General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Did President Obama contact Heather Kelly, wife of Lt. Robert Kelly? So far we don't know - but that would make more sense than contacting General John Kelly, now Trump's Chief of Staff.

We don't know that, however the Kelly family was invited to a breakfast set up by the Obama's for families of fallen soldiers and the Kelly family sat at the table with Michelle Obama.
True. She was the slain soldier's fathers school principal.

The bad part is she chose to open her big yap to try to get something on Trump.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
What if the family gave her permission to speak up?

(Isn't it odd how certain people are supposed to be silent and never speak up when they see something wrong go down?)

That's odd! Why didn't she ever mention that she was speaking for the family? It was never mentioned in anything I have read. It is probably she took Dead Fish's advice and never let a crisis go to waste.
Because she didn't say it, does that automatically mean she's not? How odd that the family isn't going "Whoa! What are you sharing this?" Instead they are confirming what she's saying. Odd behavior for people upset about her sharing what happened, don't you think?

Let me give you a little insight into the grieving process. One of the major phases is anger. It is the third phase. The family is lashing out at Trump in anger.

I thought all of you liberals had the psychobabble down for all of this shit.
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.

Kelly met with many fallen soldiers families around the country and never mentioned his son.

And Trump leverage his son in a faLSE STATEMENT

Either lay off the mind altering substances or retype that post so it makes sense.
Do we know that she didn't hear the family's upset reaction and get their permission to share what they heard?

We don't know anything, so why didn't she keep her big mouth shut?
What if the family gave her permission to speak up?

(Isn't it odd how certain people are supposed to be silent and never speak up when they see something wrong go down?)

That's odd! Why didn't she ever mention that she was speaking for the family? It was never mentioned in anything I have read. It is probably she took Dead Fish's advice and never let a crisis go to waste.
Because she didn't say it, does that automatically mean she's not? How odd that the family isn't going "Whoa! What are you sharing this?" Instead they are confirming what she's saying. Odd behavior for people upset about her sharing what happened, don't you think?

Let me give you a little insight into the grieving process. One of the major phases is anger. It is the third phase. The family is lashing out at Trump in anger.

I thought all of you liberals had the psychobabble down for all of this shit.

You are making excuses for a man that is a pathological liar.
he is mentally unstable, and every day, he proves such, in one way or another...I knew he was a liar from his campaign, and thought he suffered from narcissistic disorder, but the past 9 months shows a deeply disturbed, mentally unfit, man....imo.... :eek:

Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
I get it....
he is mentally unstable, and every day, he proves such, in one way or another...I knew he was a liar from his campaign, and thought he suffered from narcissistic disorder, but the past 9 months shows a deeply disturbed, mentally unfit, man....imo.... :eek:

Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
My English is fine...So you telling me that you didn't get It, that Trump is a bully and a liar?
Naw, you do care and whenever someone tells you to out your money where your mouth is people like you will always back peddle because not even you believe your lies.

Now everyone just knows you're full of shit.

The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....


You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

At one point he bragged about throwing away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food out of his fridge EVERY month. So he is either one of those selfish bastards that could care less about starving people, and how wasteful he and his wife are being, or he is a liar. You decide.

HereWeGoAgain must surely be one of the 1%.

Yeah, that's it. Otherwise, he would not vote for trump.

Not to mention, trumpanzees believe that if trump can lie every single day, they can too.

But, jeeez - fourfold???? FOURFOLD???????

tsk tsk tsk ... HereWeGoAgain - Shame on you.

Just another slimy Democrat-manufactured outrage scam. Good thing most folks understand that. It's just one manufactured-outrage scam after another. Most Americans don't buy into it. The usual suspects do, but most Americans don't. Hopefully folks will show their genuine outrage over the repetitive Democrat scams, at the Ballot Box.
Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
I get it....
Stop looking in the mirror.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
My English is fine...So you telling me that you didn't get It, that Trump is a bully and a liar?

Your English sucks because that is NOT what you said.

TVs are muted, not "mute". The phrase "he told us word by word" means nothing in the context you were trying to get across. The phase ": why does he make bully faces." sounds like something a 4 year-old would say, and it should be in quotes with capitalization and a question mark.

