General Milley will be questioned by congress

Here's how it will go. The R's will grill him with much chest pumping all day then leave, patting themselves on the backs and ushering out sound bytes to their followers........................................and then.....................................nothing will happen. Rs have the balls of a gnat. Tiny tiny little nads.
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Exactly. I doubt trump supporting members of Congress want a highly decorated military officer sitting up in front of Congress describing how he had to make a phone call to China because trump is looney tunes. And then go into details why he and others thought trump was mentally ill enough where he had to make that phone call.
That's it in a nutshell!
It's the reason why I'm convinced that Woodward and Costa made the setup a part of their book. Indeed, it could be the whole reason for writing the book!!

Nobody should be thinking that it wouldn't have been thoroughly discussed with Milley and his accomplices. How else could Woodward and Costa have got the story?
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That's not out of the question, but more likely Milley has his own partisan agenda and at the very minimum his actions need to be seriously investigated. If you think our military is run by perfect, infallible people who don't have political agendas, then it's you who has gone off the deep end.
Yes! investigate him thoroughly. But he has the pleasure of answering any questions he chooses and refusing to answer what he chooses. That's the reason why military court-martials take place.
Who will be asking for a court-martial of a 4 star General? His friends? LOL
They are no less human than you or me. You only have to look at the botched Afghanistan withdraw and 20 years of failed nation building to know that. You can return to your blissfully ignorant life now.
They're not perfect infallible people but Milley will undoubtedly command that image in his uniform with all his stars. If he keeps his wits about him then the more he's questioned, the worse Trump will look.
Frankly, I am SHOCKED China didnt move on Taiwan while Biden was shitting on himself with regards to Afghanistan.
What a damn shame! You're afraid of the topic already.

This was promising to be a discussion in which Trump's supporters would be expected to hold their own. Instead they seem to realize that they're being snookered.
Those Senators are not aggressively challenging the stupidity of those three clowns that managed the debacle and the traitorous activity of Milley.

They are letting them off easy.

Those Senators are not aggressively challenging the stupidity of those three clowns that managed the debacle and the traitorous activity of Milley.

They are letting them off easy.

There's no R senator that will be brave enough to take a run against Milley in public.

Anything short of a military court martial is a slamdunk for Milley.
Well the Sec of Defense and Chairman of the Joints Chiefs both call Biden a big fat liar. A show of hands, Biden lied is anyone shocked?
There's no R senator that will be brave enough to take a run against Milley in public.

Anything short of a military court martial is a slamdunk for Milley.

I was wondering why everybody is a chickenshit. We know the agenda of the Democrats. They are being their normal partisan turd selves. They are trying to protect President Potatohead.

I think that the Republicans on the oversight committee are normally very supportive of the military and are not inclined to berate stupidity, incompetency and traitorous activity. They are not holding the shitheads accountable.

Just another example of why we can trust the Legislative Branch to protect our Liberties just like we can't trust the Executive or Judicial Branches.
I was wondering why everybody is a chickenshit.
Now you know.
Woodward and Costa didn't make a tactical mistake by revealing Milley's supposed treason. It had to be well planned in advance and almost certainly vetted by the CIA/FBI.

We know how Woodward was so damaging to Nixon and so should have expected something like this. And I've been curious for a long time on Costa being something more than just a media talking head. He's way too cool for that role a;lone.
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So says you. But you dont really matter in determining that now do you?

Look Booby, let me explain Nation Chain of Command Structure to you:

Screen Shot 2021-09-28 at 3.36.53 PM.png

Chain of Command:
  1. The Executive Branch / President
  2. The Secretary of Defense
  3. The Joint Chiefs of Staff / CENTCOM
You see, General Milley is not at the top of that list. He doesn't make decisions. Orders do not begin with him. The president issues an order to his Secretary and the Secretary transmits that order to CENTCOM and the Joint Chiefs to carry them out.

NO WHERE in there does it place Milley in a position to second guess or interpret those orders. No where in the constitution does it say: Unless you think the president is fruit loops and you with to override him as a matter of national embarrassment.

Milley way overstepped his authority. He usurped the power of the presidency for himself and ordered his subordinates not to take no orders 'cept from HIM.

THAT IS TREASON, ASSHOLE. If he was so worried, then he should have gone to other echelons and expressed his grave fears and it was up to THEM to effect a political solution by removing the president from office.
I was wondering why everybody is a chickenshit. We know the agenda of the Democrats. They are being their normal partisan turd selves. They are trying to protect President Potatohead.

I think that the Republicans on the oversight committee are normally very supportive of the military and are not inclined to berate stupidity, incompetency and traitorous activity. They are not holding the shitheads accountable.

Just another example of why we can trust the Legislative Branch to protect our Liberties just like we can't trust the Executive or Judicial Branches.
Always an excuse why your conspiracies never come to fruition. Maybe next time. LOL!
Loyd Austin is a big dumb affirmative action Negro. Absolutely worthless.

Milley is squirmy little worm. Then you have that idiot crayon eater.
Until Trump, no President was considered mentally ill enough to shoot off the nukes to advance their own personal cause.

You Nazis told the same lies about Goldwater (scumbag Johnson made a famous commercial), Reagan (scumbag Phil Collins and Genesis did a video), Dubya, and Trump.

You vile scum act like you were civilized to Bush and earlier Republicans. Laughable, you Nazis attack any threat to your evil Reich, You are the enemies of America and individual liberty.
Now you know.
Woodward and Costa didn't make a tactical mistake by revealing Milley's supposed treason. It had to be well planned in advance and almost certainly vetted by the CIA/FBI.

We know how Woodward was so damaging to Nixon and so should have expected something like this. And I've been curious for a long time on Costa being something more than just a media talking head. He's way too cool for that role a;lone.

Boy look at you rationalizing the most partisan and sickening attack on your military leaders and their actions, both in Afghanistan and with Trump at the end.

The Generals came off very, very well - respectful of their Commander in Chief, no matter how inept, but they were clear that Donald Trump handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban. His peace deal with the Taliban, left all of your allies in Afghanistan hanging out in the breeze with no support, and enabled the Taliban to just walk in and take over.

Trump would have pulled all the troops out in January, and fuck Americans and collaberators who were still there.

Republicans looked petty, mean spirited and very anti-American in all of this. Every day, in every way, the Republican Party shows itself to be a clear and present danger to the Republic.

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