General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

So did Bush, and Reagan tripled the national debt. Why no outrage over the republicans who multiplied the national debt more than the democrats.

Now who is comparing numbers? Obama added $10 trillion dollars in 8 years. Every President before him had not acquired that much debt in TOTAL!

Once you adjust for inflation, Ronald Reagan increased the debt far more than Obama did.

You know, I normally have a high tolerance for stupid, but you are exceeding the limits of my medication.
Was this that proof trump was talking about? :badgrin:

Yuppers. Think about it. If it was true that he was trash talking the soldier and his family Kelly would have thrown the President right out of the Oval Office windows. AND then resigned.
I so respect this man.

"Kelly told Trump, "There's nothing you can do to lighten the burden." The president called the four families who lost soldiers in Niger and offered condolences in "the best way he could ... It stuns me" that a member of Congress listened in on that phone call. "I thought at least that's sacred," he said. The Chief of Staff also confirmed that the president told Myesha Johnson her husband "knew what he signed up for" and added Trump meant the statement as a testament to La David Johnson's heroism."

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

It was trump who brought up Kelly's son. It was trump who politicized Kelly's loss. No one else mentioned it before the orange moron did.

As for listening to the call - I don't blame Mrs Johnson at all. Seriously, is there anyone who does not want and get witnesses to this asshole's words? That may not have been why she put the call on speaker - for everyone in the car to hear the words of the President of the United States but she's undoubtedly glad she did. How was Mrs Johnson to know he would be a total asshole?

tinydancer If the president called you, would you share the call with your family?

And why did you post yet another thread on this?
I just can't get over Kelly lying like this......why does Trump need coaching on how to contact this particular soldier???? And why would Kelly offer this lame excuse to a grieving wife that in fact says he died doing what he like doing best and having this idiot relay the message per batim??? Cover up to the core and for Kelly to ease this narrative into him, walking off into the sunset to the cemetary to ponder.....give me a fuckin break....IF IN FACT HE WENT THERE....IT WAS TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS!!

Kelly is not a liar.

I believe Kelly and I believe our President.
The shame is all on the Orange Opioid and all his little orange opioid addicts.
This story is pretty disgusting. I don't agree with a lot of the things Trump does and says but in this case Congresswomen Wilson should be ashamed of herself. Ugly stuff.

I don't have the link to the presser yet, but what I heard played my oh my what a touching press conference. You don't often get to say that. I think people from both side of the aisle should be on their knees thanking the heaven President Trump has such a good man at his side.

I know I am.
Look at this clown ass shine.

So...Kelly confirms that Trump lied in his tweet yesterday

Trump challenged Wilson's claim in a tweet Wednesday: "Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!"

Kelly seems to be reporting that Rep Wilson accurately reported what Trump said

Will Trump apologize for saying she "totally fabricated" it?
I so respect this man.

"Kelly told Trump, "There's nothing you can do to lighten the burden." The president called the four families who lost soldiers in Niger and offered condolences in "the best way he could ... It stuns me" that a member of Congress listened in on that phone call. "I thought at least that's sacred," he said. The Chief of Staff also confirmed that the president told Myesha Johnson her husband "knew what he signed up for" and added Trump meant the statement as a testament to La David Johnson's heroism."

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

It was trump who brought up Kelly's son. It was trump who politicized Kelly's loss. No one else mentioned it before the orange moron did.

As for listening to the call - I don't blame Mrs Johnson at all. Seriously, is there anyone who does not want and get witnesses to this asshole's words? That may not have been why she put the call on speaker - for everyone in the car to hear the words of the President of the United States but she's undoubtedly glad she did. How was Mrs Johnson to know he would be a total asshole?

tinydancer If the president called you, would you share the call with your family?

And why did you post yet another thread on this?

He just did a presser. Kelly just bitch slapped that congress bitch into a new galaxy.

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