General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

His lies dont matter? Of course they do because he told them for a reason and you believe them for a reason.

Trumps words do matter.

So its ok to not have class and its everyone elses fault when they react to someone with no class. But having no class is ok because yanno, Trump.
Your fake outrage doesn't matter. This news story doesn't matter. And his lack of class was already known so what do you think all your sniveling about it is going to accomplish?

Does his lies matter to you at all?
If they affect my life, yes. I didn't vote for the man so he can defend his own bullshit when he says or does something stupid.
At the same time we all know you just want a reason to whine. It gives you fuel for your campfire. If his words offended you all then you wouldn't say the very same type of shit to others on this board when you feel cornered.

No, the question was when the president lies does it matter?

Because just a minute ago you were fucking crying like a butch say the congress woman lied and that didn't affect your life.

But Trump's lies are bad only if it affects your stupid as directly and you expect someone to believe that bullshit? You tried it
I've never mentioned the congresswoman. Put the bong down & try again.

The sad part is you've dodged the simple question of does the president lies matter. Each time you avoided the answer that should be easy: Yes, the Presidents lies do matter.

You're too much of a shit to just say the obvious. You're just another one lying to yourself. Pretending.
Let's see. A much-decorated general or an angry 74-year old black bitch, who to believe?View attachment 155110
Ah, you mean the "angry 74-year old black bitch" who actually went personally to be with the family as they went to pick up their hero's body. That one?
Yup, this one:
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?
Hey... why don't you buy less food instead of wasting it? If things you say are true... which after your comments today about being your income going up 4-fold, I highly doubt.

Are ya fuken stupid?
If I have more expendable income why wouldnt I find it easier to buy a larger quantity of food?
What you dont understand as a Mickydees diner is that sometimes your end product needs to be more than you need in order for it to cook properly.
Like say a brisket.
If you knew how to cook you might understand....
But to me the waste is worth it because I enjoy cooking.

Are you dense? Two things... if you cook such large amounts at a time, then why not figure out a way to preserve it, like with a air packaging system? Secondly... do you really think bragging about how much food you throw out on a monthly basis is a badge of honor?

I have a Vacmaster Pro 350 that I use for Sous Vide and freezing meats that aren't susceptible to freezer burn and aren't $300 dollar cuts.
That does nothing for prepared food. You really need to brush up on your cooking skills before you try and berate me.
Or you can keep specialising on MickyDees.....

That's it... attack me without answering point #2.

Look I know you dont know shit about fine foods and I wont hold it against you.
Just keep sloping on your fast food and I'll keep eating my Wagyu beef and my Kurobuta pork.

You don't have a clue what I know. And you still won't answer point #2.

You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

At one point he bragged about throwing away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food out of his fridge EVERY month. So he is either one of those selfish bastards that could care less about starving people, and how wasteful he and his wife are being, or he is a liar. You decide.

He won't even make an Avatar bet so the only option is he's lying. Sad too, he spends a shit ton of time lying for no reasons.

Avatar bets are for those who lack distinction.
Prove to me you're worth my time and we can come up with a gentlemans bet.
I'll of course demand a second party to hold any monies.

Betting money on the forum is against the rules. Of course you probably already knew that, and knew that once it was brought up, it would give you an out. No dice.
Let's see. A much-decorated general or an angry 74-year old black bitch, who to believe?View attachment 155110
Ah, you mean the "angry 74-year old black bitch" who actually went personally to be with the family as they went to pick up their hero's body. That one?
Yup, this one:
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.
the thing trump has in common with those he fights is they both pick very stupid things to fight about. all petty shit.
True. So often Trump says something that is just not true, such as previous presidents did not contact families of American troops killed in action or the huge crowd size at his inauguration. Often it is rather trivial but someone is going take issue with him. Most presidents ignore this because they have a huge job managing the executive branch, getting their agenda through congress, and dealing with foreign affairs. However, Trump not knowing how to deal with any of these, delegates or ignores everything and precedes to do what he knows how to do, launch personal attacks at those that have attacked him.
Ah, you mean the "angry 74-year old black bitch" who actually went personally to be with the family as they went to pick up their hero's body. That one?
Yup, this one:
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?

Because it was such a slap in the face of the family?
Kelly has not backed up Trump.

And Trump said he sent a private check to a father of a fallen veteran: the guy never got the check.

The family on the fallen Monticello, Utah, veteran never got a phone call from the president, who said he called all the families of the fallen.

