General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Let's see. A much-decorated general or an angry 74-year old black bitch, who to believe?View attachment 155110
Notice how the Right has to photoshop the hat! There is nothing even remotely honest about the Right.


I don't no why anyone would do that. It looks ridiculous in any photo.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I really dont care.
You scumbags hate the Military and the Police and the fact that you're trying to gain political capital by using them is disgraceful.

Naw, you do care and whenever someone tells you to out your money where your mouth is people like you will always back peddle because not even you believe your lies.

Now everyone just knows you're full of shit.

The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
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What the hell difference does it make which president makes the most condolence calls or most respectful call? Is this going to get a tax bill passed, a better healthcare system, lower deficits, rebuild our infrastructure, or anything else. This is just more bull shit between the right and the left that will be just yesterday's news in a week.

That is all the liberals have.
So, does Kelly know it yet?

That he was in the room, I mean.

The orange moron lies about everything. My bet is he lied about this too.

Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.

Really? When called out by a Congresswoman, you think he should let the leftists bust his chops unanswered?

Sorry! Too many past Republicans did just that, and we all suffered for it.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

And you've allowed one incident to blind you to everything that Trump does. That's sad. Tunnel vision is the absolute most destructive thing that can happen to the voter base of this country.

You might as well shut your pie hole.
There is nothing you can say that will change my mind in regards to liberals. You're the most disgusting creatures on the planet.
I still stand by my account of the call b/t @realDonaldTrump and Myesha Johnson. That is her name, Mr. Trump. Not "the woman" or "the wife."

— Rep Frederica Wilson (@RepWilson) October 18, 2017

Trump said he has proof Wilson fabricated her claim, but neither he nor the White House immediately provided any evidence or explanation by what he meant.

Cowanda Jones-Johnson, a family member who raised Johnson, told CNN Wednesday that Wilson's account of the call between Trump and Johnson's widow, Myeshia, was "very accurate." She said she was in the car when the call happened.

Trump, Dem congresswoman feud over his remarks to widow of fallen soldier - CNNPolitics

General Kelly and others were in the room with Trump.

So were curtains and both Kelly and the Curtains havent given a statement
One of these days Kelly is just going to lose a gasket and say FUCK IT! I can't handle this imbecile anymore.

Maybe not this week, or the next, but it's coming.

When did he start working for you?
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.

Really? When called out by a Congresswoman, you think he should let the leftists bust his chops unanswered?

Sorry! Too many past Republicans did just that, and we all suffered for it.

You're right, he has bigger fish to fry, like attacking a war hero Senator.
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.

Absolutely true.

We;re only 9 months in and I'm just fed up with his constant childish rants and tantrums and endless lies and every day, wondering who he will pick a fight with today - and then lie about.

I keep saying this but 3+ years from now, people will still be saying he "needs to stop tweeting", needs to be more presidential", "needs to stop lying".

Ain't gonna happen.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

You believe all of the news from the left. Why else would you avoid a bet that you pretend to know you'll win?

Because you don't believe the bs you type.

Your avatar bet is as childish as your party.
I care about my Country not some juvenile avatar bet.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

And you've allowed one incident to blind you to everything that Trump does. That's sad. Tunnel vision is the absolute most destructive thing that can happen to the voter base of this country.

You might as well shut your pie hole.
There is nothing you can say that will change my mind in regards to liberals. You're the most disgusting creatures on the planet.

Well I'm not a Liberal... but you go ahead with your little temper tantrum. Some of you guys on here that call everyone that disagrees with you, liberals, need to get out in the real world and see what a REAL liberal is and how they act. In a class with some liberals, they look at me and my opinion like I'm ultra-conservative. :lmao:
Kelly has not backed up Trump.

And Trump said he sent a private check to a father of a fallen veteran: the guy never got the check.

The family on the fallen Monticello, Utah, veteran never got a phone call from the president, who said he called all the families of the fallen.

Folks, the President is a congenital liar.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

You believe all of the news from the left. Why else would you avoid a bet that you pretend to know you'll win?

Because you don't believe the bs you type.

Your avatar bet is as childish as your party.
I care about my Country not some juvenile avatar bet.

Whether or not it's childish it just shows that you don't believe the garbage that you spew or you'd take the bet because it's obviously a lie.

You've just been exposed. You can SAY anything but you'll never put your money where your mouth is because you know you're lying.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I really dont care.
You scumbags hate the Military and the Police and the fact that you're trying to gain political capital by using them is disgraceful.

Naw, you do care and whenever someone tells you to out your money where your mouth is people like you will always back peddle because not even you believe your lies.

Now everyone just knows you're full of shit.

The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....


You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.
Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

And you've allowed one incident to blind you to everything that Trump does. That's sad. Tunnel vision is the absolute most destructive thing that can happen to the voter base of this country.

You might as well shut your pie hole.
There is nothing you can say that will change my mind in regards to liberals. You're the most disgusting creatures on the planet.

Well I'm not a Liberal... but you go ahead with your little temper tantrum. Some of you guys on here that call everyone that disagrees with you, liberals, need to get out in the real world and see what a REAL liberal is and how they act. In a class with some liberals, they look at me and my opinion like I'm ultra-conservative. :lmao:

So you're a commie....
I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

And you've allowed one incident to blind you to everything that Trump does. That's sad. Tunnel vision is the absolute most destructive thing that can happen to the voter base of this country.

You might as well shut your pie hole.
There is nothing you can say that will change my mind in regards to liberals. You're the most disgusting creatures on the planet.

Well I'm not a Liberal... but you go ahead with your little temper tantrum. Some of you guys on here that call everyone that disagrees with you, liberals, need to get out in the real world and see what a REAL liberal is and how they act. In a class with some liberals, they look at me and my opinion like I'm ultra-conservative. :lmao:

So you're a commie....

This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I really dont care.
You scumbags hate the Military and the Police and the fact that you're trying to gain political capital by using them is disgraceful.

Naw, you do care and whenever someone tells you to out your money where your mouth is people like you will always back peddle because not even you believe your lies.

Now everyone just knows you're full of shit.

The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....


You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.
Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I really dont care.
You scumbags hate the Military and the Police and the fact that you're trying to gain political capital by using them is disgraceful.

Naw, you do care and whenever someone tells you to out your money where your mouth is people like you will always back peddle because not even you believe your lies.

Now everyone just knows you're full of shit.

The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....


You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

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