Gen. McMaster puts blame for Afghanistan disaster squarely on Biden - "self-defeat"

But wouldn't it have been preferable to not have people physically running onto the tarmac and hanging on to planes?
Sure. The early part of that evacuation got out of control;...and was quickly corrected.

It made for great "drama" but in the end had no effect on the evacuation. Order was restored and the evacuation was more successful than anyone expected
Sure. The early part of that evacuation got out of control;...and was quickly corrected.

It made for great "drama" but in the end had no effect on the evacuation. Order was restored and the evacuation was more successful than anyone expected
Hence my description of "botch".
Sure. The early part of that evacuation got out of control;...and was quickly corrected.

It made for great "drama" but in the end had no effect on the evacuation. Order was restored and the evacuation was more successful than anyone expected

Once in a while someone tries to hitch a ride on a commercial airliner in the US by stowing away in the landing gear. I don't think the US or Biden are responsible for those Afghans who tried to fly on the outside of the aircraft.
"Botched" usually refers to actions that went bad. Results

You're talking about optics...not results
The result was that instead of having a secure airport, we had people clinging to the side of our aircraft as they took off.

I applaud Biden for correcting it and securing the airport. I really do. Why in the F**k would he not have done that from the get-go? What if one of these people who got to the plane was a suicide bomber--which isn't out of the realm of possibility?

That part he botched. It's silly to pretend otherwise. Good recovery but its sort of like applauding a restaurant on Wednesday for a great meal when the meal they fed you on Tuesday made you sick because they served rotten food.
Sure. The early part of that evacuation got out of control;...and was quickly corrected.

It made for great "drama" but in the end had no effect on the evacuation. Order was restored and the evacuation was more successful than anyone expected

"Successful" =

Zionist controlled Taliban in total control of afghan
Zionist controlled Taliban has billions $ of brand new US weapons they did not pay for
Nobody Zionism cared about got hurt...
Our generals are too political and it takes away from their ability to plan and lead affectively. Maybe generals shouldn't be allowed to belong to a party. This bunch of radical Democrat-Marxists Biden has chosen to lead us are a total failure
Which party does any general or admiral belong to? They do not!
You know who is the smartest person in this war in Afghanistan?
Their president who took off with his family and left running away.
Joe Biden is to blame for this madness.
Not Donald Trump.
4 of those 20 were under the blob's authority.

Again...the blob is responsible for us being there during his tenure. Let alone signing the surrender papers.
I have asked several of you idiots who keep bringing up Trumps agreement to do this, so far zero have:

Post Trump’s agreement, then highlight the parts Surrender Joe followed.


Gen. McMaster puts blame for Afghanistan disaster squarely on Bide



30 Apr 2021 ~~ By Karen Townsend
The Sunday morning political shows were not kind to Joe Biden and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Any and all criticism leveled at his decisions is warranted, especially since the death of 13 military members, ages 20 – 31 at the Kabul airport. There is no hiding from that tragedy at Camp David or in the basement of one of his Delaware homes.
One critic who keeps showing up is retired General H.R. McMaster who served as National Security Advisor in the Trump administration from 2017 to 2018. His time in the administration was bumpy and after he left, there was talk that he called Trump a “dope” which was denied by others present at the dinner at which the remark was allegedly made. McMaster ended his frequent appearances on FNC that he enjoyed as a member of the Trump administration and went over to CNN and MSNBC. They were happy to welcome someone who they thought would criticize Trump. Now, however, it is impossible to notice he is back on FNC. He is a vocal critic of Biden’s handling of the withdrawal of Afghanistan which must be a shock to his new friends in the Biden-friendly media. This morning he was interviewed by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. His opinions have not changed from one network to another.
McMaster says the war in Afghanistan ended in “self-defeat”. He said everyone involved in the war management during the last 20 years bears some responsibility but it didn’t have to end this way. He calls it “a one-year war fought twenty times over.” The decision for withdrawal has been a costly one. McMaster said that Biden “doubled down” on Trump’s original plan and “failed to reverse” it. The fact is, too, that Trump’s agreement with the Taliban – an agreement that wasn’t a formal agreement – was already null and void due to Taliban conduct before Biden set his withdrawal operation into play.