Folks, the President is a congenital liar.
he is mentally unstable, and every day, he proves such, in one way or another...I knew he was a liar from his campaign, and thought he suffered from narcissistic disorder, but the past 9 months shows a deeply disturbed, mentally unfit, man....imo.... :eek:

Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D
Ah, you mean the "angry 74-year old black bitch" who actually went personally to be with the family as they went to pick up their hero's body. That one?
Yup, this one:
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
What if the family gave her permission to speak up?

(Isn't it odd how certain people are supposed to be silent and never speak up when they see something wrong go down?)
This whole story is bullshit politics.

The media is trying to distract from real issues.

This is nonsense. Trump supporters know he is a huge fan of the troops, and vice versa.

Progs are looking to score political's not happening. They are not going to convince rational people that Trump called the mother of a deceased veteran and chastised her.
Kelly has not backed up Trump.

And Trump said he sent a private check to a father of a fallen veteran: the guy never got the check.

The family on the fallen Monticello, Utah, veteran never got a phone call from the president, who said he called all the families of the fallen.

Folks, the President is a congenital liar.
he is mentally unstable, and every day, he proves such, in one way or another...I knew he was a liar from his campaign, and thought he suffered from narcissistic disorder, but the past 9 months shows a deeply disturbed, mentally unfit, man....imo.... :eek:

Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.
the thing trump has in common with those he fights is they both pick very stupid things to fight about. all petty shit.
True. So often Trump says something that is just not true, such as previous presidents did not contact families of American troops killed in action or the huge crowd size at his inauguration. Often it is rather trivial but someone is going take issue with him. Most presidents ignore this because they have a huge job managing the executive branch, getting their agenda through congress, and dealing with foreign affairs. However, Trump not knowing how to deal with any of these, delegates or ignores everything and precedes to do what he knows how to do, launch personal attacks at those that have attacked him.

The AP has now shown he is a liar about his statement that he has contacted "virtually every" family of a soldier killed in action during his Presidency.
Yup, this one:
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
What if the family gave her permission to speak up?

(Isn't it odd how certain people are supposed to be silent and never speak up when they see something wrong go down?)

That's odd! Why didn't she ever mention that she was speaking for the family? It was never mentioned in anything I have read. It is probably she took Dead Fish's advice and never let a crisis go to waste.
Kelly has not backed up Trump.

And Trump said he sent a private check to a father of a fallen veteran: the guy never got the check.

The family on the fallen Monticello, Utah, veteran never got a phone call from the president, who said he called all the families of the fallen.

Folks, the President is a congenital liar.
he is mentally unstable, and every day, he proves such, in one way or another...I knew he was a liar from his campaign, and thought he suffered from narcissistic disorder, but the past 9 months shows a deeply disturbed, mentally unfit, man....imo.... :eek:

Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 10 years old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.
Last edited:
Kelly has not backed up Trump.

And Trump said he sent a private check to a father of a fallen veteran: the guy never got the check.

The family on the fallen Monticello, Utah, veteran never got a phone call from the president, who said he called all the families of the fallen.

Folks, the President is a congenital liar.
he is mentally unstable, and every day, he proves such, in one way or another...I knew he was a liar from his campaign, and thought he suffered from narcissistic disorder, but the past 9 months shows a deeply disturbed, mentally unfit, man....imo.... :eek:

Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
What if the family gave her permission to speak up?

(Isn't it odd how certain people are supposed to be silent and never speak up when they see something wrong go down?)

That's odd! Why didn't she ever mention that she was speaking for the family? It was never mentioned in anything I have read. It is probably she took Dead Fish's advice and never let a crisis go to waste.
Because she didn't say it, does that automatically mean she's not? How odd that the family isn't going "Whoa! What are you sharing this?" Instead they are confirming what she's saying. Odd behavior for people upset about her sharing what happened, don't you think?
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.

Kelly met with many fallen soldiers families around the country and never mentioned his son.

And Trump leverage his son in a faLSE STATEMENT
Good for her for showing up for the family. :clap:

True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
What if the family gave her permission to speak up?

(Isn't it odd how certain people are supposed to be silent and never speak up when they see something wrong go down?)

That's odd! Why didn't she ever mention that she was speaking for the family? It was never mentioned in anything I have read. It is probably she took Dead Fish's advice and never let a crisis go to waste.

The mother of the fallen soldier was in the car during the call as well and confirmed the Congresswoman's statement.
Did President Obama contact Heather Kelly, wife of Lt. Robert Kelly? So far we don't know - but that would make more sense than contacting General John Kelly, now Trump's Chief of Staff.

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