General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

"Knew what he signed up for." MEANING, "In spite of the risks. Risks that he was well aware of. He found the courage to defend the United States of America. A brave man indeed!"
Dude, what about cover up can't you comprehend??? Its not about what the clown was trying to say, its about why would Trump who according to Trump is the only president in History to make both calls and letters....ask Kelly on what to say??? Oh and Trump said he never said that to this woman and yet Kelly said, he did??? Cover up cover up cover up cover up......LOLOLOLOL.....dude the man is a liar like his boss!!
You are very low IQ.
Deflection in full force here
I so respect this man.

"Kelly told Trump, "There's nothing you can do to lighten the burden." The president called the four families who lost soldiers in Niger and offered condolences in "the best way he could ... It stuns me" that a member of Congress listened in on that phone call. "I thought at least that's sacred," he said. The Chief of Staff also confirmed that the president told Myesha Johnson her husband "knew what he signed up for" and added Trump meant the statement as a testament to La David Johnson's heroism."

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

It was trump who brought up Kelly's son. It was trump who politicized Kelly's loss. No one else mentioned it before the orange moron did.

As for listening to the call - I don't blame Mrs Johnson at all. Seriously, is there anyone who does not want and get witnesses to this asshole's words? That may not have been why she put the call on speaker - for everyone in the car to hear the words of the President of the United States but she's undoubtedly glad she did. How was Mrs Johnson to know he would be a total asshole?

tinydancer If the president called you, would you share the call with your family?

And why did you post yet another thread on this?

He just did a presser. Kelly just bitch slapped that congress bitch into a new galaxy.

Kelly just embarrassed himself by doing that trying to cover for boss! I'm disgusted and he did himself no favors not only playing politics with the subject, but then to drag everyone else the mud was despicable; blaming Wilson and the media! If his boss wasn't such a despicable animal he wouldn't be put into these positions! I have little sympathy for the man! He should have walked as soon as Trump invoked his name into this nonsense a couple days ago! :9: :argue:

If Trump did what you are saying General Kelly would have beat the shit out of the President before he threw him out of a WH window.

The game is up. Proves the Congress douchebag was lying about Trump dissing the widow and the soldier and his family. And it proves YOU were all lying and complicit in the smear you swine.
What sickness is it when a left tard makes every post in yet another Trump hate thread?
Good God, you are one to talk. Your every post about President Obama has been a hate post. And the treasonous fat senile old orange clown richly deserves the disapprobation, for he lied about President Obama concerning contacting the relatives of KIA soldiers.In fact, had he not done that, the present pissing match probably would not be going on.
No one is falling for this stage craft. Kelly admitted that Trump said exactly what they said Trump said but allowed Trump to go after the Congresswoman and La Davids Family and call them all liars

What are you talking about. Kelly just went after the congress bitch from hell. By the way he's a Gold Star father.

Yeah, that's all he could do was say how emotional he was about it. He never denied anything OR said anyone lied.

He just said he was heart broken, sad, hurt, and other adjectives.

What part did you miss about him being royally pissed off at that bitch Wilson? Can't let go of your lies can you.

"President Donald Trump's chief of staff says he is "stunned" and "broken hearted" by the criticism of Trump's call to the family of an Army sergeant killed in Niger.

John Kelly told reporters at the White House that the president had expressed his condolences "in the best way that he could."

Kelly speaks amid criticism of Trump's comments about calling Gold Star families
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
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Yes, I believe anybody over 45 and/or his Administration.

They lie 24/7.

Say, why are you guys shifting from the ACTUAL reprehensible act, of insulting a fallen soldier's next of kin to just listening to the President COMMITTING the act of insulting a fallen soldier's next of kin?

Have you no shame?!?
All WH calls are recorded. Trump could clear up His & Obama's calls. He won't because he is a drama queen who wants more free press.
Somehow, Kelly added in "women are sacred". But not anymore. That backfired.


And now he's saying Trump did the best he could.
Did you ever get your pussy grabbed, dean?
So why don't you tell him how that feels? LOL
I so respect this man.

"Kelly told Trump, "There's nothing you can do to lighten the burden." The president called the four families who lost soldiers in Niger and offered condolences in "the best way he could ... It stuns me" that a member of Congress listened in on that phone call. "I thought at least that's sacred," he said. The Chief of Staff also confirmed that the president told Myesha Johnson her husband "knew what he signed up for" and added Trump meant the statement as a testament to La David Johnson's heroism."

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

It was trump who brought up Kelly's son. It was trump who politicized Kelly's loss. No one else mentioned it before the orange moron did.

