Gen. McMaster puts blame for Afghanistan disaster squarely on Biden - "self-defeat"

What went before.


Zahir Shah becomes king. The new king brings a semblance of stability to the country and he rules for the next 40 years.

As part of Daoud’s reforms, women are allowed to attend university and enter the workforce.

afghan for dummies.jpg
Our generals are too political and it takes away from their ability to plan and lead affectively. Maybe generals shouldn't be allowed to belong to a party. This bunch of radical Democrat-Marxists Biden has chosen to lead us are a total failure
Everyone agrees that we should have left Afghanistan. But not in the cowardly and dishonorable way your friend Joey Xi Bai Dung did.
No, not everyone agrees we should have left Afghanistan including the person you’re quoting in your own thread. Apparently you didn’t read that.

Gen. McMaster puts blame for Afghanistan disaster squarely on Bide



30 Apr 2021 ~~ By Karen Townsend
The Sunday morning political shows were not kind to Joe Biden and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Any and all criticism leveled at his decisions is warranted, especially since the death of 13 military members, ages 20 – 31 at the Kabul airport. There is no hiding from that tragedy at Camp David or in the basement of one of his Delaware homes.
One critic who keeps showing up is retired General H.R. McMaster who served as National Security Advisor in the Trump administration from 2017 to 2018. His time in the administration was bumpy and after he left, there was talk that he called Trump a “dope” which was denied by others present at the dinner at which the remark was allegedly made. McMaster ended his frequent appearances on FNC that he enjoyed as a member of the Trump administration and went over to CNN and MSNBC. They were happy to welcome someone who they thought would criticize Trump. Now, however, it is impossible to notice he is back on FNC. He is a vocal critic of Biden’s handling of the withdrawal of Afghanistan which must be a shock to his new friends in the Biden-friendly media. This morning he was interviewed by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. His opinions have not changed from one network to another.
McMaster says the war in Afghanistan ended in “self-defeat”. He said everyone involved in the war management during the last 20 years bears some responsibility but it didn’t have to end this way. He calls it “a one-year war fought twenty times over.” The decision for withdrawal has been a costly one. McMaster said that Biden “doubled down” on Trump’s original plan and “failed to reverse” it. The fact is, too, that Trump’s agreement with the Taliban – an agreement that wasn’t a formal agreement – was already null and void due to Taliban conduct before Biden set his withdrawal operation into play.

There have been calls for the resignation of Sullivan, along with General Lloyd, and Tony Blinken. They all should lose their jobs. Either their advice to Biden was deeply flawed or Biden just went it alone. They all have blood on their hands now.

“My son is gone, and I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election, or who voted…legitimately, you just killed my son with a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn’t even know he’s in the WH, who still thinks he’s a Senator.” — mother of slain Marine Rylee McCollum
Fact: - Those responsible for us being in Afghanistan for 20 years and for this withdrawal are graduates of the top 20 colleges and universities. How's that for higher education and critical thinking?


After 20 years of failure, it's the guy who realizes that success isn't going to happen that is the problem? I don't think so.
Our generals are too political and it takes away from their ability to plan and lead affectively. Maybe generals shouldn't be allowed to belong to a party. This bunch of radical Democrat-Marxists Biden has chosen to lead us are a total failure

The problem is he doesn't need to belong to a party. Just being "pro-military" means he's going to sound like a Republican.

After 20 years of failure, it's the guy who realizes that success isn't going to happen that is the problem? I don't think so.

Many good things happened during the “20 years of failure”.

Despite your prognostications of doom and gloom.
August 23, 2021
Trump's deal with the Taliban was flawed from the start, which is why Trump's own officials are now scrambling to distance themselves from it. "To have our Generals say that they are depending on diplomacy with the Taliban is an unbelievable scenario. Negotiating with the Taliban is like dealing with the devil," tweeted Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, who certainly voiced no such objections while working for Trump.
She was not alone. "Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban," Trump's former national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, told journalist Bari Weiss. "This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn't defeat us. We defeated ourselves.

Even Mike Pompeo, Trump's Secretary of State and the man who negotiated the deal with the Taliban in the first place, is now denouncing it. He had the audacity to tell Fox News that the "debacle" in Afghanistan "will certainly harm America's credibility with its friends and allies." He certainly didn't seem to think so while he was laying the groundwork for the debacle in the first place.
He could have.

But your blob could have ended it...right?

Joe was man enough to do what your boy couldn't...right? Of course I'm right.

Hey, if it helps you cope with the fact you voted for and defend the guy who voted for the war and screwed up the withdrawal I’m happy for you.
Hey, if it helps you cope with the fact you voted for and defend the guy who voted for the war and screwed up the withdrawal I’m happy for you.
I'm happy with Biden's performance. What your blob taught us is that nobody can screw up as badly as he did. Biden did botch the withdraw...true. But at least he was man enough to pull the plug; unlike the boy who leads your cult.
I'm happy with Biden's performance. What your blob taught us is that nobody can screw up as badly as he did. Biden did botch the withdraw...true. But at least he was man enough to pull the plug; unlike the boy who leads your cult.

Hard to actually say that when he got 110,000 of our allies out when no one expected more than 30,000.

He got all but about 150 Americans out of that chaotic situation. And that effort isn't over.

And numerous attacks were thwarted despite the fact that all this was accomplished in a very dangerous and exposed situation

Hard to actually say that when he got 110,000 of our allies out when no one expected more than 30,000.

He got all but about 150 Americans out of that chaotic situation. And that effort isn't over.

And numerous attacks were thwarted despite the fact that all this was accomplished in a very dangerous and exposed situation

Good work.........
Hard to actually say that when he got 110,000 of our allies out when no one expected more than 30,000.
Link to that expectation.
Kudos on the recovery from early mishaps.... But wouldn't it have been preferable to not have people physically running onto the tarmac and hanging on to planes?
He got all but about 150 Americans out of that chaotic situation. And that effort isn't over.
And numerous attacks were thwarted despite the fact that all this was accomplished in a very dangerous and exposed situation
True again.

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