General Milley will be questioned by congress

"The specific purpose of the October and January calls were to generate, or were generated, by concerning intelligence, which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States."

I'll believe the General over any Neo-GOP any day.
It's pretty much as simple as that.
Milley comes out of this being a hero and America's champion.
What could have happened when China escalated to hair trigger alert?

What will happen the next time when/if Trump gets a chance to talk tough?

Like for instance, "we have nuclear weapons, why don't we use them?"

There might not be a General Milley next time!
If you want into the conversation then you'll have to come up with something better than IS NOT, IS NOT.

Milley did his job and reassured China that the US hadn't become a threat to China.

Find some words for that that would jeporadize Milley. We're waiting!

You stupid MFer, dress it all up how you like but that's not what happened.

Milley is in the same bed as Comey and Brennan and went rouge strictly for leftists political aspirations. He circumvented Trump for no other reason than politics & appearaces, he violated his authority, he violated trust, all because the leftists are well up his ass in a frenzy. So the MFer chose China over his own country.

Let me guess, the 1/6/2021 was AN INSURRECTION in your mind, right? Hypocrite.

Ah fuck, you probably love Biden right, how about Obama? Cool, Milley told Putin he's got his back in the event Biden or Obama make an adverse decision toward Russia, that work for you now dumbass?
That traitor Milley claims he did not think that Trump was ever going to attack the Chinese.

However, the sonofabitch felt it was necessary to call up the goddamn Chinese (Biden's buddies) to tell them he had their back if Trump ever did.

In any other country Milley would be facing a firing squad.
General Milley: (01:32)
The specific purpose of the October and January calls were to generate, or were generated, by concerning intelligence, which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the Secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese. My task at that time was to deescalate.

General Milley: (02:08)
My message again, was consistent. Stay calm, steady, and deescalate. We are not going to attack you. At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction, I made a call to General Lee on 30 October. Eight people sat in that call with me and I read out the call within 30 minutes of the call ending. On 31 December, the Chinese requested another call with me. The deputy assistant secretary of defense for Asia Pacific policy helped coordinate my call, which was then scheduled for 8 January and he made a preliminary call on 6 January.

Great facts to lay all of this to rest now.
But too, if Trump 'was' contemplating a nuclear attack it would have been Milley's job to convince China that Trump wasn't.
It's just a good job that China believed Milley.

Let's all hope we never have to hear of the same thing happening again!

China by now must have lost all confidence in staying safe if Trump ever again is put in charge of the nuclear button.

China's inferior number of nuclear weapons dictates that they lose not a minute on a counter attack.
You stupid MFer, dress it all up how you like but that's not what happened.

Milley is in the same bed as Comey and Brennan and went rouge strictly for leftists political aspirations. He circumvented Trump for no other reason than politics & appearaces, he violated his authority, he violated trust, all because the leftists are well up his ass in a frenzy. So the MFer chose China over his own country.
That's the talking points you have to sell to the American people.

You already know Milley's talking points!
Great facts to lay all of this to rest now.
But too, if Trump 'was' contemplating a nuclear attack it would have been Milley's job to convince China that Trump wasn't.
It's just a good job that China believed Milley.

Let's all hope we never have to hear of the same thing happening again!

China by now must have lost all confidence in staying safe if Trump ever again is put in charge of the nuclear button.

China's inferior number of nuclear weapons dictates that they lose not a minute on a counter attack.

FUCK you're dumb. You think like a leftist female
on her period
hasn't been fucked well in ages
if ever
Secret lesbian
detests men
emotionally overwhelmed
victim-role loving
That makes NO SENSE
If you don't understand what it means then you shouldn't be commenting here.

The new book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa is meant to damage Donald Trump and it attempts to justify a potential act of treason by a windblown general.

That's absolutely what the book was written to do.
Plant the seeds of doubt that the country isn't safe and secure from a nuclear war with Trump at the wheel.
(the quote was presented in another thread but it's worth adding to this discussion.)
FUCK you're dumb. You think like a leftist female
on her period
hasn't been fucked well in ages
if ever
Secret lesbian
detests men
emotionally overwhelmed
victim-role loving
So now you've stated your case?
Donald, you're a dumbshit.............Ah shucks, Trump was going to start WWIII the left claimed he would for years. What a disappointment for you assholes he didn't, but at least Milley has your back.
Will Maddow raise the rumour of the nuclear threat in Trump's hands tonight?

If she's up to speed she will know that the threat to Milley has been defused completely, and so should be moving on to the next stage of the setup by Woodward and Kosta.
Until Trump, no President was considered mentally ill enough to shoot off the nukes to advance their own personal cause.

Yes and that determination was made at 2:31AM, Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, five minutes after Hillary conceded her losing and the Left realized that yes, Donald Trump really was the next president. :71:
FUCK you're dumb. You think like a leftist female
on her period
hasn't been fucked well in ages
if ever
Secret lesbian
detests men
emotionally overwhelmed
victim-role loving
Don't hold back now, tell how you really feel.........
So here's today's talking point:

A proven and well documented sociopath with his finger on the nuclear button.

Amazon product ASIN 1250179459
Now all Americans need to read the book, if only to defuse what leading mental health professionals are saying!
Donald, you're a dumbshit.............Ah shucks, Trump was going to start WWIII the left claimed he would for years.

I remember when Trump was running in 2016 a leftist on my group telling us all that if elected, Trump would start a war or drag us into war! And this guy has a PhD!

Instead, Trump killed lots of bad guys and got us OUT of war. He ended wars, including even after he was out of office-- -- -- the most anti-war president in ages.

So naturally the Left would have us think he could not be trusted with the nuclear codes and wanted to nuke China.

You can set your watch by the OPPOSITE of everything the Left says and does.
Yes and that determination was made at 2:31AM, Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, five minutes after Hillary conceded her losing and the Left realized that yes, Donald Trump really was the next president. :71:
Yes! Hillary could have been just crazy enough to have started a nuclear war too.
I remember when Trump was running in 2016 a leftist on my group telling us all that if elected, Trump would start a war or drag us into war! And this guy has a PhD!

Instead, Trump killed lots of bad guys and got us OUT of war. He ended wars, including even after he was out of office-- -- -- the most anti-war president in ages.

So naturally the Left would have us think he could not be trusted with the nuclear codes and wanted to nuke China.

You can set your watch by the OPPOSITE of everything the Left says and does.

Absolutely, if the left opens their mouths it's projection, a distraction, a twist, an antonym and/or a confession, every time all the time.
Milley just blew South Korea's cock saying if his boss should do something adverse he'll tell them first. :abgg2q.jpg:

Milley is the greatest General the Chinese ever had, and Xiden is their best POTUS.

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