General Milley will be questioned by congress

You stupid MFer, dress it all up how you like but that's not what happened.

Milley is in the same bed as Comey and Brennan and went rouge strictly for leftists political aspirations. He circumvented Trump for no other reason than politics & appearaces, he violated his authority, he violated trust, all because the leftists are well up his ass in a frenzy. So the MFer chose China over his own country.

Let me guess, the 1/6/2021 was AN INSURRECTION in your mind, right? Hypocrite.

Ah fuck, you probably love Biden right, how about Obama? Cool, Milley told Putin he's got his back in the event Biden or Obama make an adverse decision toward Russia, that work for you now dumbass?

Face facts: for years, Obumma fired all the real generals and installed ones who carried water for the Left's political agenda. He turned our military heads into another branch of the democrat party and our military now can't fight its way out of a paper bag-- -- -- not for our soldiers, but for the political hacks running the show and Afghanistan stands as proof of that.

If America had to really go to war now, WE WOULD LOSE.
That traitor Milley claims he did not think that Trump was ever going to attack the Chinese.

However, the sonofabitch felt it was necessary to call up the goddamn Chinese (Biden's buddies) to tell them he had their back if Trump ever did.

In any other country Milley would be facing a firing squad.
So that's more talking points on Trump's behalf, but will need to be stated in a more rational and less colourful way.

Do you see any harm in what Milley did?
If anything it can stand as putting China at ease and that's a positive for America if Trump ever pushes the nuclear button.

Would Los Angeles and New York see the blinding flashes ten minutes later?
Would Trump be content to believe that defense systems would shoot down all the incoming.

It's time to turn this discussion into reality now.
And Joe Biden hasn't even done that much. He needs crib notes to address simple questions, prepared answers for screened questions while not being able to keep track of who he is married to, his wife or his sister.
Probably an indication that nuclear arms precautions are in place for Biden too.

Or in fact, precautions have been in place covertly for many years now. There's likely always been a Milley and a few more.
"At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction."
No Moon Bat, you are confused. He notified other members of the Administration AFTER he made the call. He said so yesterday in the Senate hearing.

He told Woodard one thing and now is claiming something else. The asshole is a fucking liar. He is a traitor, a filthy Democrat shill and can't be trusted for anything.
No Moon Bat, you are confused. He notified other members of the Administration AFTER he made the call. He said so yesterday in the Senate hearing.

General Milley: (01:32)
The specific purpose of the October and January calls were to generate, or were generated, by concerning intelligence, which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the Secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese. My task at that time was to deescalate.

General Milley: (02:08)
My message again, was consistent. Stay calm, steady, and deescalate. We are not going to attack you. At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction, I made a call to General Lee on 30 October. Eight people sat in that call with me and I read out the call within 30 minutes of the call ending. On 31 December, the Chinese requested another call with me. The deputy assistant secretary of defense for Asia Pacific policy helped coordinate my call, which was then scheduled for 8 January and he made a preliminary call on 6 January.

There were so many others in on the call and made aware of what the call was meant to do!

That puts all the R's screaming emphasis on Woodward's and Costa's book which is clearly meant to make America aware of the danger of Trump's access to the nuclear button.

This issue alone gives the book a huge selling appeal and so gets the message out that it's very much worth reading.

Americans might be hugely divided politically but they're unanimous about not wanting a nuclear fire scorching their collective asses!

Now it's just a matter of Maddow and company playing it up until it falls off the rails. That will take until the 24 election if they're smart.
General Milley: (01:32)
The specific purpose of the October and January calls were to generate, or were generated, by concerning intelligence, which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the Secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese. My task at that time was to deescalate.

General Milley: (02:08)
My message again, was consistent. Stay calm, steady, and deescalate. We are not going to attack you. At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction, I made a call to General Lee on 30 October. Eight people sat in that call with me and I read out the call within 30 minutes of the call ending. On 31 December, the Chinese requested another call with me. The deputy assistant secretary of defense for Asia Pacific policy helped coordinate my call, which was then scheduled for 8 January and he made a preliminary call on 6 January.

Milley's testimony yesterday was all the place. I listened to most of it. The sonofabitch said very clearly that he made the notifications AFTER the call when pressed on it. What you cited was his stupid prepared statement that fell apart upon questioning.

