General Milley will be questioned by congress

Because he didn't do anything wrong

Treason actually is wrong. While you are and enemy of the United States and seek the destruction of the Republic, treason remains morally reprehensible and a capitol crime - though you cheer it.

, except avoid a possible nuclear war with China. If he had not assured the Chinese generals that there was no way Trump was going to push any buttons on the nuclear football, they were getting ready to act. Trump constantly calling COVID the "China virus" was interpreted by them as a threat.
Try reading something besides the bullshit on this board.

Yes traitor, and Benedict Arnold was seeking to avoid bloodshed with the British.

Milley is a fucking traitor, as you are.
POS and traitor Milley the Woke. :mad-61:

You Nazis told the same lies about Goldwater (scumbag Johnson made a famous commercial), Reagan (scumbag Phil Collins and Genesis did a video), Dubya, and Trump.

You vile scum act like you were civilized to Bush and earlier Republicans. Laughable, you Nazis attack any threat to your evil Reich, You are the enemies of America and individual liberty.
LOL comparing a commercial to a military officer saying it. You're a piece of shit traitor, animal.
Treason is pleasen to you Nazi democrats.

Did you think you were clever when you wrote that? What the fuck is "pleasen"? That's not English.

Nothing that Milley did could be classed as "treason". He didn't sneak around, and he was fulfilling his duties in re-assuring the Chinese that Donald Trump had no intention of attacking them - which was true. Trump was far more interested in attacking the American government than he was the Chinese. The Chinese were very concerned that Trump and America were unstable. Milley re-assured them this was not the case.

Mike Pompeo, and other administration officials were read in on the call, and some of those people were in the room when he made the call. Transcripts were provided immediately thereafter to everyone required to be kept advised.

The entire right wing outrage machine has been effectively muzzled and made to look foolish. Again.

Treason actually is wrong. While you are and enemy of the United States and seek the destruction of the Republic, treason remains morally reprehensible and a capitol crime - though you cheer it.

Yes traitor, and Benedict Arnold was seeking to avoid bloodshed with the British.

Milley is a fucking traitor, as you are.

One again, Republicans accuse others of the very thing they're doing - seeking to destroy democracy in America. Fascist authoritarianism and minority rule are the ONLY things that Republicans now support.
You Nazis told the same lies about Goldwater (scumbag Johnson made a famous commercial), Reagan (scumbag Phil Collins and Genesis did a video), Dubya, and Trump.

You vile scum act like you were civilized to Bush and earlier Republicans. Laughable, you Nazis attack any threat to your evil Reich, You are the enemies of America and individual liberty.

So we're "vile scum". Yawn. Yeah, we hear that from you every fucking day from you. Once again, you project your own sleazy behaviour onto others. Every day you come here and lie shamelessly, and attack everyone who disagrees with whatever Trumpian bullshit you're pushing today.

Goldwater was talking about dropping nukes in Viet Nam to "defoliate" the jungle.

The guy was batshit crazy, so of course you like him.
LOL comparing a commercial to a military officer saying it. You're a piece of shit traitor, animal.

No one said Johnson's sleazy commercial was treason. Milquetoast Milley is an asset of Beijing - that goes beyond political sleaze.

Milley, like you, is a traitor. You serve Xi Jinping and wage war against the United States Constitution.
Did you think you were clever when you wrote that? What the fuck is "pleasen"? That's not English.

Nothing that Milley did could be classed as "treason".
Except acting on behalf of a hostile foreign power to provide plans to the enemy in the case where there was war, providing aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war.

He didn't sneak around, and he was fulfilling his duties in re-assuring the Chinese that Donald Trump had no intention of attacking them - which was true.

Milley promised to be an asset of Beijing and relay any military plans to the Chinese Communists

Trump was far more interested in attacking the American government than he was the Chinese. The Chinese were very concerned that Trump and America were unstable. Milley re-assured them this was not the case.

Mike Pompeo, and other administration officials were read in on the call, and some of those people were in the room when he made the call. Transcripts were provided immediately thereafter to everyone required to be kept advised.

The entire right wing outrage machine has been effectively muzzled and made to look foolish. Again.

One again, Republicans accuse others of the very thing they're doing - seeking to destroy democracy in America. Fascist authoritarianism and minority rule are the ONLY things that Republicans now support.

Milley is a traitor as defined by the United States Constitution.

So we're "vile scum".

Well, yeah.

Evil vermin.

