Gen Mattis commits TREASON

Anyone believing an official order comes through a tweet... well, you did think it was treason as well so...
The Glorious Orange Donald's Tweets are commands from on High.
Trump was feeling lonely, what with all the chaos he has created in the White House, and he decided he needed to throw a biscuit to his Tard Herd so he could bask in their adoring tail wagging.

And so, without even consulting with our military, he decides to attack transgenders. Attacking Muslims and Mexicans has gotten stale.

The New York huckster knows the only reason he is President is because the pseudocons have been looking for a bigot all this time, and he gave them one.

And once again, the apprentice President's impulsive and childish behavior has made him an even bigger fool.

The idiot never learns!
When the potus gives an order, salute and say yes sir, General. (-:

Joint Chiefs: 'No modifications' to transgender policy from Trump tweet

a) Please- for the love of the United States read the U.S. Constitution.
b) President Snowflake didn't give an order- he tweeted.
c) What did Mattis actually say?

“There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.”

And of course you Trumpster snowflakes instantly whig out.
Treason is when you help an enemy force against your own force, you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.

You have the right to denigrate public schools, but you look, at best, foolish doing so.
That limp wristed nanny state gay coddling ... General. We cannot have any gays or lesbians working for the defense department let alone in battle. Imagine the effect on moral. Johnnie's actually Janie and she's got a gun!
Drumpf is a stupid noob who has no idea of how governement works.

He thinks if he tweets something, that will become law. In a dictatorship that might work, but in a state of law, you have to sign certain papers and go through certain procedures, not just run your mouth.

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