I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats are trying to defend the traitor. If he had done that under The Worthless Negro instead of Trump or did that to reassure the Chinese that Biden being an idiot wasn't going to be a war you would be all over him.
Matt Gaetz reamed those incompetent traitors a new asshole

Beavis Gaetz can't make his smarmy insults register on the American people when he's trying to take down such lofty foes.

Milley, Woodward, and Costa have made their main point stick.
Milley's testimony yesterday was all the place. I listened to most of it. The sonofabitch said very clearly that he made the notifications AFTER the call when pressed on it. What you cited was his stupid prepared statement that fell apart upon questioning.

I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats are trying to defend the traitor. If he had done that under The Worthless Negro instead of Trump or did that to reassure the Chinese that Biden being an idiot wasn't going to be a war you would be all over him.
View attachment 545221

Sure he did.

I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats think you have to defend the dumbass Affirmative Action Negro, the CRT Traitor and the Crayon Eater. The yes men that survived the Obama military leadership purges to become shills for the Leftest.

Neither one of the Three Stooges or their "Commander in Chief" will be held accountable for the tremendous blunder.

No accountability. The Democrats don't give shit.

Maybe we can get some accountablity next year in the mid term elections. However, since the filthy Democrats have learned how to steal elections we can't even count on the normal democratic process to work.
One major takeaway from this shitshow is that the Trump Administration, via Ratcliffe, left intelligence to the Bi-Dung Administration that if we pulled all of our troops out, the Taliban would retake Afghanistan in weeks; not months, not years. Milley's
own assessment was that it would take 2-3 years for the Afghan Army to fold!
Why did Biden's boys ignore Ratcliffe?
Because it was from the Trump Administration?
Because they hated Trump?

Trump's boys were right again!!
The 2nd major takeaway from this 2-day shitshow is that our over-the-horizon strategy will be a big fail as far as stopping terrorism from Afghanistan.
We can only access Afghanistan through Pakistani airspace as long as the Pakastani's, who are allied with the Taliban allow it. Even then, by the time our drones hit Afghani targets. 2/3rds of their fuel are already used up getting there. Then, there is the additional disadvantage of faulty intelligence!
That's the entire crux of your peoples problem. For you, someone can say something and if it fits in with your delusional thoughts, than that is good enough for you. Who gives a fuck that someone said what Milley did was treason. Prove it in a military court you dumb piece of shit. Oh wait, that wont happen because the military isnt run by a bunch of people whose brains are rotting from schizophrenia like your kind. So just shut the fuck up, traitor.

So your defense is that since members of the Reich are not subject to any laws that makes treason okay?

That's the problem with you Nazis, you have no honor, no ethics, nor integrity.
No, Milley defended the action he took successfully.
Biden can't really lose when he's ended that war and pulled off the world's greatest evacuation of Americans and America's friends.
Compare that to Viet Nam.
Or credit it to Trump's planning!
Leaving behind billions of dollars in military hardware and an unknown number of Americans, and
Afghan's who are now marked for death by the Taliban, is not by any stretch of any sane person's
imagination "the world's greatest evacuation".

It is a debacle and a tragedy because it is all needless, if not for a mentally deficient head of state, who,
according to his generals, deliberately ignored their advice and expertise.

Your post is a joke, but not the kind that makes one laugh.
"The specific purpose of the October and January calls were to generate, or were generated, by concerning intelligence, which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States."

I'll believe the General over any Neo-GOP any day.
I certainly have no problem believing you would blindly embrace anything the politically connected CRT promoting general would say.

If your faith in Milley is so strong then you also must accept what he
said about Joe Biden and his claims about withdrawing from Afghanistan, in which Pentagon top brass absolutely contradict Sleepy Joe's account of events and facts concerning our withdrawal.

Or maybe you think NBC is lying about this all...though Milley, Lloyd Austin, and others made their
remarks on the record and in front of Congress.

So once more you have to decide whose lies you want to take as gospel truth: the Pentagon
brass or Joe Biden's. If like being considered credible, that is.
That's absolutely what the book was written to do.
Plant the seeds of doubt that the country isn't safe and secure from a nuclear war with Trump at the wheel.
(the quote was presented in another thread but it's worth adding to this discussion.)
Milley himself stated before Congress that he had every confidence that Donald Trump would not, and could not, trigger a nuclear exchange with China.

So what are you babbling on about? The book you refer to, if you have characterized it properly.
is absolute fireplace fodder for innuendo and rumor designed to make dollars off lies
and less than half truths.

Worry about your side of the border. We will worry about ours.

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