General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Democrats hate that Trump is exposing them for being haters of our military and police. It’s why they’re working overtime to change the narrative.

Democrats have no shame. They’ll do and say anything to accomplish their goal.
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
You should have been paying attention to what he said while campaigning.
You mean that he prefers those who were not captured?
Like Bergdahl? The traitor Obama invited to the WH after getting soldiers killed?

Still an American

Trump defiled our POWs as not being real heroes
Believe what you want. I know you democrats grasp onto anything you’re told by your handlers.
Most Americans can think for themselves.
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Meathead is a hardcore racist and apparently thinks it is cool to make fun or disparage a killed in action soldiers name. He had a name unfamiliar to Meathead and was of African American heritage so to Meathead his life was not as worthy as a guy with a white guy sounding name.
Cowanda, Myeshia and La David are African names? Really?
They are names used by African Americans here in America. If you lived here you would know that. But you don't live in America so you are far removed from American culture.
I don't care what color you are, why the fuck would you name your daughter Cowanda?!

Piganda was already taken?
More then likely a person gave the mother of the deceased soldier got that name due to her families history going back to the slave days. It is an interpretation of an African word that means "origin" or original. The name has probably been used in America for longer than your family has been here or there was even a United States.

Are you really trying to tell me cowanda was a popular name in early America?
So i guess you think tangilique was common as well?
How about you point out all the African names off this list and tell us why they're African?

Top Black Girl Names...
Why are you guys arguing over this stupid shit?
What he may or may not have said to one person has no effect on the rest of us.

His lies dont matter? Of course they do because he told them for a reason and you believe them for a reason.

You fuel the shitstorm trying to defend shit that doesn't fucking matter.

Trumps words do matter.

EVERYONE knew before the election that Trump has very little class yet he was still elected. Stop fighting with the fake outragers and move on to topics that actually matter.

So its ok to not have class and its everyone elses fault when they react to someone with no class. But having no class is ok because yanno, Trump.
Your fake outrage doesn't matter. This news story doesn't matter. And his lack of class was already known so what do you think all your sniveling about it is going to accomplish?

Does his lies matter to you at all?
If they affect my life, yes. I didn't vote for the man so he can defend his own bullshit when he says or does something stupid.
At the same time we all know you just want a reason to whine. It gives you fuel for your campfire. If his words offended you all then you wouldn't say the very same type of shit to others on this board when you feel cornered.

No, the question was when the president lies does it matter?

Because just a minute ago you were fucking crying like a butch say the congress woman lied and that didn't affect your life.

But Trump's lies are bad only if it affects your stupid as directly and you expect someone to believe that bullshit? You tried it
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
You should have been paying attention to what he said while campaigning.
You mean that he prefers those who were not captured?
Like Bergdahl? The traitor Obama invited to the WH after getting soldiers killed?

Still an American

Trump defiled our POWs as not being real heroes
Believe what you want. I know you democrats grasp onto anything you’re told by your handlers.
Most Americans have common sense and can think for themselves.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.
This is the way it is now.

Hypersensitivity to everything. Believe and repeat all rumors and innuendo if it can hurt the other side. Attack, attack, attack. Don't let up. Don't give an inch. Destroy.

This must be what we want. So, congratulations to us. I'm sure this is all very constructive.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Me too and not one of these fucktards are stupid enough to take that bet.
It’ll take some time before President Trump is able to repair all the damage done by Obama.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I really dont care.
You scumbags hate the Military and the Police and the fact that you're trying to gain political capital by using them is disgraceful.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.
This is the way it is now.

Hypersensitivity to everything. Believe and repeat all rumors and innuendo if it can hurt the other side. Attack, attack, attack. Don't let up. Don't give an inch. Destroy.

This must be what we want. So, congratulations to us. I'm sure this is all very constructive.

From the left yes.
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Considering the President has lied to us 100s of times since he took office, it is hard to believe anything he says. Why would anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
considering people make up all kinds of shit to throw at trump, why should we believe the next nugget you come up with to lob some hate at him?

always the other guys fault.

Wait, so you position is that we should belive the lies that Trump tells just because other people lie about him?

that is some crazy logic there buddy
wait - so i should believe you - a rabid trump hater - that everything you say he lied about, he did?

that is some crazy....
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I really dont care.
You scumbags hate the Military and the Police and the fact that you're trying to gain political capital by using them is disgraceful.

Naw, you do care and whenever someone tells you to out your money where your mouth is people like you will always back peddle because not even you believe your lies.

Now everyone just knows you're full of shit.
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Considering the President has lied to us 100s of times since he took office, it is hard to believe anything he says. Why would anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
considering people make up all kinds of shit to throw at trump, why should we believe the next nugget you come up with to lob some hate at him?

always the other guys fault.

Wait, so you position is that we should belive the lies that Trump tells just because other people lie about him?

that is some crazy logic there buddy
wait - so i should believe you - a rabid trump hater - that everything you say he lied about, he did?

that is some crazy....

You don't have to believe him... Trump's lies are EASILY proven through just looking at the facts and comparing them to what he said.

Take for example his tweet about Climate Change being something made up by China... and then in a National Debate he says he never said it.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

And you've allowed one incident to blind you to everything that Trump does. That's sad. Tunnel vision is the absolute most destructive thing that can happen to the voter base of this country.
This is complete Bullshit from the left.
Everyone knows liberals hold the Military in contempt,for them to try and use it as a political score is disgusting.

Trump said he has proof. If it's bulls hit Trump will be releasing it soon.

If he's lying he won't release anything.

Care to take a bet he doesn't have any proof?

I'd be willing to do an avatar bet with someone that Kelly does not come out and give a definitive "Trump is telling the truth, he didn't say that."

Like I said.
I dont believe a word that comes out of the left.
They've been claiming Trump russia collusion for damn near a year and as it turns out barry and company were the ones colluding.
Go fuck yourself.

You believe all of the news from the left. Why else would you avoid a bet that you pretend to know you'll win?

Because you don't believe the bs you type.
So the witnesses are guys who have sold their souls to work for the most dishonest president in history?

That's Trump's proof???????
My goodness you still polished Obama's knob after he lied about 4 Americans dying because of his incompetence. Then you voted for the bitch that lied to the families, at their funeral. You have no credibility. Now if Trump disrespected the wife, I will hold that against him, but the way liberals lie about him many times in a day. I doubt it happened.

WTF are you talking about?
Let's see. A much-decorated general or an angry 74-year old black bitch, who to believe?View attachment 155110
Ah, you mean the "angry 74-year old black bitch" who actually went personally to be with the family as they went to pick up their hero's body. That one?
Yup, this one:
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.

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