General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

That congress woman sure has a lot of room to talk about caring for veterans or even those who died while in service.


Got this from James Woods at twitter. He's on a roll. :D
Kelly said he thought the phone call was sacred because the congresswoman heard it...while he and others listened in also.

Did Kelly or anyone else walk out into the Rose Garden and publicize what they heard? Get real. You lost. Another nothing burger to go along with the fairy tale dossier and stiletto gate.

I agree, it was nothing until Trump said Obama didn't call families and then he got exposed.

Then he said he didn't say what the gold star family said but then had Kelly go out and explain that he said it but it was "the best he could do".

You lose.
That congress woman sure has a lot of room to talk about caring for veterans or even those who died while in service.


Got this from James Woods at twitter. He's on a roll. :D

Obviously with those names all those bills were good and true. Or you just see the name and that's all you can do to "support the troops" without pulling something
Y'all need to just stop. Its making you look stupid. Or did you forget Trump is sitting in the WH because he was put there due to NOT having bedside pc manners? we don't need tiskers. We need someone that doesn't pull punches. He stated fact. Deal with it.
Y'all need to just stop. Its making you look stupid. Or did you forget Trump is sitting in the WH because he was put there due to NOT having bedside pc manners? we don't need tiskers. We need someone that doesn't pull punches. He stated fact. Deal with it.

So, if you were at a funeral for one of your kids, and someone walked up to you and said, "I'm so sorry for your loss, but they deserved it for driving drunk," you'd think that was appropriate?
Kelly calling the Congresswoman an empty barrel proves that he is no better than Trump. The Congresswoman had as much (or even more) right to be privy to the conversation as Kelly and the others who may have also been listening in from the White House.
Kelly calling the Congresswoman an empty barrel proves that he is no better than Trump. The Congresswoman had as much (or even more) right to be privy to the conversation as Kelly and the others who may have also been listening in from the White House.
Additionally what is up with propaganda general putting women up like little China dolls. Has he not seen Mad Men!!!
Y'all need to just stop. Its making you look stupid. Or did you forget Trump is sitting in the WH because he was put there due to NOT having bedside pc manners? we don't need tiskers. We need someone that doesn't pull punches. He stated fact. Deal with it.
Gracie, the stupid part of America put him there.

Now, you need to grow up and accept the truth: he lied.
I heard what John Kelly said, and now he said it, and then imagined Trump trying to speak as eloquently, and said, NO WAY. Trump is incapable of ad libbing empathy.
I heard what John Kelly said, and now he said it, and then imagined Trump trying to speak as eloquently, and said, NO WAY. Trump is incapable of ad libbing empathy.

I just heard a lot of this could have been avoided if Trump had taken his job seriously and reported on Niger in a timely fashion! The defense department gave him an announcement of the loss of these 4 guys, but Trump spent the entire time pounding Obama, Hillary, and the NFL! I keep asking what would Trump have to do for his sycophants to finally throw up their hands? So far anything he does is cool; IT'S ALL FAKE NEWS ANYWAY! :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: o_O
Kelly was outraged that people wold dare speak about soldiers deaths...then proceeded to defend Trump throwing his own dead son into the fray. Nice!
I just heard a lot of this could have been avoided if Trump had taken his job seriously and reported on Niger in a timely fashion! The defense department gave him an announcement of the loss of these 4 guys, but Trump spent the entire time pounding Obama, Hillary, and the NFL! I keep asking what would Trump have to do for his sycophants to finally throw up their hands? So far anything he does is cool; IT'S ALL FAKE NEWS ANYWAY!

Trump has the mental depth of a goldfish, and the attention span of ... squirrel....


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