General Michael Flynn Speaks Again

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party".
When I first saw you incorrectly spell the name of The Democratic Party, I just assumed you were an uneducated, ignorant moron like the majority of your right wing brethren who don't know how to spell.

You proved me wrong. You actually do know how to properly spell the name of the party, but you are still an ignorant moron, and delusional.

Oh, I almost forgot, Flynn is a worthless scumbag who should be in prison.
The democrat party? The leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? Which name offends you the most so that I can make it part of my vernacular, VOR bore, the yawn inducing troll?

General Flynn was never convicted of a crime

Flynn was never *sentenced* for a crime. He was absolutely convicted.
Of course he was. Anyone's first clue would have been when Sunsettommy said the opposite.

No he was never "convicted" of a crime, he pled guilty under pressure ( I pointed this out several times, by showing the declassified documents in the forum) by a dishonest FBI investigation, under the Mueller guidance that ended in failure 2 years later when he couldn't post any prosecution charges against Trump.

A guilty plea results in conviction. By pleading guilty, the defendant admits to all elements of the crimes to which he is pleading. Likewise, the defendant admits that all material facts alleged in the charges are true. Therefore, a guilty plea serves as an adjudication on the merits of a case.

Yes, he was convicted. That's what happens when you plead guilty.

No he was never convicted by a Jury or even had a trial proceeded to a conclusion:

A trial isn't necessary for a conviction. Adjudication is. And a person pleading guilty to the charges and admitting to the material facts of the case before a judge satisfies the requirements of adjudication.

A conviction is nothing more than the process of judicially finding someone guilty of a crime; the state of having been proved guilty. If they admit to the crime and admit to all the material facts in front of a judge, that's the adjudication of their crime.

Flynn unambiguously admitted to the crimes and the material facts of the case before a judge.

Twice. He was convicted of his crimes.
Fake News. His Plea was coerced and then withdrawn. The Prosecution withheld exculpatory information, committing a fraud on the Court, which is why the DOJ, the only party with prosecutorial power dropped the case because it was impossible for Flynn to be guilty of the crime they charged him with.

Thankfully our system provides a final means to rescue the innocent from the clutches of a corrupt judge.

You lost.
Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party".
When I first saw you incorrectly spell the name of The Democratic Party, I just assumed you were an uneducated, ignorant moron like the majority of your right wing brethren who don't know how to spell.

You proved me wrong. You actually do know how to properly spell the name of the party, but you are still an ignorant moron, and delusional.

Oh, I almost forgot, Flynn is a worthless scumbag who should be in prison.
Which name offends you the most so that I can make it part of my vernacular
Whichever one makes you happy, psycho boy.

Flynn is a despicable traitor.

"Reportedly" Coyote is an idiot. See how that works? However, in this case it happens to be true.
Trumpists sure love anti American traiters.

The word us "traitor" dumbass, and you have no proof of anything.
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

The right of American having their vote counted?

Because you may want to talk to every voter in Pennsylvania after Trump tried to have all of their votes thrown out.
The Pennsylvania Legislature is likely to appoint the electors to the Electoral College. Trump will get the votes.
General Flynn is a Patriot! GOD BLESS HIM!

View attachment 423233

& pootey poot sits with flynn.

There is a whole bunch of speculation mixed in with all that.
There's no speculation regarding the raid and confiscation of the CIA server farm. There's no doubt that treason was committed. There's no doubt that the military doesn't take treason lightly.

I do speculate that charges of treason will be brought and prosecuted fully.
Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party".
When I first saw you incorrectly spell the name of The Democratic Party, I just assumed you were an uneducated, ignorant moron like the majority of your right wing brethren who don't know how to spell.

You proved me wrong. You actually do know how to properly spell the name of the party, but you are still an ignorant moron, and delusional.

Oh, I almost forgot, Flynn is a worthless scumbag who should be in prison.
Nothing of value to add to the conversation--just a stupid childish insult.
There is a whole bunch of speculation mixed in with all that.
There's no speculation regarding the raid and confiscation of the CIA server farm. There's no doubt that treason was committed. There's no doubt that the military doesn't take treason lightly.
I do speculate that charges of treason will be brought and prosecuted fully.
The speculation is regarding the disposition of Haspel, and the value of what is on the server.
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

The Epoch Times. Big whoop! Do you have a real source?
Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party".
When I first saw you incorrectly spell the name of The Democratic Party, I just assumed you were an uneducated, ignorant moron like the majority of your right wing brethren who don't know how to spell.

You proved me wrong. You actually do know how to properly spell the name of the party, but you are still an ignorant moron, and delusional.

Oh, I almost forgot, Flynn is a worthless scumbag who should be in prison.

You just proved the OP's post so congrats.
General Flynn was never convicted of a crime

Flynn’s alleged “crime” of “lying” to the FBI is disputed by actual notes made by agents who interviewed him

The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

The Epoch Times. Big whoop! Do you have a real source?

What is a real source for you Communist News Network? :D :D :D:laughing0301:

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