There have been calls for the resignation of Sullivan, along with General Lloyd, and Tony Blinken. They all should lose their jobs. Either their advice to Biden was deeply flawed or Biden just went it alone. They all have blood on their hands now.

“My son is gone, and I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election, or who voted…legitimately, you just killed my son with a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn’t even know he’s in the WH, who still thinks he’s a Senator.” — mother of slain Marine Rylee McCollum
Fact: - Those responsible for us being in Afghanistan for 20 years and for this withdrawal are graduates of the top 20 colleges and universities. How's that for higher education and critical thinking?

Who cares what General H.R. McMaster has to say? He is just another general who is more a poitical hack than a military man,
General H.R. McMaster backs the never ending war so he and hisbuddies can profit off military spending
You know who is the smartest person in this war in Afghanistan?
Their president who took off with his family and left running away.
Joe Biden is to blame for this madness.
Not Donald Trump.

Yeah, never blame W. W was "conservative." W was "tough on terror."


Lied our way into afghan via the worst treason in US history
Flipped off TNA and helped Taliban win Afghan's civil war
Made "Osama" "not a priority"
Told us AQ offed Pat Tillman

And then helped traitor Joe legitimize the steal....

And Fox News and my Jew fraud of a Christian preacher Just LOVE W
I love this comment:

“My son is gone, and I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election, or who voted…legitimately, you just killed my son with a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn’t even know he’s in the WH, who still thinks he’s a Senator.” — mother of slain Marine Rylee McCollum
Who cares what General H.R. McMaster has to say? He is just another general who is more a poitical hack than a military man,
General H.R. McMaster backs the never ending war so he and hisbuddies can profit off military spending

Why do you think that? He has been retired for several years and according to all reports was a great commander. Since he does not control award of military contracts and never has, what makes you think he is profiting from military spending?

Gen. McMaster puts blame for Afghanistan disaster squarely on Bide



30 Apr 2021 ~~ By Karen Townsend
The Sunday morning political shows were not kind to Joe Biden and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Any and all criticism leveled at his decisions is warranted, especially since the death of 13 military members, ages 20 – 31 at the Kabul airport. There is no hiding from that tragedy at Camp David or in the basement of one of his Delaware homes.
One critic who keeps showing up is retired General H.R. McMaster who served as National Security Advisor in the Trump administration from 2017 to 2018. His time in the administration was bumpy and after he left, there was talk that he called Trump a “dope” which was denied by others present at the dinner at which the remark was allegedly made. McMaster ended his frequent appearances on FNC that he enjoyed as a member of the Trump administration and went over to CNN and MSNBC. They were happy to welcome someone who they thought would criticize Trump. Now, however, it is impossible to notice he is back on FNC. He is a vocal critic of Biden’s handling of the withdrawal of Afghanistan which must be a shock to his new friends in the Biden-friendly media. This morning he was interviewed by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. His opinions have not changed from one network to another.
McMaster says the war in Afghanistan ended in “self-defeat”. He said everyone involved in the war management during the last 20 years bears some responsibility but it didn’t have to end this way. He calls it “a one-year war fought twenty times over.” The decision for withdrawal has been a costly one. McMaster said that Biden “doubled down” on Trump’s original plan and “failed to reverse” it. The fact is, too, that Trump’s agreement with the Taliban – an agreement that wasn’t a formal agreement – was already null and void due to Taliban conduct before Biden set his withdrawal operation into play.

There have been calls for the resignation of Sullivan, along with General Lloyd, and Tony Blinken. They all should lose their jobs. Either their advice to Biden was deeply flawed or Biden just went it alone. They all have blood on their hands now.

“My son is gone, and I just want all you Democrats who cheated in the election, or who voted…legitimately, you just killed my son with a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn’t even know he’s in the WH, who still thinks he’s a Senator.” — mother of slain Marine Rylee McCollum
Fact: - Those responsible for us being in Afghanistan for 20 years and for this withdrawal are graduates of the top 20 colleges and universities. How's that for higher education and critical thinking?

Well we know why Trump fired him.

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