
Do you think Manafort and Cohen will be sued when they get out of the slammer or do you have no idea what the "swamp" really is?
The swamp is you...people like you that bend over for the federal governmental establishment...the pro war all the time establishment...the tax us to death establishment...the sorry we can't do anything to really help you establishment....the no outsiders welcome establishment...the we will serve for life and get rich by screwing you establishment....See? are the problem....
Flynn will walk...I've been saying this for two and a half years...and when he is cleared I will send him thousands of dollars to sue the pants off of the swamp....
Do you think Manafort and Cohen will be sued when they get out of the slammer or do you have no idea what the "swamp" really is?
The swamp is you...people like you that bend over for the federal governmental establishment...the pro war all the time establishment...the tax us to death establishment...the sorry we can't do anything to really help you establishment....the no outsiders welcome establishment...the we will serve for life and get rich by screwing you establishment....See? are the problem....
I protested the Vietnam war everywhere from NYC to Pittsburgh to D.C. and I returned to Washington to protest the criminal invasion of Iraq. Did I see you at any of those protests? The rest of your babbling is incoherent. It`s not too early to drink but you really shouldn`t be hammered at 2:00.
Flynn will walk...I've been saying this for two and a half years...and when he is cleared I will send him thousands of dollars to sue the pants off of the swamp....
Do you think Manafort and Cohen will be sued when they get out of the slammer or do you have no idea what the "swamp" really is?
The swamp is you...people like you that bend over for the federal governmental establishment...the pro war all the time establishment...the tax us to death establishment...the sorry we can't do anything to really help you establishment....the no outsiders welcome establishment...the we will serve for life and get rich by screwing you establishment....See? are the problem....
I protested the Vietnam war everywhere from NYC to Pittsburgh to D.C. and I returned to Washington to protest the criminal invasion of Iraq. Did I see you at any of those protests? The rest of your babbling is incoherent. It`s not too early to drink but you really shouldn`t be hammered at 2:00.

I’m guessing he had productive things to do.
Flynn is going to become a millionaire after he settles with all the DEM assholes and the 'Matt Lauer Network' he is going to sue.
He is already a millionaire from his work as a foreign agent.

And a convicted felon, btw.

Oh? They why did the FBI have to lie to him, lie about Misfud, lied about Papodopolous and change the 302's? Not much of a slam dunk

"Take the kill shot on Flynn" Traitor #1 to co-conspirator in the media after illegally releasing illegally recorded conversation
Flynn is going to become a millionaire after he settles with all the DEM assholes and the 'Matt Lauer Network' he is going to sue.
He is already a millionaire from his work as a foreign agent.

And a convicted felon, btw.

Oh? They why did the FBI have to lie to him, lie about Misfud, lied about Papodopolous and change the 302's? Not much of a slam dunk

"Take the kill shot on Flynn" Traitor #1 to co-conspirator in the media after illegally releasing illegally recorded conversation
All nutball myths...

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