Yes, your English sucks!
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
I get it....
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
My English is fine...So you telling me that you didn't get It, that Trump is a bully and a liar?

Your English sucks because that is NOT what you said.

TVs are muted, not "mute". The phrase "he told us word by word" means nothing in the context you were trying to get across. The phase ": why does he make bully faces." sounds like something a 4 year-old would say, and it should be in quotes with capitalization and a question mark.

Yes, your English sucks!
My English is my fifth lqnguage i got higher grades than most US born students, also scored a 98% in placement test for college, and I have almost no accent according to most, and I'm not here to write and essay.

Back to the subject, how can you lie to yourself constantly?

You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

At one point he bragged about throwing away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food out of his fridge EVERY month. So he is either one of those selfish bastards that could care less about starving people, and how wasteful he and his wife are being, or he is a liar. You decide.

He won't even make an Avatar bet so the only option is he's lying. Sad too, he spends a shit ton of time lying for no reasons.

Avatar bets are for those who lack distinction.
Prove to me you're worth my time and we can come up with a gentlemans bet.
I'll of course demand a second party to hold any monies.

Oh, you wont make an Avatar bet because youre a gentleman but you'll make a cash bet with a 3rd party to hold $$? LMAO...You're funny but again, another lie. You wont make a simple bet on a picture for your Message Board Profile. Stop it lol
The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....


You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

At one point he bragged about throwing away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food out of his fridge EVERY month. So he is either one of those selfish bastards that could care less about starving people, and how wasteful he and his wife are being, or he is a liar. You decide.

HereWeGoAgain must surely be one of the 1%.

Yeah, that's it. Otherwise, he would not vote for trump.

Not to mention, trumpanzees believe that if trump can lie every single day, they can too.

But, jeeez - fourfold???? FOURFOLD???????

tsk tsk tsk ... HereWeGoAgain - Shame on you.


Yeah, apparently Trump got elected and someone dropped a few bills in his tip cup
Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
I get it....
Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
My English is fine...So you telling me that you didn't get It, that Trump is a bully and a liar?

Your English sucks because that is NOT what you said.

TVs are muted, not "mute". The phrase "he told us word by word" means nothing in the context you were trying to get across. The phase ": why does he make bully faces." sounds like something a 4 year-old would say, and it should be in quotes with capitalization and a question mark.

Yes, your English sucks!
My English is my fifth lqnguage i got higher grades than most US born students, also scored a 98% in placement test for college, and I have almost no accent according to most, and I'm not here to write and essay.

Back to the subject, how can you lie to yourself constantly?

I put your numerous errors in red. Your English sucks.

You had Improper use of an ellipsis, spelling error, capitalization error, and wrong word choice in one huge run-on sentence.

Again, your English sucks!

Keep lying to yourself about everything.
Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.
Reports are that Kelly is furious that Trump used his dead son for a cheap political stunt.

Obama didn't need to call Kelly, as he saw him in person and offered condolences.
I'm really hoping someone in that soldier's family recorded that conversation, and is just holding it back for a bit.

It wouldn't be unusual for a family to want to record the President Of The United States reaching out to your family.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
I get it....
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
My English is fine...So you telling me that you didn't get It, that Trump is a bully and a liar?

Your English sucks because that is NOT what you said.

TVs are muted, not "mute". The phrase "he told us word by word" means nothing in the context you were trying to get across. The phase ": why does he make bully faces." sounds like something a 4 year-old would say, and it should be in quotes with capitalization and a question mark.

Yes, your English sucks!
My English is my fifth lqnguage i got higher grades than most US born students, also scored a 98% in placement test for college, and I have almost no accent according to most, and I'm not here to write and essay.

Back to the subject, how can you lie to yourself constantly?

I put your numerous errors in red. Your English sucks.

You had Improper use of an ellipsis, spelling error, capitalization error, and wrong word choice in one huge run-on sentence.

Again, your English sucks!

Keep lying to yourself about everything.
Lol if it makes you sleep at night. Yes my English is mediocre.

I didn't know you were such a snowflake :). Your covfefe president is a pathological liar, i can write to you in 4 other languages, If you still didn't get it. Although I'm sure you don't know any other languages, you just don't have the mental capacity nor the intelligence to learn a foreign language.

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