Yawn. Yeah, we hear that from you every fucking day from you. Once again, you project your own sleazy behaviour onto others. Every day you come here and lie shamelessly, and attack everyone who disagrees with whatever Trumpian bullshit you're pushing today.

I never lie.

You do, incessantly. You serve the Reich and have no honor. I serve the Constitution and have a strict code of honor.

For you to be a Nazi as you are, the first thing you had to do was jettison integrity - only the Reich matters.

Goldwater was talking about dropping nukes in Viet Nam to "defoliate" the jungle.

The guy was batshit crazy, so of course you like him.

First off, the holocaust denying Times was never a reliable source of information, and the article you post doesn't support the claim you make.

He said nothing about using nuclear weapons to "defoliate" anything. He said generals have the authority to use nuclear weapons without authorization from Congress. A VASTLY different statement.

This is what I mean when I say you lie.
Expounding on this;

You grasp that you're the baddies, right? I mean, you really are evil and trying to enslave free people. You are working to destroy the greatest civilization in human history in order to establish a global dictatorship ruled by oligarchs.

You're not a good person.

I grasp that you've turned politics into some sort of cage match between the "good guys" and the "baddies". What makes you laughably ridiculous is that you believe this stupid shit. Democrats are neither "evil", nor are they "scum" No one is trying to "enslave free people", and just the fact that you believe they are shows how totally you've been brainwashed by FOX and other right wing outlets.

Politics is about sound governance: Keeping the country running to the benefit of ALL of its citizens. Republicans have failed miserably to manage the country with any sort of competence. Their policies have failed utterly and rather than ceding power to those who have different ideas, they lie about them and vilify them.

Thank you for proving you don't have the first clue. Portraying your fellow citizens as your "enemy" is madness. But as we've seen over the past year, Republicans have lost their minds. The crazies have taken over.
I grasp that you've turned politics into some sort of cage match between the "good guys" and the "baddies". What makes you laughably ridiculous is that you believe this stupid shit. Democrats are neither "evil", nor are they "scum" No one is trying to "enslave free people", and just the fact that you believe they are shows how totally you've been brainwashed by FOX and other right wing outlets.

Politics is about sound governance: Keeping the country running to the benefit of ALL of its citizens. Republicans have failed miserably to manage the country with any sort of competence. Their policies have failed utterly and rather than ceding power to those who have different ideas, they lie about them and vilify them.

Thank you for proving you don't have the first clue. Portraying your fellow citizens as your "enemy" is madness. But as we've seen over the past year, Republicans have lost their minds. The crazies have taken over.


I doubt you believe the idiocy you post.

Politics is about power. The left lusts for absolute and unlimited power. Any pretense of loyalty to our Constitution has been jettisoned. democrats seek raw , naked power and make clear they will rule with an iron fist.
A lot of villains here.

President Potatohead for being an incompetent clueless idiot that had no idea what he was doing.

Then we have this worthless affirmative action Negro Lloyd Austin that should be shinning shoes instead of being Secretary of Defense. Unqualified idiots like him are what we get with Democrat diversity.

Gen Mark Milley is a traitor to his country that sold out by kissing commie Democrat ass. He was more interested in making sure American troops got CRT training than doing a competent job in Afghanistan. The fucker has been caught lying numerous times.

Then we have this idiot Marine Crayon Eating General Kenneth McKenzie that claims no accountability for the worst American military blunder in many decades.
No one said
That's the entire crux of your peoples problem. For you, someone can say something and if it fits in with your delusional thoughts, than that is good enough for you. Who gives a fuck that someone said what Milley did was treason. Prove it in a military court you dumb piece of shit. Oh wait, that wont happen because the military isnt run by a bunch of people whose brains are rotting from schizophrenia like your kind. So just shut the fuck up, traitor.
They've failed to make a case against Milley. It's over until the Dems bring out the fact that Trump with the nuclear button is allowing a madman to start a nuclear war.
Milley clearly stated in Congress yesterday he was NOT accusing Trump of trying to rain nuclear missiles
on China so why are you?

Biden will not ask Milley to step down though he should and Milley clearly acted well beyond his level
of authority that he presumed upon himself, contrary to all law and military regulations.

You are clearly mentally insufficient to be making such unsupported claims.
Milley is a foreign spy, period, and Biden and his Party leaders are also working for hostile foreign interests. Congress is a joke. The hearings are just fluff and media soap opera, heavily scripted and directed, and the soft ball questions will be fatuous and have no content and the answers equally so.

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