As for listening to the call - I don't blame Mrs Johnson at all. Seriously, is there anyone who does not want and get witnesses to this asshole's words? That may not have been why she put the call on speaker - for everyone in the car to hear the words of the President of the United States but she's undoubtedly glad she did. How was Mrs Johnson to know he would be a total asshole?

tinydancer If the president called you, would you share the call with your family?

And why did you post yet another thread on this?

He just did a presser. Kelly just bitch slapped that congress bitch into a new galaxy.

Kelly just embarrassed himself by doing that trying to cover for boss! I'm disgusted and he did himself no favors not only playing politics with the subject, but then to drag everyone else the mud was despicable; blaming Wilson and the media! If his boss wasn't such a despicable animal he wouldn't be put into these positions! I have little sympathy for the man! He should have walked as soon as Trump invoked his name into this nonsense a couple days ago! :9: :argue:

If Trump did what you are saying General Kelly would have beat the shit out of the President before he threw him out of a WH window.

The game is up. Proves the Congress douchebag was lying about Trump dissing the widow and the soldier and his family. And it proves YOU were all lying and complicit in the smear you swine.
Lets just be real about this situation. Trump made an impossible call which he should be given props for, he didn't have to make the call and it took courage to do it. I believe he had every intent to console the families. He reached out to Kelly for advice about what to say. He may have fumbled the delivery of that message, I don't know I wasn't there... Either way, it should not have been politicized in the press like it has been
Why are President Trump's condolence calls an issue when we know Hussein was eating pizza while the Benghazi heroes were fighting for their lives and he refused to lift a finger?
No one is falling for this stage craft. Kelly admitted that Trump said exactly what they said Trump said but allowed Trump to go after the Congresswoman and La Davids Family and call them all liars

What are you talking about. Kelly just went after the congress bitch from hell. By the way he's a Gold Star father.

Yeah, that's all he could do was say how emotional he was about it. He never denied anything OR said anyone lied.

He just said he was heart broken, sad, hurt, and other adjectives.

What part did you miss about him being royally pissed off at that bitch Wilson? Can't let go of your lies can you.

Trump called them liars, then Kelly confirmed they didn't lie. Are those emotional adjectives making you see a denial that isn't there?
Kelly was trying to be a character witness for Trump.

He didn't do a good job. In fact, he made Trump look worse.
Since everything you post about Trump is the opposite of the truth, Kelly must have made Trump look great.
Yeah, like putting lipstick on a turd makes it look great.
See? Everything you post is opposite.
So, he put lipstick on the wrong end of the turd?
I so respect this man.

"Kelly told Trump, "There's nothing you can do to lighten the burden." The president called the four families who lost soldiers in Niger and offered condolences in "the best way he could ... It stuns me" that a member of Congress listened in on that phone call. "I thought at least that's sacred," he said. The Chief of Staff also confirmed that the president told Myesha Johnson her husband "knew what he signed up for" and added Trump meant the statement as a testament to La David Johnson's heroism."

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

It was trump who brought up Kelly's son. It was trump who politicized Kelly's loss. No one else mentioned it before the orange moron did.

As for listening to the call - I don't blame Mrs Johnson at all. Seriously, is there anyone who does not want and get witnesses to this asshole's words? That may not have been why she put the call on speaker - for everyone in the car to hear the words of the President of the United States but she's undoubtedly glad she did. How was Mrs Johnson to know he would be a total asshole?

tinydancer If the president called you, would you share the call with your family?

And why did you post yet another thread on this?

He just did a presser. Kelly just bitch slapped that congress bitch into a new galaxy.

Kelly just embarrassed himself by doing that trying to cover for boss! I'm disgusted and he did himself no favors not only playing politics with the subject, but then to drag everyone else the mud was despicable; blaming Wilson and the media! If his boss wasn't such a despicable animal he wouldn't be put into these positions! I have little sympathy for the man! He should have walked as soon as Trump invoked his name into this nonsense a couple days ago! :9: :argue:

If Trump did what you are saying General Kelly would have beat the shit out of the President before he threw him out of a WH window.

The game is up. Proves the Congress douchebag was lying about Trump dissing the widow and the soldier and his family. And it proves YOU were all lying and complicit in the smear you swine.
Lets just be real about this situation. Trump made an impossible call which he should be given props for, he didn't have to make the call and it took courage to do it. I believe he had every intent to console the families. He reached out to Kelly for advice about what to say. He may have fumbled the delivery of that message, I don't know I wasn't there... Either way, it should not have been politicized in the press like it has been

Great post! Bravo!
Why is a Congress person listening in on the call?
So the problem is not what the President said, but that someone other than the family heard it, and denied him plausable deniability.

Who the fuck in their right mind would ever thing, "I lost my son, the President is planning on calling me, let me get my Congressperson to listen in", that's Mental illness

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