General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

"Knew what he signed up for." MEANING, "In spite of the risks. Risks that he was well aware of. He found the courage to defend the United States of America. A brave man indeed!"
Tigger has no clue what you are saying...
What do they have to gain? Just kick backs from the DNC and they get to push their political Agenda. Why would a family be hanging out with a Demoncrat politician during such a time? .

Because the congresswoman has been involved in a mentoring program, and the soldier was one of the people she mentored. That's how she knew the family, and they knew her.

Read a newspaper. Your talking points are getting stupid.
No one is falling for this stage craft. Kelly admitted that Trump said exactly what they said Trump said but allowed Trump to go after the Congresswoman and La Davids Family and call them all liars
What do they have to gain? Just kick backs from the DNC and they get to push their political Agenda. Why would a family be hanging out with a Demoncrat politician during such a time? .

Because the congresswoman has been involved in a mentoring program, and the soldier was one of the people she mentored. That's how she knew the family, and they knew her.

Read a newspaper. Your talking points are getting stupid.

Yes, I heard about the “mentoring program”. Doesn’t make much sense for a Green Beret to need mentoring by a politician, especially some silly old woman.
No one is falling for this stage craft. Kelly admitted that Trump said exactly what they said Trump said but allowed Trump to go after the Congresswoman and La Davids Family and call them all liars

What are you talking about. Kelly just went after the congress bitch from hell. By the way he's a Gold Star father.
I so respect this man.

"Kelly told Trump, "There's nothing you can do to lighten the burden." The president called the four families who lost soldiers in Niger and offered condolences in "the best way he could ... It stuns me" that a member of Congress listened in on that phone call. "I thought at least that's sacred," he said. The Chief of Staff also confirmed that the president told Myesha Johnson her husband "knew what he signed up for" and added Trump meant the statement as a testament to La David Johnson's heroism."

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

It was trump who brought up Kelly's son. It was trump who politicized Kelly's loss. No one else mentioned it before the orange moron did.

As for listening to the call - I don't blame Mrs Johnson at all. Seriously, is there anyone who does not want and get witnesses to this asshole's words? That may not have been why she put the call on speaker - for everyone in the car to hear the words of the President of the United States but she's undoubtedly glad she did. How was Mrs Johnson to know he would be a total asshole?

tinydancer If the president called you, would you share the call with your family?

And why did you post yet another thread on this?

He just did a presser. Kelly just bitch slapped that congress bitch into a new galaxy.

Kelly just embarrassed himself by doing that trying to cover for boss! I'm disgusted and he did himself no favors not only playing politics with the subject, but then to drag everyone else the mud was despicable; blaming Wilson and the media! If his boss wasn't such a despicable animal he wouldn't be put into these positions! I have little sympathy for the man! He should have walked as soon as Trump invoked his name into this nonsense a couple days ago! :9: :argue:
Somehow, Kelly added in "women are sacred". But not anymore. That backfired.


And now he's saying Trump did the best he could.
He said Trump did the best Trump could in his own way.
He said Obama didn’t call him (Kelly). But he didn’t mention they had dinner together and Kelly sat with Mrs. Obama.

Trump brought up Kelly’s son. Trump did that. No one else. Trump.
No one is falling for this stage craft. Kelly admitted that Trump said exactly what they said Trump said but allowed Trump to go after the Congresswoman and La Davids Family and call them all liars

They were liars, President Trump was in no way insensitive or attacking the soldier or his family. They took one little quote out of context and used it to attack President Trump. The Congresswoman is a piece of shit.
Kelly has taken the fall for Trumps failure to show widow respect and empathy.....and in fact, called the widow, the congresswoman, the mother and all in that limo....AS LIARS. The fact that this man, a gold star member himself, is expecting the American people, those of us with working brain cells, to believe him and Trump, rather than the families of this fallen soldiers.

As we all know, families of the fallen can be Democrats too, and often don't reflect the beliefs of their fallen soldier.

Remember Cindy Sheehan? Her son was a patriot. She was a clown, happy to dis her own son for the cause.

The Democrats unceremoniously dumped her when she served no further purpose.
If in fact what Kelly is saying is true, you'd think this was his first phone call?????? But didn't he call some guy and offer him 25 grand over the death of his kid, so why would he need information from Kelly on what to say? As if it was his first time???

cover up to the core!!

So you in your insane rants are now calling a General and a Gold Star father a liar?

Stay classy.
Yes, I heard about the “mentoring program”. Doesn’t make much sense for a Green Beret to need mentoring by a politician, especially some silly old woman.

Wilson, who met La David Johnson while running a mentoring program for black youths in Miami

I presume she knew him for years, before he joined the service.
WTF does Wilson's record have to do with it? It shouldn't matter in this circumstances!
Admiral Rockwell Tory stumbles in delivering his fake news.

The Orange President fucked up. Again. He is never going to stop fucking up.

The President's word is no good, while these are: the widows word, and her mothers word. And of course the congress woman's word.

Lucky there were witnesses because Trump would be calling Johnson/(the woman) a liar! This Congresswoman isn't going to help deflect another indignity heap on the rest the country has to bear! It's a shame Trump brought Kelly into this whole thing, actually dragging him down into this sewer The West Wing is wallowing in! I would have been all sympathetic until he had to malign Wilson just to make Trump feel more like a man even though he's showing himself to be a mere petulant little boy! When he folds his arms and juts that chin out, that's the epitome of a little Lord Fontleroy who's just spoiled and accustomed to people just accepting his BS by the spoon-full without complaining! He got away with it for decades, but as President he's going to be called out! :beer: :rolleyes: :p
Yes, I heard about the “mentoring program”. Doesn’t make much sense for a Green Beret to need mentoring by a politician, especially some silly old woman.

Wilson, who met La David Johnson while running a mentoring program for black youths in Miami

I presume she knew him for years, before he joined the service.

And now she is trying cash in on his death. She certainly made herself famous out of this whole thing.
President Trump was in no way insensitive or attacking the soldier or his family. They took one little quote out of context and used it to attack President Trump. The Congresswoman is a piece of shit.

That's actually the sad part is.

It was the best he could do.

John Kelly told reporters at the White House that the president had expressed his condolences "in the best way that he could."

Truly sad that Trumps narcissism was bigger than his empathy.,

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